Source code for pyplis.setupclasses

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pyplis is a Python library for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Setup classes to specify relevant parameters for the emission-rate analysis.

The most important ones are:

    1. :class:`Source`: emission source specifications
    #. :class:`Camera`: camera specifications
    #. :class:`MeasSetup`: full measurement setup
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict as od
from copy import deepcopy
from os.path import exists
from numpy import nan, rad2deg, arctan, ndarray
from abc import ABCMeta

import six

from pyplis import logger
from .forms import LineCollection, RectCollection
from .helpers import isnum, to_datetime
from .exceptions import MetaAccessError, DeprecationError
from .inout import get_source_info, save_default_source
from .utils import Filter
from .camera_base_info import CameraBaseInfo
from .geometry import MeasGeometry

[docs]class Source(object): """Object containing information about emission source. Attributes ---------- name : str string ID of source lon : float longitude of source lat : float latitude of source altitude : float altitude of source suppl_info : dict dictionary containing supplementary information (e.g. source type, region, country) Parameters ---------- name : str string ID of source (default is "") info_dict : dict dictionary contatining source information (is only loaded if all necessary parameters are available and in the right format) Note ---- If input param ``name`` is a valid default ID (e.g. "Etna") then the source information is extracted from the database and the parameter ``info_dict`` is ignored. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name="", info_dict=None, **kwargs): if info_dict is None: info_dict = {} = name self.lon = nan = nan self.altitude = nan self.suppl_info = od([("status", ""), ("country", ""), ("region", ""), ("type", ""), ("last_eruption", "")]) if isinstance(name, str): info = self.get_info(name, try_online=False) if bool(info): info_dict.update(info) self._import_from_dict(info_dict) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs): self[k] = v
@property def source_id(self): """Get ID of source. Returns ------- str ```` """ return @property def info_available(self): """Check if main information is available.""" return all([x is not None for x in [self.lon,, self.altitude]]) @property def geo_data(self): """Return dictionary containing lon, lat and altitude.""" return od([("lon", self.lon), ("lat",, ("altitude", self.altitude)]) @property def _type_dict(self): """Get dict of all attributes and corresponding string conversion funcs. """ return od([("name", str), ("lat", float), ("lon", float), ("altitude", float), ("status", str), ("country", str), ("region", str), ("type", str), ("last_eruption", str)])
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return dictionary of all parameters. Returns ------- dict dictionary representation of class """ d = self.geo_data d["name"] = d.update(self.suppl_info) return d
[docs] def load_source_info(self, name=None, try_online=True): """Try to load source info from external database. Try to find source info in pyplis database file my_sources.txt and if it cannot be found there, try online, if applicable. Parameters ---------- name : str if provided, a volcano with the corresponding name is searched. If not provided, the current name is used try_online : bool if True, online search is attempted in case information cannot be found in my_sources.txt """ info = self.get_info(name, try_online) self._import_from_dict(info)
def _import_from_dict(self, info_dict): """Try access default information of source. Parameters ---------- info_dict : dict dictonary containing source information (valid keys are all keys ``self._type_dict``, e.g. ``lon``, ``lat``, ``altitude``) Returns ------- bool success """ types = self._type_dict if not isinstance(info_dict, dict): raise TypeError( "need dictionary like object for source info update") err = [] for key, val in six.iteritems(info_dict): if key in types: func = types[key] else: func = str try: self[key] = func(val) except BaseException: err.append(key) if bool(err) > 0:"Failed to load the following source parameters\n%s" % err) return self.info_available
[docs] def save_to_database(self): """Save the current information as a new source. The information is stored in the *my_sources.txt* file that can be found in the pyplis installation folder *my_pyplis* """ save_default_source(self.to_dict())
[docs] def get_info(self, name=None, try_online=True): """Load source info from database. Looks if desired source (specified by argument `name`) can be found in the *my_sources.txt* file and if not, tries to find information about the source online (if :param:`try_online` is True) Parameters ---------- name : str source ID try_online : bool if True, also search online database Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing source information """ if name is None: name = res = get_source_info(name, try_online) num = len(res) if num == 0: return {} elif num == 1: return list(res.values())[0] else:"\nMultiple occurences found for %s" % name) ok = 0 while not ok: try: inp = input("\nEnter, key:\n") return res[inp] except:"Retry...")
def _all_params(self): """Return list of all relevant source attributes.""" return list(self._type_dict.keys()) def __str__(self): s = ("\npyplis Source\n-------------------------\n") for key, val in six.iteritems(self._type_dict): s = s + "%s: %s\n" % (key, self(key)) return s def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key] = value else: self.suppl_info[key] = value def __getitem__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] if name in self.suppl_info: return self.suppl_info[name] def __call__(self, key): return self.__getitem__(key)
[docs]class FilterSetup(object): """A collection of :class:`pyplis.utils.Filter` objects. This collection specifies a filter setup for a camera. A typical setup would be one on and one off band filter. An instance of this class is created automatically as an attribute of :class:`Camera` objects. Parameters ---------- filters : list list of :class:`pyplis.utils.Filter` objects specifying camera filter setup default_key_on : str string ID of default on band filter (only relevant if collection contains more than one on band filter) default_key_off : str string ID of default off band filter (only relevant if collection contains more than one off band filter) """
[docs] def __init__(self, filter_list=None, default_key_on=None, default_key_off=None, **filters): if filter_list is None: filter_list = [] self._filters = od() self.init_filters(filter_list, **filters) self._default_key_on = None self._default_key_off = None
@property def filters(self): """Get dict containing filters (only getter, for backwards compat).""" return self._filters @property def on_band(self): """Return default on band filter.""" return self._filters[self.default_key_on] @property def off_band(self): """Return default on band filter.""" try: return self._filters[self.default_key_off] except BaseException: raise TypeError("Collection does not contain off band filter") @property def ids_off(self): """List with all offband filter ids.""" return self.get_ids_on_off()[1] @property def ids_on(self): """List with all onband filter ids.""" return self.get_ids_on_off()[0] @property def default_key_on(self): """Return default onband key.""" if self._default_key_on is not None: return self._default_key_on ids_on = self.ids_on if len(ids_on) == 0: raise KeyError('No onband filter set in FilterSetup') return ids_on[0] @default_key_on.setter def default_key_on(self, val): if val not in self.ids_on: raise ValueError('Cannot set default key {} for onband filter. No ' 'such filter available in FilterSetup. Choose ' 'from; {}'.format(val, self.ids_on)) self._default_key_on = val @property def default_key_off(self): """Return default offband key.""" if self._default_key_off is not None: return self._default_key_off ids_off = self.ids_off if len(ids_off) == 0: raise KeyError('No offband filter set in FilterSetup') return ids_off[0] @default_key_off.setter def default_key_off(self, val): if val not in self.ids_off: raise ValueError('Cannot set default key {} for offband filter. No' ' such filter available in FilterSetup. Choose' ' from; {}'.format(val, self.ids_off)) self._default_key_off = val @property def has_on(self): """Check if collection contains an onband filter.""" if bool(self.ids_on): return True return False @property def has_off(self): """Check if collection contains an onband filter.""" if bool(self.ids_off): return True return False @property def number_of_filters(self): """Return the current number of filters in this collection.""" return len(self._filters)
[docs] def init_filters(self, filter_list=None, **filters): """Initialize the filter collection (old settings will be deleted). The filters will be written into the dictionary ``self._filters`` in the list order, keys are the filter ids Parameters ---------- filters : list list of :class:`pyplis.utils.Filter` objects specifying camera filter setup **filters pairs of filter IDs and instances of :class:`Filter` that may be used instead of (or in addition to) input `filter_list` """ if isinstance(filter_list, (list, ndarray)): for f in filter_list: self[] = f for fid, f in six.iteritems(filters): self[fid] = f if not bool(self._filters): self._filters["on"] = Filter("on")
def __setitem__(self, key, val): if not isinstance(val, Filter): raise ValueError('Invalid input: need instance of Filter class, ' 'got {}'.format(val)) if key in self._filters: logger.warning('Filter with ID {} already exists in FilterSetup ' 'and will be overwritten'.format(key)) self._filters[key] = val def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self._filters: raise KeyError('No such filter assigned to FilterSetup: {}. ' 'Please choose from {}'.format(key, self._filters)) return self._filters[key]
[docs] def update_filters_from_dict(self, filter_dict): """Add filter objects from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- filter_dict : dict dictionary, containing filter information """ for f in filter_dict.values(): if isinstance(f, Filter): if in self._filters:"Filter %s was overwritten" % self._filters[] = f
[docs] def set_default_filter_keys(self, default_key_on=None, default_key_off=None): """Deprecated.""" raise DeprecationError('Deprecated since v1.4.4: please use setter ' 'methods directly for ' 'attrs. default_key_on and default_key_off')
[docs] def check_default_filters(self): """Check if default filter keys are set.""" raise DeprecationError('Deprecated since v1.4.4: please use setter ' 'methods directly for ' 'attrs. default_key_on and default_key_off')
[docs] def get_ids_on_off(self): """Get all filters sorted by their type (On or Off). Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - list, contains all on band IDs - list, contains all off band IDs """ ids_on, ids_off = [], [] for key in self._filters: if self._filters[key].type == "on": ids_on.append(key) elif self._filters[key].type == "off": ids_off.append(key) return (ids_on, ids_off)
[docs] def print_setup(self): """Print the current setup. Returns ------- str print string representation """ s = ("pyplis FilterSetup\n------------------------------\n" "All filters:\n\n") for flt in self._filters.values(): s += ("%s" % flt) s += "Default Filter: %s\n\n" % self.default_key_on return s
def __len__(self): return len(self._filters) def __call__(self, filter_id): """Return the filter corresponding to the input ID. :param str filter_id: string ID of filter """ return self._filters[filter_id] def __str__(self): s = "" for f in self._filters.values(): s += ("%s, type: %s (%s): %s nm\n" % (, f.type, f.acronym, f.center_wavelength)) s += "Default Filter: %s\n" % self.default_key_on return s
[docs]class Camera(CameraBaseInfo): """Base class to specify a camera setup. Class representing a UV camera system including detector specifications, optics, file naming convention and the bandpass filters that are equipped with the camera (managed via an instance of the :class:`FilterSetup` class). Parameters ---------- cam_id : str camera ID (e.g "ecII"), if this ID corresponds to one of the default cameras, the information is automatically loaded from supplementary file *cam_info.txt* filter_list : list list containing :class:`pyplis.utils.Filter` objects specifying the camera filter setup. If unspecified (empty list) and input param ``cam_id`` is a valid default ID, then the default filter setup of the camera will be loaded. default_filter_on : str string ID of default on band filter (only relevant if collection contains more than one on band filter) default_filter_off : str string ID of default off band filter (only relevant if collection contains more than one off band filter) ser_no : int optional, camera serial number **geom_info : additional keyword args specifying geometrical information, e.g. lon, lat, altitude, elev, azim Examples -------- Example creating a new camera (using ECII default info with custom filter setup):: import pyplis #the custom filter setup filters= [pyplis.utils.Filter(type="on", acronym="F01"), pyplis.utils.Filter(type="off", acronym="F02")] cam = pyplis.setupclasses.Camera(cam_id="ecII", filter_list=filters, lon=15.11, lat=37.73, elev=18.0, elev_err=3, azim=270.0, azim_err=10.0, focal_lengh=25e-3) print cam """
[docs] def __init__(self, cam_id=None, filter_list=None, default_filter_on=None, default_filter_off=None, ser_no=9999, **geom_info): if filter_list is None: filter_list = [] if cam_id is not None: if not isinstance(cam_id, str): raise TypeError("Camera initialisation: cam_id argument has " "to be of type str or None") super(Camera, self).__init__(cam_id) # specify the filters used in the camera and the main filter (e.g. On) self.ser_no = ser_no # identifier of camera self.geom_data = od([("lon", None), ("lat", None), ("altitude", None), ("azim", None), ("azim_err", None), ("elev", None), ("elev_err", None), ("alt_offset", 0.0)]) for k, v in six.iteritems(geom_info): self[k] = v self.filter_setup = None self.prepare_filter_setup(filter_list, default_filter_on, default_filter_off)
@property def lon(self): """Camera longitude.""" return self.geom_data["lon"] @lon.setter def lon(self, val): if not -180 <= val <= 180: raise ValueError("Invalid input for longitude, must be between" "-180 and 180") self.geom_data["lon"] = val @property def lat(self): """Camera latitude.""" return self.geom_data["lat"] @lat.setter def lat(self, val): if not -90 <= val <= 90: raise ValueError("Invalid input for longitude, must be between" "-90 and 90") self.geom_data["lat"] = val @property def altitude(self): """Camera altitude in m. Note ---- This is typically the local topography altitude, which can for instance be accessed automatically based on camera position (lat, lon) using :func:`get_altitude_srtm`. Potential offsets (i.e. elevated positioning due to tripod or measurement from a house roof) can be specified using :attr:`alt_offset`. """ return self.geom_data["altitude"] @altitude.setter def altitude(self, val): self.geom_data["altitude"] = val @property def elev(self): """Return viewing elevation angle (center pixel) in degrees. 0 refers to horizon, 90 to zenith """ return self.geom_data["elev"] @elev.setter def elev(self, val): self.geom_data["elev"] = val @property def elev_err(self): """Uncertainty in viewing elevation angle in degrees.""" return self.geom_data["elev_err"] @elev_err.setter def elev_err(self, val): self.geom_data["elev_err"] = val @property def azim(self): """Return viewing azimuth angle in deg relative to north (center pixel). """ return self.geom_data["azim"] @azim.setter def azim(self, val): self.geom_data["azim"] = val @property def azim_err(self): """Uncertainty in viewing azimuth angle in degrees.""" return self.geom_data["azim_err"] @azim_err.setter def azim_err(self, val): self.geom_data["azim_err"] = val @property def alt_offset(self): """Height of camera position above topography in m. This offset can be added in case the camera is positioned above the ground and is only required if :param:`altitude` corresponds to the topographic elevation """ return self.geom_data["alt_offset"] @alt_offset.setter def alt_offset(self, val): self.geom_data["alt_offset"] = val
[docs] def update_settings(self, **settings): """Call for :func:`update` (old name).""" logger.warning("Old name of method update") self.update(**settings)
[docs] def load_default(self, cam_id): """Redefinition of method from base class :class:`CameraBaseInfo`.""" super(Camera, self).load_default(cam_id) self.prepare_filter_setup()
[docs] def update(self, **settings): """Update camera parameters. Parameters ---------- settings : dict dictionary containing camera parametrs (valid keys are all keys of ``self.__dict__`` and from dictionary ``self.geom_data``) """ for key, val in six.iteritems(settings): self[key] = val
[docs] def get_altitude_srtm(self): """Try load camera altitude based on lon, lat and SRTM topo data. Note ---- Requires :mod:`geonum` package to be installed and :attr:`lon` and :attr:`lat` to be set. """ try: from geonum import GeoPoint lon, lat = float(self.lon), float( self.altitude = GeoPoint(lat, lon).altitude except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to automatically access local topography altitude" " at camera position using SRTM data: %s" % repr(e))
[docs] def prepare_filter_setup(self, filter_list=None, default_key_on=None, default_key_off=None): """Create :class:`FilterSetup` object. This method defines the camera filter setup based on an input list of :class:`Filter` instances. Parameters ---------- filter_list : list list containing :class:`pyplis.utils.Filter` objects default_filter_on : str string specifiying the string ID of the main onband filter of the camera (usually "on"). If unspecified (None), then the ID of the first available on bandfilter in the filter input list will be used. default_filter_off : str string specifiying the string ID of the main offband filter of the camera (usually "on"). If unspecified (None), then the ID of the first available off band filter in the filter input list will be used. """ if not isinstance(filter_list, list) or not bool(filter_list): filter_list = self.default_filters default_key_on = self.main_filter_id filter_list = deepcopy(filter_list) self.filter_setup = FilterSetup(filter_list, default_key_on, default_key_off) # overwrite default filter information self.default_filters = [] for f in filter_list: self.default_filters.append(f)
""" Helpers, Convenience stuff """
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert this object into a dictionary.""" d = super(Camera, self).to_dict() d["ser_no"] = self.ser_no for key, val in six.iteritems(self.geom_data): d[key] = val return d
[docs] def change_camera(self, cam_id=None, make_new=False, **kwargs): """Change current camera type. Parameters ---------- cam_id : str ID of new camera make_new : bool if True, a new instance will be created and returned **kwargs additional keyword args (see :func:`__init__`) Returns ------- Camera either this object (if :param:`make_new` is False) or else, new instance """ if "geom_data" not in kwargs: kwargs["geom_data"] = self.geom_data if make_new: return Camera(cam_id, **kwargs) self.__init__(cam_id, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def dx_to_decimal_degree(self, pix_num_x): """Convert horizontal distance (in pixel units) into angular range. Parameters ---------- pix_num_x : int number of pixels for which angular range is determined Returns ------- float dx in units of decimal degrees """ try: len_phys = self.pix_width * pix_num_x return rad2deg(arctan(len_phys / self.focal_length)) except BaseException: raise MetaAccessError("Please check availability of focal " "length, and pixel pitch (pix_width)")
[docs] def dy_to_decimal_degree(self, pix_num_y): """Convert vertical distance (in pixel units) into angular range. Parameters ---------- pix_num_y : int number of pixels for which angular range is determined Returns ------- float dy in units of decimal degrees """ try: len_phys = self.pix_height * pix_num_y return rad2deg(arctan(len_phys / self.focal_length)) except BaseException: raise MetaAccessError("Please check availability of focal " "length, and pixel pitch (pix_height)")
def __str__(self): s = ("%s, serno. %s\n-------------------------\n" % (self.cam_id, self.ser_no)) s += self._short_str() s += "\nFilters\n----------------------\n" s += str(self.filter_setup) s += "\nGeometry info\n----------------------\n" for key, val in six.iteritems(self.geom_data): try: s += "%s: %.3f\n" % (key, val) except BaseException: s += "%s: %s\n" % (key, val) return s def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set item method.""" if key in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key] = value elif key in self.geom_data: self.geom_data[key] = value def __getitem__(self, name): """Get class item.""" if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] for k, v in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): try: if name in v: return v[name] except BaseException: pass
[docs]class FormSetup(object): """Setup class for all forms (lines, rectangles etc.) used for evaluation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, line_dict=None, rect_dict=None): if line_dict is None: line_dict = {} if rect_dict is None: rect_dict = {} = "forms" self.lines = LineCollection(line_dict) self.rects = RectCollection(rect_dict)
def __str__(self): s = "pyplis FormSetup\n-----------------------------------\n\n" s += "Lines: %s\n" % self.lines s += "Rects: %s\n" % self.rects return s
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class BaseSetup(object): """Abstract base class for basic measurement setup. Specifies image base path and start / stop time stamps of measurement as well as the following boolean access flags: 1. :attr:`USE_ALL_FILES` #. :attr:`SEPARATE_FILTERS` #. :attr:`USE_ALL_FILE_TYPES` #. :attr:`INCLUDE_SUB_DIRS` #. :attr:`ON_OFF_SAME_FILE` #. :attr:`LINK_OFF_TO_ON` #. :attr:`REG_SHIFT_OFF` Parameters ---------- base_dir : str Path were e.g. imagery data lies start : datetime start time of Dataset (can also be datetime.time) stop : datetime stop time of Dataset (can also be datetime.time) **opts setup options for file import (see specs above) """
[docs] def __init__(self, base_dir, start, stop, **opts): self.base_dir = base_dir self.save_dir = base_dir self._start = None self._stop = None self.start = start self.stop = stop self.options = od([("USE_ALL_FILES", False), ("SEPARATE_FILTERS", True), ("USE_ALL_FILE_TYPES", False), ("INCLUDE_SUB_DIRS", False), ("ON_OFF_SAME_FILE", False), ("LINK_OFF_TO_ON", True), ("REG_SHIFT_OFF", False)]) self.check_timestamps() for k, v in six.iteritems(opts): if k in self.options: self.options[k] = v
@property def start(self): """Start time of setup.""" return self._start @start.setter def start(self, val): try: self._start = to_datetime(val) self.USE_ALL_FILES = False except BaseException: if val is not None: logger.warning("Input %s could not be assigned to start time in " "setup" % val) @property def stop(self): """Stop time of setup.""" return self._stop @stop.setter def stop(self, val): try: self._stop = to_datetime(val) self.USE_ALL_FILES = False except BaseException: if val is not None: logger.warning("Input %s could not be assigned to stop time in " "setup" % val) @property def USE_ALL_FILES(self): """File import option (boolean). If True, all files in image base folder are used (i.e. start / stop time stamps are disregarded) """ return self.options["USE_ALL_FILES"] @USE_ALL_FILES.setter def USE_ALL_FILES(self, value): if value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("need boolean") self.options["USE_ALL_FILES"] = bool(value) @property def SEPARATE_FILTERS(self): """File import option (boolean). If true, files are separated by filter type (e.g. "on", "off") """ return self.options["SEPARATE_FILTERS"] @SEPARATE_FILTERS.setter def SEPARATE_FILTERS(self, value): if value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("need boolean") self.options["SEPARATE_FILTERS"] = value @property def USE_ALL_FILE_TYPES(self): """File import option (boolean). If True, all files found are imported, disregarding the file type (i.e. if image file type is not specified. It is strongly recommended NOT to use this option) """ return self.options["USE_ALL_FILE_TYPES"] @USE_ALL_FILE_TYPES.setter def USE_ALL_FILE_TYPES(self, value): if value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("need boolean") self.options["USE_ALL_FILE_TYPES"] = value @property def INCLUDE_SUB_DIRS(self): """File import option (boolean). If True, sub directories are included into image search """ return self.options["INCLUDE_SUB_DIRS"] @INCLUDE_SUB_DIRS.setter def INCLUDE_SUB_DIRS(self, value): if value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("need boolean") self.options["INCLUDE_SUB_DIRS"] = value @property def ON_OFF_SAME_FILE(self): """File import option (boolean). If True, it is assumed, that each image file contains both on and offband images. In this case, both the off and the onband image lists are filled with the same file paths. Which image to load in each list is then handled within the :class:`ImgList`itself on :func:`load` using the attribute :attr:`list_id` which is passed using the key ``filter_id`` to the respective customised image import method that has to be defined in the :mod:`custom_image_import` file of the pyplis installation and linked to your Camera settings in the ``cam_info.txt`` file which can be found in the data directory of the installation. An example for such a file convention is the SO2 camera from CVO (USGS) See e.g. :func:`load_usgs_multifits` in :mod:`custom_image_import`. """ return self.options["ON_OFF_SAME_FILE"] @ON_OFF_SAME_FILE.setter def ON_OFF_SAME_FILE(self, value): if value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("need boolean") self.options["ON_OFF_SAME_FILE"] = value @property def LINK_OFF_TO_ON(self): """File import option (boolean). If True, the offband ImgList is automatically linked to the onband list on initiation of a :class:`Dataset` object. """ return self.options["LINK_OFF_TO_ON"] @LINK_OFF_TO_ON.setter def LINK_OFF_TO_ON(self, value): if value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("need boolean") self.options["LINK_OFF_TO_ON"] = value @property def REG_SHIFT_OFF(self): """File import option (boolean). If True, the images in an offband image list that is linked to an onband image list (cf. :attr:`LINK_OFF_TO_ON`) are shifted using the registration offset specified in the ``reg_shift_off`` attribute of the :class:`Camera` instance. """ return self.options["REG_SHIFT_OFF"] @REG_SHIFT_OFF.setter def REG_SHIFT_OFF(self, value): if value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("need boolean") self.options["REG_SHIFT_OFF"] = value
[docs] def check_timestamps(self): """Check if timestamps are valid and set to current time if not.""" if not isinstance(self.start, datetime): self.options["USE_ALL_FILES"] = True self.start = datetime(1900, 1, 1) if not isinstance(self.stop, datetime): self.stop = datetime(1900, 1, 1) if self.start > self.stop: self.start, self.stop = self.stop, self.start
[docs] def base_info_check(self): """Check if all necessary information if available. Checks if path and times are valid Returns ------- 2-element tuple, containing - bool, True or False - str, information """ ok = 1 s = ("Base info check\n-----------------------------\n") if not self.base_dir or not exists(self.base_dir): ok = 0 s += "BasePath does not exist\n" if not self.USE_ALL_FILES: if not isinstance(self.start, datetime) or\ not isinstance(self.stop, datetime): s += "Start / Stop info wrong datatype (need datetime)\n" ok = 0 elif not self.start < self.stop: s += "Start time exceeds stop time" ok = 0 return (ok, s)
def _check_if_number(self, val): """Check if input is integer or float and not nan. Parameters ---------- val object to be tested Returns ------- bool """ return isnum(val) def _dict_miss_info_str(self, key, val): """Return a string notification for invalid value.""" return "Missing / wrong information: %s, %s\n" % (key, val) def __str__(self): s = ("\nSetup\n---------\n\n" "Base path: %s\n" "Save path: %s\n" "Start: %s\n" "Stop: %s\n" "Options:\n" % (self.base_dir, self.save_dir, self.start, self.stop)) for key, val in six.iteritems(self.options): s = s + "%s: %s\n" % (key, val) return s
[docs]class MeasSetup(BaseSetup): """Setup class for plume image data. In this class, everything related to a full measurement setup is defined. This includes the image base directory, start / stop time stamps (if applicable), specifications of the emission source (i.e. :class:`Source` object), camera specifications (i.e. :class:`Camera` object) as well as meteorology information (i.e. wind direction and velocity). The latter is not represented as an own class in Pyplis but is stored as a Python dictionary. :class:`MeasSetup` objects are the default input for :class:`pyplis.dataset.Dataset` objects (i.e. also :class:`pyplis.cellcalib.CellCalibEngine`). Parameters ---------- base_dir : str Path were e.g. imagery data lies start : datetime start time of Dataset (may as well be datetime.time) stop : datetime stop time of Dataset (may as well be datetime.time) camera : Camera general information about the camera used source : Source information about emission source (e.g. lon, lat, altitude) **opts : setup options for file handling (currently only INCLUDE_SUB_DIRS option) """
[docs] def __init__(self, base_dir=None, start=None, stop=None, camera=None, source=None, wind_info=None, cell_info_dict=None, rects=None, lines=None, auto_topo_access=True, **opts): super(MeasSetup, self).__init__(base_dir, start, stop, **opts) if cell_info_dict is None: cell_info_dict = {} if rects is None: rects = {} if lines is None: lines = {} if not isinstance(camera, Camera): camera = Camera() if not isinstance(source, Source): source = Source() self.auto_topo_access = auto_topo_access self._cam_source_dict = {"camera": camera, "source": source} self.cell_info_dict = cell_info_dict self.forms = FormSetup(lines, rects) self.wind_info = od([("dir", None), ("dir_err", None), ("vel", None), ("vel_err", None)]) if isinstance(wind_info, dict): self.update_wind_info(wind_info) self.meas_geometry = MeasGeometry( self.source.to_dict(),, self.wind_info, auto_topo_access=self.auto_topo_access) # If specified in custom camera, update the file I/O options # defined in :class:`BaseSetup` self.options.update(
@property def source(self): """Emission source.""" return self._cam_source_dict["source"] @source.setter def source(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Source): raise TypeError("Invalid input type, need Source object") self._cam_source_dict["source"] = value @property def camera(self): """Camera.""" return self._cam_source_dict["camera"] @camera.setter def camera(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Camera): raise TypeError("Invalid input type, need Camera object") self._cam_source_dict["camera"] = value
[docs] def update_wind_info(self, info_dict): """Update wind info dict using valid entries from input dict. Parameters ---------- info_dict : dict dictionary containing wind information """ for key, val in six.iteritems(info_dict): if key in self.wind_info: self.wind_info[key] = val
[docs] def base_info_check(self): """Check if all req. info is available.""" ok = 1 s = ("Base info check\n-----------------------------\n") if not self.base_dir or not exists(self.base_dir): ok = 0 s += "Image base path does not exist\n" if not self.USE_ALL_FILES: if not isinstance(self.start, datetime) or\ not isinstance(self.stop, datetime): s += "Start / Stop info wrong datatype (need datetime)\n" ok = 0 ok, info = self.check_geometry_info() s += info return ok, s
[docs] def check_geometry_info(self): """Check if all req. info for measurement geometry is available. Relevant parameters are: 1. Lon, Lat of i. source #. camera #. Meteorology info i. Wind direction #. Wind velocity (rough estimate) #. Viewing direction of camera i. Azimuth (N) #. Elvation(from horizon) #. Alitude of camera and source #. Camera optics i. Pixel size #. Number of pixels detector #. focal length """ if not isinstance(self.source, Source): return 0 source = self.source ok = 1 s = ("\n------------------------------\nChecking basic geometry info" "\n------------------------------\n") for key, val in six.iteritems( if not self._check_if_number(val): ok = 0 s += "Missing info in Camera setup\n" s += self._dict_miss_info_str(key, val) for key in val =[key] if not self._check_if_number(val): ok = 0 s += self._dict_miss_info_str(key, val) for key, val in six.iteritems(source.geo_data): if not self._check_if_number(val): ok = 0 s += "Missing info in Source: %s\n" % s += self._dict_miss_info_str(key, val) for key, val in six.iteritems(self.wind_info): if not self._check_if_number(val): ok = 0 s += "Missing Meteorology info\n" s += self._dict_miss_info_str(key, val) if ok: s += "All necessary information available\n" return ok, s
[docs] def update_meas_geometry(self): """Update the meas geometry based on current settings.""""Updating MeasGeometry in MeasSetup class") self.meas_geometry.__init__(self.source.to_dict(),, self.wind_info, auto_topo_access=self.auto_topo_access)
[docs] def short_str(self): """Return a short info string.""" s = super(BaseSetup, self).__str__() + "\n" return s + "Camera: %s\nSource: %s" % (,
def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Update class item.""" if key in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): """Load value of class item.""" if key in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[key] def __str__(self): """Detailed information string.""" s = super(BaseSetup, self).__str__() + "\n\n" s += "Meteorology info\n-----------------------\n" for key, val in six.iteritems(self.wind_info): s += "%s: %s\n" % (key, val) s += "\n" + str( + "\n" s += str(self.source) if self.cell_info_dict.keys(): s += "\nCell specifications:\n" for key, val in six.iteritems(self.cell_info_dict): s += "%s: %s +/- %s\n" % (key, val[0], val[1]) return s
# ============================================================================== # def edit_in_gui(self): # """Edit the current dataSet object""" # from pyplis.gui_features.setup_widgets import MeasSetupEdit # app=QApplication(argv) # dial = MeasSetupEdit(deepcopy(self)) # dial.exec_() # return dial # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # if dial.changesAccepted: # #self.dataSet.update_base_info(self.dataSet.setup) # self.dataSet.set_setup(stp) # self.analysis.setup.set_plume_data_setup(stp) # self.dataSet.init_image_lists() # self.init_viewers() # self.update_actions() # ==============================================================================