Source code for pyplis.processing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pyplis is a Python library for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
r"""Pyplis module contains the following processing classes and methods.

1. :class:`ImgStack`: Object for storage of 3D image data
#. :class:`PixelMeanTimeSeries`: storage and post analysis of time\
series of average pixel intensities
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
from numpy import (vstack, empty, ones, asarray, sum, dstack, float32, zeros,
                   poly1d, polyfit, argmin, where, logical_and, rollaxis,
                   delete, hstack)

from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d, median_filter

from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots
from matplotlib.dates import date2num, DateFormatter

from pandas import Series, concat, DatetimeIndex
from cv2 import pyrDown, pyrUp
from os.path import join, exists, dirname, basename, isdir, abspath
from import fits
import six
from pyplis import logger
from .image import Img
from .setupclasses import Camera
from .helpers import to_datetime, make_circular_mask
from .glob import DEFAULT_ROI

[docs]class ImgStack(object): """Image stack object. The images are stacked into a 3D numpy array, note, that for large datasets this may cause MemoryErrors. This object is for instance used to perform a DOAS field of view search (see also :mod:`doascalib`). It provides basic image processing functionality, for instance changing the pyramid level, time merging with other time series data (e.g. DOAS CD time series vector). The most important attributes (data objects) are: 1. ``self.stack``: 3D numpy array containing stacked images. The first axis corresponds to the time axis, allowing for easy image access, e.g. ``self.stack[10]`` would yield the 11th image in the time series. 2. ``self.start_acq``: 1D array containing acquisition time stamps (datetime objects) 3. ``self.texps``: 1D array conaining exposure times in s for each image 4. ``self.add_data``: 1D array which can be used to store additional data for each image (e.g. DOAS CD vector) Todo ---- 1. Include optical flow routine for emission rate retrieval Parameters ---------- height : int height of images to be stacked width : int width of images to be stacked num : int number of images to be stacked dtype : numerical data type (e.g. uint8, makes the necessary space smaller, default: float32) stack_id : str string ID of this object ("") img_prep : dict additional information about the preparation state of the images (e.g. roi, gauss pyramid level, dark corrected?, blurred?) **stack_data can be used to pass stack data directly """
[docs] def __init__(self, height=0, width=0, img_num=0, dtype=float32, stack_id="", img_prep=None, camera=None, **stack_data): self.stack_id = stack_id self.dtype = dtype self.current_index = 0 self.stack = None self.start_acq = None self.texps = None self.add_data = None self._access_mask = None if img_prep is None: img_prep = {"pyrlevel": 0} self.img_prep = img_prep self.roi_abs = DEFAULT_ROI self._cam = Camera() self.init_stack_array(height, width, img_num) if "stack" in stack_data: self.set_stack_data(**stack_data) if isinstance(camera, Camera): = camera
[docs] def init_stack_array(self, height=0, width=0, img_num=0): """Initialize the actual stack data array. Note ---- All current data stored in :attr:`stack`, :attr:`start_acq`, :attr:`texps`, :attr:`add_data` will be deleted. Parameters ---------- height : int height of images to be stacked width : int width of images to be stacked num : int number of images to be stacked """ try: self.stack = empty((int(img_num), int(height), int(width))).\ astype(self.dtype) except MemoryError: raise MemoryError("Could not initiate empty 3D numpy array " "(d, h, w): (%s, %s, %s)" % (img_num, height, width)) self.start_acq = asarray([datetime(1900, 1, 1)] * img_num) self.texps = zeros(img_num, dtype=float32) self.add_data = zeros(img_num, dtype=float32) self._access_mask = zeros(img_num, dtype=bool) self.current_index = 0
@property def last_index(self): """Return last index.""" return self.num_of_imgs - 1 @property def start(self): """Return start time stamp of first image.""" try: i = self.start_acq[self._access_mask][0] add = timedelta(self.texps[self._access_mask][0] / 86400.) return i + add except IndexError: raise IndexError("Stack is empty...") except BaseException: raise ValueError("Start acquisition time could accessed in stack") @property def stop(self): """Return start time stamp of first image.""" try: i = self.start_acq[self._access_mask][-1] add = timedelta(self.texps[self._access_mask][-1] / 86400.) return i + add except IndexError: raise IndexError("Stack is empty...") except BaseException: raise ValueError("Start acquisition time could accessed in stack") @property def time_stamps(self): """Acq. time stamps of all images.""" try: dts = ([timedelta(x / (2 * 86400.)) for x in self.texps]) return self.start_acq + asarray(dts) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Failed to access information about acquisition " "time stamps and / or exposure times") @property def pyrlevel(self): """Gauss pyramid level of images in stack.""" return self.img_prep["pyrlevel"] @property def camera(self): """Camera object assigned to stack.""" return self._cam @camera.setter def camera(self, value): if isinstance(value, Camera): self._cam = value else: raise TypeError("Need Camera object...") @property def num_of_imgs(self): """Depth of stack.""" return self.stack.shape[0]
[docs] def check_index(self, idx=0): if 0 <= idx <= self.last_index: return elif idx == self.num_of_imgs: self._extend_stack_array() else: raise IndexError("Invalid index %d for inserting image in stack " "with current depth %d" % (idx, self.num_of_imgs))
def _extend_stack_array(self): """Extend the first index of the stack array.""" h, w = self.shape[1:] try: self.stack = vstack((self.stack, empty((1, h, w)))) except MemoryError: raise MemoryError("Cannot add more data to stack due to memory " "overflow...") self.start_acq = hstack((self.start_acq, [datetime(1900, 1, 1)])) self.texps = hstack((self.texps, [0.0])) self.add_data = hstack((self.add_data, [0.0])) self._access_mask = hstack((self._access_mask, [False]))
[docs] def insert_img(self, pos, img_arr, start_acq=datetime(1900, 1, 1), texp=0.0, add_data=0.0): """Insert an image into the stack at provided index. Parameters ---------- pos : int Insert position of img in stack img_arr : array image data (must have same dimension than ``self.stack.shape[:2]``, can also be of type :obj:`Img`) start_acq : datetime acquisition time stamp of image, defaults to datetime(1900, 1, 1) texp : float exposure time of image (in units of s), defaults to 0.0 add_data arbitrary additional data appended to list :attr:`add_data` """ try: img_arr = img_arr.img except BaseException: pass if sum(self.shape) == 0: h, w = img_arr.shape self.init_stack_array(height=h, width=w, img_num=1) self.check_index(pos) self.stack[pos] = img_arr self.start_acq[pos] = to_datetime(start_acq) self.texps[pos] = texp self.add_data[pos] = add_data self._access_mask[pos] = True
[docs] def add_img(self, img_arr, start_acq=datetime(1900, 1, 1), texp=0.0, add_data=0.0): """Add image at current index position. The image is inserted at the current index position ``current_index`` which is increased by 1 afterwards. If the latter exceeds the dimension of the actual stack data array :attr:`stack`, the stack shape will be extended by 1. Parameters ---------- img_arr : array image data (must have same dimension than ``self.stack.shape[:2]``) start_acq : datetime acquisition time stamp of image, defaults to datetime(1900, 1, 1) texp : float exposure time of image (in units of s), defaults to 0.0 add_data arbitrary additional data appended to list :attr:`add_data` """ # ============================================================================== # if self.current_index >= self.last_index: # print self.last_index # raise IndexError("Last stack index reached...") # ============================================================================== self.insert_img(self.current_index, img_arr, start_acq, texp, add_data) self.current_index += 1
[docs] def make_circular_access_mask(self, cx, cy, radius): """Create a circular mask for stack. Parameters ---------- cx : int x position of centre cy : nint y position of centre radius : int radius Returns ------- array circular mask (use e.g. like ``img[mask]`` which will return a 1D vector containing all pixel values of ``img`` that fall into the mask) """ # cx, cy = self.img_prep.map_coordinates(pos_x_abs, pos_y_abs) h, w = self.stack.shape[1:] return make_circular_mask(h, w, cx, cy, radius)
[docs] def set_stack_data(self, stack, start_acq=None, texps=None): """Set the current data based on input. Parameters ---------- stack : array 3D numpy array containing the image stack data start_acq : :obj:`array`, optional array containing acquisition time stamps texps : obj:`array`, optional array containing exposure times """ num = stack.shape[0] self.stack = stack if start_acq is None: start_acq = asarray([datetime(1900, 1, 1)] * num) self.start_acq = start_acq if texps is None: texps = zeros(num, dtype=float32) self.texps = texps self._access_mask = ones(num, dtype=bool)
[docs] def get_data(self): """Get stack data (containing of stack, acq. and exp. times). Returns ------- tuple 3-element tuple containing - :obj:`array`: stack data - :obj:`array`: acq. time stamps - :obj:`array`: exposure times """ m = self._access_mask return (self.stack[m], asarray(self.time_stamps)[m], asarray(self.texps)[m])
[docs] def apply_mask(self, mask): """Convolves the stack data with a input mask along time axis. Parameter --------- mask : array 2D bool mask for image pixel access Returns ------- tuple 3-element tuple containing - :obj:`array`: 3D numpy array containing convolved stack data - :obj:`array`: acq. time stamps - :obj:`array`: exposure times """ # mask_norm = boolMask.astype(float32)/sum(boolMask) d = self.get_data() # [:, :, newaxis])#, d[1], d[2]) data_conv = (d[0] * mask.astype(float32)) return (data_conv, d[1], d[2])
[docs] def get_time_series(self, pos_x=None, pos_y=None, radius=1, mask=None): """Get time series in a ROI. Retrieve time series at a given pixel position *in stack coordinates* in a circular pixel neighbourhood. Parameters ---------- pos_x : int x position of center pixel on detector pos_y : int y position of center pixel on detector radius : float radius of pixel disk on detector (centered around pos_x, pos_y, default: 1) mask : array mask for image pixel access, default is None, if the mask is specified and valid (i.e. same shape than images in stack) then the other three input parameter are ignored Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`Series`: time series data - :obj:`array`: pixel access mask used to convolve stack images """ d = self.get_data() try: data_mask, start_acq, texps = self.apply_mask(mask) except BaseException: if not radius > 0: raise ValueError("Invalid input for param radius (3. pos): " "value must be larger than 0, got %d" % radius) if radius == 1: mask = zeros(self.shape[1:]).astype(bool) mask[pos_y, pos_x] = True s = Series(d[0][self._access_mask, pos_y, pos_x], d[1]) return s, mask mask = self.make_circular_access_mask(pos_x, pos_y, radius) data_mask, start_acq, texps = self.apply_mask(mask) values = data_mask.sum((1, 2)) / float(sum(mask)) return Series(values, start_acq), mask
[docs] def merge_with_time_series(self, time_series, method="average", **kwargs): """High level wrapper for data merging. Choose from either of three methods to perform an index merging based on time stamps of stack and of other time series data (provided on input). Parameters ---------- time_series : Series time series data supposed to be merged with stack data method : str merge method, currently available methods are: - average: determine new stack containing images averaged based on start / stop time stamps of each datapoint in input ``time_series`` (requires corresponding data to be available in input, i.e. ``time_series`` must be of type :class:`DoasResults` of ``pydoas`` library). - nearest: perform merging based on nearest datapoint per image - interpolation: perform cross interpolation onto unified time index array from stack and time series data **kwargs additional keyword args specifying additional merge settings (e.g. ``itp_type=quadratic`` in case ``method=interpolation`` is used) Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`ImgStack`: new stack containing merged data - :obj:`Series`: merged time series data """ if not isinstance(time_series, Series): raise TypeError("Could not merge stack data with input data: " "wrong type: %s" % type(time_series)) if method == "average": try: return self._merge_tseries_average(time_series, **kwargs) except BaseException:"Failed to merge data using method average, trying " "method nearest instead") method = "nearest" if method == "nearest": return self._merge_tseries_nearest(time_series, **kwargs) elif method == "interpolation": return self._merge_tseries_cross_interpolation(time_series, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError("Unkown merge type: %s. Choose from " "[nearest, average, interpolation]")
def _merge_tseries_nearest(self, time_series): """Find nearest in time image for each time stamp in input series. Find indices (and time differences) in input time series of nearest data point for each image in this stack. Then, get rid of all indices showing double occurences using time delta information. """ stack, time_stamps, texps = self.get_data() nearest_idxs, del_ts = self.get_nearest_indices(time_series.index) img_idxs = [] spec_idxs_final = [] del_ts_abs = [] for idx in range(min(nearest_idxs), max(nearest_idxs) + 1):"Current tseries index %s" % idx) matches = where(nearest_idxs == idx)[0] if len(matches) > 0: del_ts_temp = del_ts[matches] spec_idxs_final.append(idx) del_ts_abs.append(min(del_ts_temp)) img_idxs.append(matches[argmin(del_ts_temp)]) series_new = time_series[spec_idxs_final] try: series_new.fit_errs = time_series.fit_errs[spec_idxs_final] except BaseException: pass stack_new = self.stack[img_idxs] texps_new = asarray(self.texps[img_idxs]) start_acq_new = asarray(self.start_acq[img_idxs]) stack_obj_new = ImgStack(stack_id=self.stack_id, img_prep=self.img_prep, stack=stack_new, start_acq=start_acq_new, texps=texps_new) stack_obj_new.roi_abs = self.roi_abs stack_obj_new.add_data = series_new return (stack_obj_new, series_new) def _merge_tseries_cross_interpolation(self, time_series, itp_type="linear"): """Merge this stack with input data using interpolation. :param Series time_series_data: pandas Series object containing time series data (e.g. DOAS column densities) :param str itp_type: interpolation type (passed to :class:`pandas.DataFrame` which does the interpolation, default is linear) """ h, w = self.shape[1:] stack, time_stamps, _ = self.get_data() # first crop time series data based on start / stop time stamps time_series = self.crop_other_tseries(time_series) = None if not len(time_series) > 0: raise IndexError("Time merging failed, data does not overlap") # interpolate exposure times s0 = Series(self.texps, time_stamps) try: errs = Series(time_series.fit_errs, time_series.index) df0 = concat([s0, time_series, errs], axis=1).\ interpolate(itp_type).dropna() except BaseException: df0 = concat([s0, time_series], axis=1).\ interpolate(itp_type).dropna() new_num = len(df0[0]) if not new_num >= self.num_of_imgs: raise ValueError("Unexpected error, length of merged data " "array does not exceed length of inital image " "stack...") # create new arrays for the merged stack new_stack = empty((new_num, h, w)) new_acq_times = df0[0].index new_texps = df0[0].values for i in range(h): for j in range(w):"Stack interpolation active...: current img row (y):" "%s (%s)" % (i, j)) # get series from stack at current pixel series_stack = Series(stack[:, i, j], time_stamps) # create a dataframe df = concat([series_stack, df0[1]], axis=1).\ interpolate(itp_type).dropna() # throw all N/A values # df = df.dropna() new_stack[:, i, j] = df[0].values stack_obj = ImgStack(new_num, h, w, stack_id=self.stack_id, img_prep=self.img_prep) stack_obj.roi_abs = self.roi_abs # print new_stack.shape, new_acq_times.shape, new_texps.shape stack_obj.set_stack_data(new_stack, new_acq_times, new_texps) new_series = df[1] try: new_series.fit_errs = df0[2].values except BaseException:"Failed to access / process errors on time series data") return (stack_obj, new_series) def _merge_tseries_average(self, time_series): """Make new stack of averaged images based on input start / stop arrays. The averaging is based on the start / stop time stamps (e.g. of measured spectra) specified by two input arrays. These arrays must have the same length. The method loops over these arrays indices and at each iteration step k, all images (wihin this stack) falling into the corresponding start / stop interval are averaged and added to a new stack of averaged images. Indices k (of the input arrays) for which no images can be found are added to the list ``bad_indices`` (second return parameter) and have to be removed from the corresponding data in case, these data (e.g. DOAS SO2 CD time series) is supposed to be compared with the averaged stack. Parameters ---------- time_series : DoasResults Time series containing DOAS results, including arrays for start / stop acquisition time stamps (required for averaging) Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :class:`ImgStack`: new stack object with averaged images - :obj:`list`: list of bad indices (where no overlap was found) """ try: if not time_series.has_start_stop_acqtamps(): raise ValueError("No start / stop acquisition time stamps " "available in input data...") start_acq = asarray(time_series.start_acq) stop_acq = asarray(time_series.stop_acq) except BaseException: raise stack, times, texps = self.get_data() h, w = stack.shape[1:] num = len(start_acq) # new_stack = empty((h, w, self.num_of_imgs)) new_acq_times = [] new_texps = [] bad_indices = [] counter = 0 for k in range(num): i = start_acq[k] f = stop_acq[k] texp = (f - i).total_seconds() cond = (times >= i) & (times < f) if sum(cond) > 0: # ============================================================================== # print ("Found %s images for spectrum #%s (of %s)" # %(sum(cond), k, num)) # ============================================================================== im = stack[cond].mean(axis=0) if counter == 0: new_stack = im else: new_stack = dstack((new_stack, im)) new_acq_times.append(i + (f - i) / 2) # img_avg_info.append(sum(cond)) new_texps.append(texp) counter += 1 else: bad_indices.append(k) new_stack = rollaxis(new_stack, 2) stack_obj = ImgStack(len(new_texps), h, w, stack_id=self.stack_id, img_prep=self.img_prep) stack_obj.roi_abs = self.roi_abs stack_obj.set_stack_data(new_stack, asarray(new_acq_times), asarray(new_texps)) tseries = time_series.drop(time_series.index[bad_indices]) try: errs = delete(time_series.fit_errs, bad_indices) tseries.fit_errs = errs except BaseException: pass return (stack_obj, tseries) """Helpers """
[docs] def crop_other_tseries(self, time_series): """Crops other time series object based on start / stop time stamps.""" # ============================================================================== # start = self.start - self.total_time_period_in_seconds() * tol_borders # stop = self.stop + self.total_time_period_in_seconds() * tol_borders # ============================================================================== cond = logical_and(time_series.index >= self.start, time_series.index <= self.stop) new = time_series[cond] try: new.fit_errs = new.fit_errs[cond] except BaseException: pass return new
[docs] def total_time_period_in_seconds(self): """Return start time stamp of first image.""" return (self.stop - self.start).total_seconds()
[docs] def get_nearest_indices(self, tstamps_other): """Find indices of time stamps nearest to img acq. time stamps. Parameters ---------- tstamps_other : datetime, or datetime array of other time series for which closest index / indices are searched """ idx = [] delt = [] img_stamps = self.time_stamps[self._access_mask] for tstamp in img_stamps: diff = [x.total_seconds() for x in abs(tstamps_other - tstamp)] delt.append(min(diff)) idx.append(argmin(diff)) return asarray(idx), asarray(delt)
[docs] def get_nearest_img(self, time_stamp): """Return stack image which is nearest to input timestamp. Searches the nearest image(s) with respect to input datetime(s) :param (datetime, ndarray) time_stamps: the actual time stamp(s) (for instance from another time series object) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def has_data(self): """Return bool.""" # fixme: improve this doc return bool(sum(self._access_mask))
[docs] def sum(self, *args, **kwargs): """Sum over all pixels of stack. Parameters ---------- *args non-keyword arguments passed to :func:`sum` of numpy array **kwargs keyword arguments passed to :func:`sum` of numpy array Returns ------- float result of summation operation """ return self.stack.sum(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def mean(self, *args, **kwargs): """Apply numpy.mean function to stack data. :param *args: non keyword arguments passed to :func:`numpy.mean` applied to stack data :param **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to :func:`numpy.mean` applied to stack data """ return self.stack.mean(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def std(self, *args, **kwargs): """Apply numpy.std function to stack data. :param *args: non keyword arguments passed to :func:`numpy.std` applied to stack data :param **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to :func:`numpy.std` applied to stack data """ return self.stack.std(*args, **kwargs)
@property def shape(self): """Return stack shape.""" return self.stack.shape @property def ndim(self): """Return stack dimension.""" return self.stack.ndim """Plots / visualisation"""
[docs] def show_img(self, index=0): """Show image at input index. Parameters ---------- index : int index of image in stack """ stack, ts, _ = self.get_data() im = Img(stack[index], start_acq=ts[index], texp=self.texps[index]) im.edit_log.update(self.img_prep) im.roi_abs = self.roi_abs return
[docs] def pyr_down(self, steps=0): """Reduce the stack image size using gaussian pyramid. Parameters ---------- steps : int steps down in the pyramide Returns ------- ImgStack new, downscaled image stack object """ if not steps: return h, w = Img(self.stack[0]).pyr_down(steps).shape prep = deepcopy(self.img_prep) new_stack = ImgStack(height=h, width=w, img_num=self.num_of_imgs, stack_id=self.stack_id, img_prep=prep) for i in range(self.shape[0]): im = self.stack[i] for k in range(steps): im = pyrDown(im) new_stack.add_img(img_arr=im, start_acq=self.start_acq[i], texp=self.texps[i], add_data=self.add_data[i]) new_stack._format_check() new_stack.img_prep["pyrlevel"] += steps return new_stack
[docs] def pyr_up(self, steps): """Increasing the image size using gaussian pyramide. :param int steps: steps down in the pyramide Algorithm used: :func:`cv2.pyrUp` """ if not steps: return h, w = Img(self.stack[0]).pyr_up(steps).shape prep = deepcopy(self.img_prep) new_stack = ImgStack(height=h, width=w, img_num=self.num_of_imgs, stack_id=self.stack_id, img_prep=prep) for i in range(self.shape[0]): im = self.stack[i] for k in range(steps): im = pyrUp(im) new_stack.add_img(img_arr=im, start_acq=self.start_acq[i], texp=self.texps[i], add_data=self.add_data[i]) new_stack._format_check() new_stack.img_prep["pyrlevel"] -= steps return new_stack
[docs] def to_pyrlevel(self, final_state=0): """Down / upscale image to a given pyramide level.""" steps = final_state - self.img_prep["pyrlevel"] if steps > 0: return self.pyr_down(steps) elif steps < 0: return self.pyr_up(-steps) else: return self
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Return deepcopy of this object.""" return deepcopy(self)
def _format_check(self): """Check if all relevant data arrays have the same length.""" if not all([len(x) == self.num_of_imgs for x in [self.add_data, self.texps, self._access_mask, self.start_acq]]): raise ValueError("Mismatch in array lengths of stack data, check" "add_data, texps, start_acq, _access_mask")
[docs] def load_stack_fits(self, file_path): """Load stack object (fits). Note ---- FITS stores in Big-endian and needs to be converted into little-endian (see `this issue <>`__). We follow the suggested fix and use:: byteswap().newbyteorder() on any loaded data array. Parameters ---------- file_path : str file path of stack """ if not exists(file_path): raise IOError("ImgStack could not be loaded, path does not exist") hdu = self.set_stack_data(hdu[0].data.byteswap().newbyteorder(). astype(self.dtype)) prep = Img().edit_log for key, val in six.iteritems(hdu[0].header): if key.lower() in prep.keys(): self.img_prep[key.lower()] = val self.stack_id = hdu[0].header["stack_id"] try: times = hdu[1].data["start_acq"].byteswap().newbyteorder() self.start_acq = asarray([datetime.strptime(x, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") for x in times]) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to import acquisition times") try: self.texps = asarray( hdu[1].data["texps"].byteswap().newbyteorder()) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to import exposure times") try: self._access_mask = asarray(hdu[1].data["_access_mask"]. byteswap().newbyteorder()) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to import data access mask") try: self.add_data = asarray(hdu[1].data["add_data"].byteswap(). newbyteorder()) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to import data additional data") self.roi_abs = hdu[2].data["roi_abs"].byteswap().\ newbyteorder() self._format_check()
[docs] def save_as_fits(self, save_dir=None, save_name=None, overwrite_existing=True): """Save stack as FITS file.""" self._format_check() # returns abspath of current wkdir if None save_dir = abspath(save_dir) if not isdir(save_dir): # save_dir is a file path save_name = basename(save_dir) save_dir = dirname(save_dir) if save_name is None: save_name = ("pyplis_imgstack_id_%s_%s_%s_%s.fts" % (self.stack_id, self.start.strftime("%Y%m%d"), self.start.strftime("%H%M"), self.stop.strftime("%H%M"))) else: save_name = save_name.split(".")[0] + ".fts""DIR: %s" % save_dir)"Name: %s" % save_name) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() start_acq_str = [x.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") for x in self.start_acq] col1 = fits.Column(name="start_acq", format="25A", array=start_acq_str) col2 = fits.Column(name="texps", format="D", array=self.texps) col3 = fits.Column(name="_access_mask", format="L", array=self._access_mask) col4 = fits.Column(name="add_data", format="D", array=self.add_data) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4]) arrays = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) col5 = fits.Column(name="roi_abs", format="I", array=self.roi_abs) roi_abs = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col5]) = self.stack hdu.header.update(self.img_prep) hdu.header["stack_id"] = self.stack_id hdu.header.append() hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, arrays, roi_abs]) path = join(save_dir, save_name) if exists(path):"Stack already exists at %s and will be overwritten" % path) try: hdulist.writeto(path, clobber=overwrite_existing) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to save stack to FITS File " "(check previous warnings)")
"""Magic methods""" def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract data. :param other: data to be subtracted object (e.g. offband stack) """ new = self.duplicate() try: new.stack = self.stack - other.stack new.stack_id = "%s - %s" % (self.stack_id, other.stack_id) except BaseException: new.stack = self.stack - other new.stack_id = "%s - %s" % (self.stack_id, other) return new
[docs]def find_registration_shift_optflow(on_img, off_img, roi_abs=DEFAULT_ROI, **flow_settings): """Search average shift between two images using optical flow. Computes optical flow between two input images and determines the registration shift based on peaks in two histograms of the orientation angle distribution and vector magnitued distribution of the retrieved flow field. The histogram analysis may be reduced to a certain ROI in the images. The default settings used here correspond to the settings suggested by Peters et al., Use of motion estimation algorithms for improved flux measurements using SO2 cameras, JVGR, 2015. Parameters ---------- on_img : Img onband image containing (preferably fixed) objects in the scene that can be tracked off_img : Img corresponding offband image (ideally recorded at the same time) roi_abs : list if specified, the optical flow histogram parameters are retrieved from the flow field within this ROI (else, the whole image is used) **flow_settings additional keyword args specifying the optical flow computation and post analysis settings (see :class:`pyplis.plumespeed.FarnebackSettings` for details) Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - float: shift in x-direction - float: shift in y-direction """ if not on_img.shape == off_img.shape: raise ValueError("Shape mismatch between input images") if on_img.pyrlevel != 0: logger.warning("Input images are at pyramid level %d and registration shift " "will be computed for this pyramid level") # from pyplis import OptflowFarneback # flow = OptflowFarneback(on_img, off_img, **flow_settings) raise NotImplementedError("Under development")
[docs]class PixelMeanTimeSeries(Series): """A time series of mean pixel values. This class implements a ``pandas.Series`` object with extended functionality representing time series data of pixel mean values in a certain image region. .. note:: This object is only used to store results of a mean series analysis in a certain ROI, it does not include any algorithms for actually calculating the series """ std = None texps = None img_prep = {} roi_abs = None poly_model = None
[docs] def __init__(self, data, start_acq, std=None, texps=None, roi_abs=None, img_prep=None, **kwargs): """Initialize pixel mean time series. :param ndarray data: data array (is passed into pandas Series init -> ``self.values``) :param ndarray start_acq: array containing acquisition time stamps (is passed into pandas Series init -> ``self.index``) :param ndarray std: array containing standard deviations :param ndarray texps: array containing exposure times :param list roi_abs: image area from which data was extracted, list of shape: ``[x0, y0, x1, y1]`` :param dict img_prep: dictionary containing information about image preparation settings (e.g. blurring, etc..) or other important information which may need to be stored :param **kwargs: additional keyword parameters which are passed to the initiation of the :class:`pandas.Series` object """ super(PixelMeanTimeSeries, self).__init__(data, start_acq, **kwargs) if img_prep is None: img_prep = {} try: if len(texps) == len(data): self.texps = texps except BaseException: self.texps = zeros(len(data), dtype=float32) try: if len(std) == len(data): self.std = std except BaseException: self.std = zeros(len(data), dtype=float32) self.img_prep = img_prep self.roi_abs = roi_abs for key, val in six.iteritems(kwargs): self[key] = val
@property def start(self): return self.index[0] @property def stop(self): return self.index[-1]
[docs] def get_data_normalised(self, texp=None): """Normalise the mean value to a given exposure time. :param float texp (None): the exposure time to which all deviating times will be normalised. If None, the values will be normalised to the largest available exposure time :return: A new :class:`PixelMeanTimeSeries`instance with normalised data """ try: if texp is None: texp = self.texps.max() facs = texp / self.texps ts = self.texps * facs return PixelMeanTimeSeries(self.values * facs, self.index, self.std, ts, self.roi_abs, self.img_prep) except Exception as e:"Failed to normalise data bases on exposure times:\n%s\n\n" % repr(e))
[docs] def fit_polynomial(self, order=2): """Fit polynomial to data series. :param int order: order of polynomial :returns: - poly1d, the fitted polynomial """ s = self.dropna() num = len(s) if num == 1: raise ValueError("Could not fit polynomial to PixelMeanTimeSeries" " object: only one data point available") elif num == 2: logger.warning("PixelMeanTimeSeries object only contains 2 data points, " "setting polyfit order to one (default is 2)") order = 1 x = [date2num(idx) for idx in s.index] y = s.values p = poly1d(polyfit(x, y, deg=order)) self.poly_model = p return p
[docs] def includes_timestamp(self, time_stamp, ext_border_secs=0.0): """Check if input time stamp is included in this dataset. :param datetime time_stamp: the time stamp to be checked :param float ext_border_secs: extend start / stop range (default 0 s) :return: - bool, True / False (timestamp is within interval) """ i = self.start - timedelta(ext_border_secs / 86400.0) f = self.stop + timedelta(ext_border_secs / 86400.0) if i <= to_datetime(time_stamp) <= f: return True return False
[docs] def get_poly_vals(self, time_stamps, ext_border_secs=0.0): """Get value of polynomial at input time stamp. :param datetime time_stamp: poly input value """ if not isinstance(self.poly_model, poly1d): raise AttributeError("No polynomial available, please call" "function fit_polynomial first") if isinstance(time_stamps, datetime): time_stamps = [time_stamps, ] if not any([isinstance(time_stamps, x) for x in [list, DatetimeIndex]]): raise ValueError("Invalid input for time stamps, need list") if not all([self.includes_timestamp(x, ext_border_secs) for x in time_stamps]): raise IndexError("At least one of the time stamps is not included " "in this series: %s - %s" % (self.start, self.stop)) values = [] for time_stamp in time_stamps: values.append(self.poly_model(date2num(time_stamp))) return asarray(values)
[docs] def estimate_noise_amplitude(self, sigma_gauss=1, median_size=3, plot=0): """Estimate the amplitude of the noise in the data. Steps: 1. Determines high frequency variations by applying binomial filter (sigma = 3) to data and subtract this from data, resulting in a residual 2. Median filtering of residual signal to get rid of narrow peaks (i.e. where the original data shows abrupt changes) 3. subtract both signals and determine std ..note:: Beta version: no guarantee it works for all cases """ # make bool array of indices considered (initally all) y0 = median_filter(self.values, 3) y1 = gaussian_filter1d(y0, sigma_gauss) res0 = y0 - y1 res1 = median_filter(res0, median_size) diff = res1 - res0 if plot: fig, ax = subplots(2, 1) ax[0].plot(y0, "-c", label="y0") ax[0].plot(y1, "--xr", label="y1: Smoothed y0") ax[0].legend( loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=10) ax[1].plot(res0, "--c", label="res0: y0 - y1") ax[1].plot(res1, "--r", label="res1: Median(res0)") ax[1].plot(diff, "--b", label="diff: res1 - res0") ax[1].legend( loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=10) return diff.std()
[docs] def plot(self, include_tit=True, date_fmt=None, **kwargs): """Plot time series. Parameters ---------- include_tit : bool Include a title date_fmt : str Date / time formatting string for x labels, passed to :class:`DateFormatter` instance (optional) **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to pandas Series plot method Returns ------- axes matplotlib axes instance """ try: self.index = self.index.to_pydatetime() except BaseException: pass try: if "style" not in kwargs: kwargs["style"] = "--x" ax = super(PixelMeanTimeSeries, self).plot(**kwargs) try: if date_fmt is not None: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except BaseException: pass if include_tit: ax.set_title("Mean value (%s), roi_abs: %s" % (, self.roi_abs)) ax.grid() return ax except Exception as e: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) ax.text(.1, .1, "Plot of PixelMeanTimeSeries failed...") fig.canvas.draw() return ax
def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Update class item.""""%s : %s" % (key, value)) if key in self.__dict__:"Writing...") self.__dict__[key] = value def __call__(self, normalised=False): """Return the current data arrays (mean, std).""" if normalised: return self.get_data_normalised() return self.get_data()
# ============================================================================== # import matplotlib.animation as animation # # def animate_stack(img_stack): # # fig = figure() # make figure # # # make axesimage object # # the vmin and vmax here are very important to get the color map correct # im = imshow(sta, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'), vmin=0, vmax=255) # # # function to update figure # def updatefig(j): # # set the data in the axesimage object # im.set_array(imagelist[j]) # # return the artists set # return im, # # kick off the animation # animation.FuncAnimation(fig, updatefig, frames=range(20), # interval=50, blit=True) # # ==============================================================================