Source code for pyplis.plumespeed

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pyplis is a Python library for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Pyplis module containing features related to plume velocity analysis."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
from numpy import mgrid, vstack, int32, sqrt, arctan2, rad2deg, asarray, sin,\
    cos, logical_and, histogram, ceil, roll, argmax, arange, ndarray,\
    deg2rad, nan, dot, mean, isnan, float32, sum, empty, uint8, ones,\
from numpy.linalg import norm
from traceback import format_exc
from copy import deepcopy

from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict as od
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots, figure, GridSpec, Line2D, Circle
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter, gaussian_filter
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
from os.path import isdir, join, isfile
from os import getcwd
from six.moves import xrange
import six

import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame

from cv2 import calcOpticalFlowFarneback, OPTFLOW_FARNEBACK_GAUSSIAN,\
    cvtColor, COLOR_GRAY2BGR, line, circle, VideoCapture, COLOR_BGR2GRAY,\
    waitKey, imshow, dilate, erode, pyrDown, pyrUp

from .helpers import bytescale, check_roi, map_roi, roi2rect, set_ax_lim_roi,\
    nth_moment, rotate_xtick_labels

from pyplis import logger
from .optimisation import MultiGaussFit
from .processing import ImgStack
from .utils import LineOnImage
from .image import Img, ProfileTimeSeriesImg
from .geometry import MeasGeometry
from .glob import DEFAULT_ROI
# LABEL_SIZE=rcParams["font.size"]+ 2

[docs]def get_veff(normal_vec, dir_mu, dir_sigma, len_mu, len_sigma, pix_dist_m=1.0, del_t=1.0, sigma_tol=2): """Calculate effective velocity through line element with normal n. The velocity is estimated based on a provided displacement angle and magnitude which is converted into dx and dy displacement and projected to n using the dot product. Unecertainties are estimated Parameters ---------- normal_vec : array 2D normal vector relative to which the effective velocity is retrieved dir_mu : float expectation value of displacement orientation angle in degrees (e.g. retrieved using histogram analysis) dir_sigma : float uncertainty of prev. angle len_mu : float expectation value of displacement magnitude in units of pixels (e.g. retrieved using histogram analysis) len_sigma : float uncertainty of prev. magnitude pix_dist_m : float pixel-to-pixel distance in m del_t : float time difference corresponding to above displacement information sigma_tol : int sigma tolerance factor for uncertainty estimate, defaults to 2 Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing effective velocity and corresponding error """ # the actual predominant displacement vector vec = asarray([sin(deg2rad(dir_mu)), -cos(deg2rad(dir_mu))]) * len_mu len_mu_eff = dot(normal_vec, vec) # effective velocity corresponding to predominant displacement vector veff = len_mu_eff * pix_dist_m / del_t # now calculate 4 effective velocities as uncertainty estimate dirs = [dir_mu - dir_sigma * sigma_tol, dir_mu + dir_sigma * sigma_tol] lens = [len_mu - len_sigma * sigma_tol, len_mu + len_sigma * sigma_tol] veffs = [] for d in dirs: for mag in lens: vec = asarray([sin(deg2rad(d)), -cos(deg2rad(d))]) * mag len_mu_eff = dot(normal_vec, vec) veffs.append(len_mu_eff * pix_dist_m / del_t) diff = abs(veff - asarray(veffs)) verr = diff.std() # print "Retrieved eff. velocity v = %.2f +/- %.2f" %(veff, verr) return (veff, verr)
[docs]def find_signal_correlation(first_data_vec, next_data_vec, time_stamps=None, reg_grid_tres=None, freq_unit="S", itp_method="linear", max_shift_percent=20, sigma_smooth=1, plot=False, **kwargs): """Determine cross correlation from two ICA time series. Parameters ---------- first_data_vec : array first data vector (i.e. left or before ``next_data_vec``) next_data_vec : array second data vector (i.e. behind ``first_data_vec``) time_stamps : array array containing time stamps of the two data vectors. If default (None), then the two vectors are assumed to be sampled on a regular grid and the returned lag corresponds to the index shift with highest correlation. If ``len(time_stamps) == len(first_data_vec)`` and if entries are datetime objects, then the two input time series are resampled and interpolated onto a regular grid, for resampling and interpolation settings, see following 3 parameters. reg_grid_tres : int sampling resolution of resampled time series data in units specified by input parameter ``freq_unit``. If None, then the resolution is determined automatically based on the mean time resolution of the data freq_unit : str pandas frequency unit (use S for seconds, L for ms) itp_method : str interpolation method, choose from ``["linear", "quadratic", "cubic"]`` max_shift_percent : float percentage maximum shift applied to index of :arg:`first_data_vec` to find pearson correlation with :arg:`next_data_vec`. sigma_smooth : int specify width of gaussian blurring kernel applied to data before correlation analysis (default=1) plot : bool if True, result is plotted Returns ------- tuple 5-element tuple containing - *float*: lag (in units of s or the index, see input specs) - *array*: retrieved correlation coefficients for all shifts - *Series*: analysis signal 1. data vector - *Series*: analysis signal 2. data vector - *Series*: analysis signal 2. data vector shifted using ``lag` """ if not all([isinstance(x, ndarray) for x in [first_data_vec, next_data_vec]]): raise IOError("Need numpy arrays as input") if not len(first_data_vec) == len(next_data_vec): raise IOError("Mismatch in lengths of input data vectors") lag_fac = 1 # factor to convert retrieved lag from indices to seconds if (time_stamps is not None and len(time_stamps) == len(first_data_vec) and all([isinstance(x, datetime) for x in time_stamps])):"Input is time series data") if itp_method not in ["linear", "quadratic", "cubic"]: logger.warning("Invalid interpolation method %s: setting default (linear)" % itp_method) itp_method = "linear" if reg_grid_tres is None: delts = asarray([delt.total_seconds() for delt in (time_stamps[1:] - time_stamps[:-1])]) # time resolution for re gridded data reg_grid_tres = (ceil(delts.mean()) - 1) / 4.0 if reg_grid_tres < 1: # mean delt is smaller than 4s freq_unit = "L" # L decodes to milliseconds reg_grid_tres = int(reg_grid_tres * 1000) else: freq_unit = "S", freq_unit) delt_str = "%d%s" % (reg_grid_tres, freq_unit)"Delta t string for resampling: %s" % delt_str) s1 = Series(first_data_vec, time_stamps) s2 = Series(next_data_vec, time_stamps) # this try except block was inserted due to bug when using code in # exception statement with pandas > 0.19, it worked, though with # pandas v0.16 try: s1 = s1.resample(delt_str).\ agg(mean).interpolate(itp_method).dropna() s2 = s2.resample(delt_str).\ agg(mean).interpolate(itp_method).dropna() except: s1 = s1.resample(delt_str).interpolate(itp_method).dropna() s2 = s2.resample(delt_str).interpolate(itp_method).dropna() lag_fac = (s1.index[1] - s1.index[0]).total_seconds() else: s1 = Series(first_data_vec) s2 = Series(next_data_vec) s1_vec = gaussian_filter(s1, sigma_smooth) s2_vec = gaussian_filter(s2, sigma_smooth) coeffs = [] max_coeff = -100 max_coeff_signal = None max_shift = int(len(s1_vec) * max_shift_percent / 100.0)"Signal correlation analysis running...") for k in range(max_shift):"Current shift=%d" % k) shift_s1 = roll(s1_vec, k)[k:] r = pearsonr(shift_s1, s2_vec[k:]) coeffs.append(r[0]) if coeffs[-1] > max_coeff: max_coeff = coeffs[-1] max_coeff_signal = Series(shift_s1, s1.index[k:]) coeffs = asarray(coeffs) s1_ana = Series(s1_vec, s1.index) s2_ana = Series(s2_vec, s2.index) ax = None if plot: fig, ax = subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 6)) s1.plot(ax=ax[0], label="First line") s2.plot(ax=ax[0], label="Second line") ax[0].set_title("Original time series") ax[0].legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) ax[0].grid() max_coeff_signal.plot(ax=ax[1], label="Data vector 1. line (best shift)") s2_ana.plot(ax=ax[1], label="Data vector 2. line") ax[1].set_title("Signal match") ax[1].legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) ax[1].grid() x = arange(0, len(coeffs), 1) * lag_fac ax[2].plot(x, coeffs, "-r") ax[2].set_xlabel(r"$\Delta$t [s]") ax[2].grid() # ax[1].set_xlabel("Shift") ax[2].set_ylabel("Correlation coeff") ax[2].set_title("Correlation signal") lag = argmax(coeffs) * lag_fac return lag, coeffs, s1_ana, s2_ana, max_coeff_signal, ax
[docs]def find_signal_correlation_old(first_data_vec, next_data_vec, time_stamps=None, reg_grid_tres=None, freq_unit="S", itp_method="linear", cut_border_idx=0, sigma_smooth=1, plot=False, **kwargs): """Determine cross correlation from two ICA time series. This is Parameters ---------- first_data_vec : array first data vector (i.e. left or before ``next_data_vec``) next_data_vec : array second data vector (i.e. behind ``first_data_vec``) time_stamps : array array containing time stamps of the two data vectors. If default (None), then the two vectors are assumed to be sampled on a regular grid and the returned lag corresponds to the index shift with highest correlation. If ``len(time_stamps) == len(first_data_vec)`` and if entries are datetime objects, then the two input time series are resampled and interpolated onto a regular grid, for resampling and interpolation settings, see following 3 parameters. reg_grid_tres : int sampling resolution of resampled time series data in units specified by input parameter ``freq_unit``. If None, then the resolution is determined automatically based on the mean time resolution of the data freq_unit : str pandas frequency unit (use S for seconds, L for ms) itp_method : str interpolation method, choose from ``["linear", "quadratic", "cubic"]`` cut_border_idx : int number of indices to be removed from both ends of the input arrays (excluded datapoints for cross correlation analysis) sigma_smooth : int specify width of gaussian blurring kernel applied to data before correlation analysis (default=1) plot : bool if True, result is plotted Returns ------- tuple 5-element tuple containing - *float*: lag (in units of s or the index, see input specs) - *array*: retrieved correlation coefficients for all shifts - *Series*: analysis signal 1. data vector - *Series*: analysis signal 2. data vector - *Series*: analysis signal 2. data vector shifted using ``lag` """ if not all([isinstance(x, ndarray) for x in [first_data_vec, next_data_vec]]): raise IOError("Need numpy arrays as input") if not len(first_data_vec) == len(next_data_vec): raise IOError("Mismatch in lengths of input data vectors") lag_fac = 1 # factor to convert retrieved lag from indices to seconds if time_stamps is not None and len(time_stamps) == len(first_data_vec)\ and all([isinstance(x, datetime) for x in time_stamps]):"Input is time series data") if itp_method not in ["linear", "quadratic", "cubic"]: logger.warning("Invalid interpolation method %s: setting default (linear)" % itp_method) itp_method = "linear" if reg_grid_tres is None: delts = asarray([delt.total_seconds() for delt in (time_stamps[1:] - time_stamps[:-1])]) # time resolution for re gridded data reg_grid_tres = (ceil(delts.mean()) - 1) / 4.0 if reg_grid_tres < 1: # mean delt is smaller than 4s freq_unit = "L" # L decodes to milliseconds reg_grid_tres = int(reg_grid_tres * 1000) else: freq_unit = "S", freq_unit) delt_str = "%d%s" % (reg_grid_tres, freq_unit)"Delta t string for resampling: %s" % delt_str) s1 = Series(first_data_vec, time_stamps) s2 = Series(next_data_vec, time_stamps) # this try except block was inserted due to bug when using code in # exception statement with pandas > 0.19, it worked, though with # pandas v0.16 try: s1 = s1.resample(delt_str).agg( mean).interpolate(itp_method).dropna() s2 = s2.resample(delt_str).agg( mean).interpolate(itp_method).dropna() except BaseException: s1 = s1.resample(delt_str).interpolate(itp_method).dropna() s2 = s2.resample(delt_str).interpolate(itp_method).dropna() lag_fac = (s1.index[1] - s1.index[0]).total_seconds() else: s1 = Series(first_data_vec) s2 = Series(next_data_vec) if cut_border_idx > 0: s1 = s1[cut_border_idx:-cut_border_idx] s2 = s2[cut_border_idx:-cut_border_idx] s1_vec = gaussian_filter(s1, sigma_smooth) s2_vec = gaussian_filter(s2, sigma_smooth) coeffs = [] max_coeff = -100 max_coeff_signal = None"Signal correlation analysis running...") for k in range(len(s1_vec)): shift_s1 = roll(s1_vec, k) r = pearsonr(shift_s1, s2_vec) coeffs.append(r[0]) if coeffs[-1] > max_coeff: max_coeff = coeffs[-1] max_coeff_signal = Series(shift_s1, s1.index) coeffs = asarray(coeffs) s1_ana = Series(s1_vec, s1.index) s2_ana = Series(s2_vec, s2.index) ax = None if plot: fig, ax = subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 6)) s1.plot(ax=ax[0], label="First line") s2.plot(ax=ax[0], label="Second line") ax[0].set_title("Original time series") ax[0].legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) ax[0].grid() max_coeff_signal.plot( ax=ax[1], label="Data vector 1. line (best shift)") s2_ana.plot(ax=ax[1], label="Data vector 2. line") ax[1].set_title("Signal match") ax[1].legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) ax[1].grid() x = arange(0, len(coeffs), 1) * lag_fac ax[2].plot(x, coeffs, "-r") ax[2].set_xlabel(r"$\Delta$t [s]") ax[2].grid() # ax[1].set_xlabel("Shift") ax[2].set_ylabel("Correlation coeff") ax[2].set_title("Correlation signal") lag = argmax(coeffs) * lag_fac return lag, coeffs, s1_ana, s2_ana, max_coeff_signal, ax
[docs]class VeloCrossCorrEngine(object): """Class for plume velocity retrieval using cross-correlation method. This class can be used to calculate the plume velocity based on a cross-correlation analysis of two ICA time-series retrieved from a set of plume images between two (ideally parallel) plume intersection lines. Attributes ---------- profile_images : dict dictionary containing PCS profile images, which are :class:`ProfileTimeSeriesImg` and where the x-axis corresponds to the image index (time) and the y-axis the corresponding line profiles for each of the two PCS lines. These images can be saved as FITS and reload, which can accelarate a reanalysis process (the bottleneck of the cross correlation analysis is loading all images in the list and retrieving the actual PCS profiles along both lines). Valid keys: ``pcs`` and ``pcs_offset``. results : dict results of cross-correlation analysis, will be filled in :func:`get_velocity`. Parameters ---------- imglist Image list used to retrieve time series of integrated column amounts along 2 suitable plume intersections used for velocity retrieval pcs : LineOnImage Plume cross section line used for velocity retrieval pcs_offset : LineOnImage Second (shifted to ``pcs``) PCS line used for velocity retrieval meas_geometry optional: :class:`MeasGeometry` object used to calculate in-plume pix-to-pix distances. If None, then the :class:`MeasGeometry` object of the assigned :class:`ImgList` (:attr:`imglist`) is used. **settings optional keyword args passed to :func:`find_signal_correlation` (used in class method :func:`get_velocity`). """
[docs] def __init__(self, imglist=None, pcs=None, pcs_offset=None, meas_geometry=None, **settings): self._imglist = None self._lines = {"pcs": None, "pcs_offset": None} self.profile_images = {"pcs": None, "pcs_offset": None} try: self.imglist = imglist except BaseException: pass self._meas_geometry = None self.results = {"velo": nan, "lag": nan, "coeffs": None, "ica_tseries_pcs": None, "ica_tseries_offset": None, "ica_tseries_shift": None} # see :func:`find_signal_correlation` for details about parameters self.settings = {"reg_grid_tres": None, "freq_unit": "S", "itp_method": "linear", "cut_border_idx": 0, "sigma_smooth": 1} self.update_settings(settings) self.pcs = pcs try: self.pcs_offset = pcs_offset except BaseException: pass try: self.meas_geometry = meas_geometry except BaseException: pass
[docs] def update_settings(self, settings_dict): """Update valid settings for cross correlation retrieval. Parameters ---------- settings_dict : dict dictionary containing new settings """ for k, v in six.iteritems(settings_dict): if k in self.settings:"Updating cross-correlation search setting %s=%s" % (k, v)) self.settings[k] = v
@property def velocity(self): """Retrieve plume velocity. Raises ------ ValueError if velocity is nan (default). """ v = self.results["velo"] if isnan(v): raise ValueError("Velocity is NaN, correlation analysis" " performed?") return v @property def correlation_lag(self): """Time lag showing highest correlation between two ICA time-series. Raises ------ ValueError if velocity is nan (default). """ lag = self.results["lag"] if isnan(lag): raise ValueError("Correlation lag is not available, analysis" " performed?") return lag @property def pcs(self): """Return the PCS line used for the velocity retrieval.""" return self._lines["pcs"] @pcs.setter def pcs(self, val): if not isinstance(val, LineOnImage): raise IOError("Invalid input, need LineOnImage object") self._lines["pcs"] = val @property def pcs_offset(self): """Return the PCS offset line used for the velocity retrieval.""" return self._lines["pcs_offset"] @pcs_offset.setter def pcs_offset(self, val): if not isinstance(val, LineOnImage): raise IOError("Invalid input, need LineOnImage object") self._lines["pcs_offset"] = val @property def imglist(self): """Return the image list supposed to be used for the analysis.""" return self._imglist @imglist.setter def imglist(self, val): self.check_list(val) self._imglist = val @property def meas_geometry(self): """Return measurement geometry from image list.""" if isinstance(self._meas_geometry, MeasGeometry): return self._meas_geometry else: try: return self.imglist.meas_geometry except BaseException: raise AttributeError("Could not access measurement geometry " "from image list. Check if an image list " "is set using self.imglist") @meas_geometry.setter def meas_geometry(self, val): if not isinstance(val, MeasGeometry): raise IOError("Invalid input: need MeasGeometry object") self._meas_geometry = val @property def pcs_profile_pics(self): """Check and, if applicable, return current PCS profile images.""" img1 = self.profile_images["pcs"] img2 = self.profile_images["pcs_offset"] if not all([isinstance(x, ProfileTimeSeriesImg) for x in [img1, img2]]): raise ValueError("Could not access ProfileTimeSeriesImg " "objects for the two PCS lines. You can " "calculate them " "from the image list using method " "get_pcs_tseries_from_list or, if available, " "reload existing images using method" "load_pcs_profile_img") if not img1.pyrlevel == img2.pyrlevel: raise ValueError("Existing profile images are at different " "pyramid levels") return (img1, img2)
[docs] def get_pcs_tseries_from_imgstack(self, stack, start_idx=0, stop_idx=None): """Load PCS profile time series pictures from image stack. Parameters ---------- stack : ImgStack stack containing OD or AA images start_idx : int index of first considered image in list stop_idx : int last considered index in image list Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing :class:`ProfileTimeSeriesImg` for both PCS lines """ if not isinstance(stack, ImgStack): raise IOError("Invalid input type, got %s, need ImgStack" % type(stack)) pcs1 = self.pcs.convert(to_pyrlevel=stack.pyrlevel, to_roi_abs=stack.roi_abs) pcs2 = self.pcs_offset.convert(to_pyrlevel=stack.pyrlevel, to_roi_abs=stack.roi_abs) dist_img = self.get_pix_dist_img(stack.pyrlevel) if stop_idx is None or stop_idx > stack.shape[0]: stop_idx = stack.shape[0] num = stop_idx - start_idx if not num > 20: raise ValueError("Please set start / stop indices such that " "at least 20 images are used for cross " "correlation analysis") # get the number of datapoints of the first profile line (the second # one has the same length in this case, since it was created from the # first one using pcs1.offset(pixel_num=40), see above.. profile_len = len(pcs1.get_line_profile(dist_img.img)) # now create two empty 2D numpy arrays with height == profile_len and # width == number of images in aa_list profiles1 = empty((profile_len, num), dtype=float32) profiles2 = empty((profile_len, num), dtype=float32) # for each of the 2 lines, extract pixel to pixel distances from the # provided dist_img (comes from measurement geometry) which is required # in order to perform integration along the profiles dists_pcs1 = pcs1.get_line_profile( dist_img.img) # pix to pix dists line 1 dists_pcs2 = pcs2.get_line_profile( dist_img.img) # pix to pix dists line 2 # loop over all images in list, extract profiles and write in the # corresponding column of the profile picture times = [] data = stack.stack for k in range(num): if k % 25 == 0:"Loading PCS profiles from stack: %d (%d)" % (k, num)) img = data[k] profiles1[:, k] = pcs1.get_line_profile(img) profiles2[:, k] = pcs2.get_line_profile(img) times.append(stack.time_stamps[k]) # mutiply pix to pix dists to the AA profiles in the 2 images profiles1 = profiles1 * dists_pcs1.reshape((len(dists_pcs1), 1)) profiles2 = profiles2 * dists_pcs2.reshape((len(dists_pcs2), 1)) # Get dictionary containing image preparation information img_prep = stack.img_prep # now create 2 ProfileTimeSeriesImg objects from the 2 just determined # images and include meta information (e.g. time stamp vector, image # preparation information) prof_pic1 = ProfileTimeSeriesImg(profiles1, time_stamps=times, img_id=pcs1.line_id, profile_info_dict=pcs1.to_dict(), **img_prep) prof_pic2 = ProfileTimeSeriesImg(profiles2, time_stamps=times, img_id=pcs2.line_id, profile_info_dict=pcs2.to_dict(), **img_prep) # save the two profile pics (these files are used in the main function # of this script in case they exist and option RELOAD = 0) self.profile_images["pcs"] = prof_pic1 self.profile_images["pcs_offset"] = prof_pic2 return (prof_pic1, prof_pic2)
[docs] def get_pcs_tseries_from_list(self, start_idx=0, stop_idx=None): """Load profile time series pictures from AA img list. Loop over images in image list and extract cross section profiles for each of the 2 provided plume cross section lines. The profiles are written into a :class:`ProfileTimeSeriesImg` which can be stored as FITS file. Parameters ---------- start_idx : int index of first considered image in list stop_idx : int last considered index in image list Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing :class:`ProfileTimeSeriesImg` for both PCS lines """ from pyplis.imagelists import BaseImgList lst = self.imglist cfn_temp = lst.cfn pcs1 = self.pcs.convert(to_pyrlevel=lst.pyrlevel, to_roi_abs=lst.roi_abs) pcs2 = self.pcs_offset.convert(to_pyrlevel=lst.pyrlevel, to_roi_abs=lst.roi_abs) if not isinstance(lst, BaseImgList): raise AttributeError("Image list is not set") dist_img = self.get_pix_dist_img(lst.pyrlevel) # go to first image in list lst.goto_img(start_idx) if stop_idx is None: stop_idx = lst.nof num = self.imglist._iter_num(start_idx, stop_idx) if not num > 20: raise ValueError("Please set start / stop indices such that " "at least 20 images are used for cross " "correlation analysis") # get the number of datapoints of the first profile line (the second # one has the same length in this case, since it was created from the # first one using pcs1.offset(pixel_num=40), see above.. profile_len = len(pcs1.get_line_profile(dist_img.img)) # now create two empty 2D numpy arrays with height == profile_len and # width == number of images in aa_list profiles1 = empty((profile_len, num), dtype=float32) profiles2 = empty((profile_len, num), dtype=float32) # for each of the 2 lines, extract pixel to pixel distances from the # provided dist_img (comes from measurement geometry) which is required # in order to perform integration along the profiles dists_pcs1 = pcs1.get_line_profile( dist_img.img) # pix to pix dists line 1 dists_pcs2 = pcs2.get_line_profile( dist_img.img) # pix to pix dists line 2 # loop over all images in list, extract profiles and write in the # corresponding column of the profile picture times = [] for k in range(num): if k % 25 == 0:"Loading PCS profiles from list: %d (%d)" % (k, num)) img = lst.current_img().img profiles1[:, k] = pcs1.get_line_profile(img) profiles2[:, k] = pcs2.get_line_profile(img) times.append(lst.current_time()) lst.goto_next() # mutiply pix to pix dists to the AA profiles in the 2 images profiles1 = profiles1 * dists_pcs1.reshape((len(dists_pcs1), 1)) profiles2 = profiles2 * dists_pcs2.reshape((len(dists_pcs2), 1)) # Get dictionary containing image preparation information img_prep = lst.current_img().edit_log # now create 2 ProfileTimeSeriesImg objects from the 2 just determined # images and include meta information (e.g. time stamp vector, image # preparation information) prof_pic1 = ProfileTimeSeriesImg(profiles1, time_stamps=times, img_id=pcs1.line_id, profile_info_dict=pcs1.to_dict(), **img_prep) prof_pic2 = ProfileTimeSeriesImg(profiles2, time_stamps=times, img_id=pcs2.line_id, profile_info_dict=pcs2.to_dict(), **img_prep) # save the two profile pics (these files are used in the main function # of this script in case they exist and option RELOAD = 0) self.profile_images["pcs"] = prof_pic1 self.profile_images["pcs_offset"] = prof_pic2 lst.goto_img(cfn_temp) return (prof_pic1, prof_pic2)
[docs] def run(self, **settings): """Apply correlation algorithm to ICA time series of both lines. Parameters ---------- **settings optional keyword args passed to :func:`find_signal_correlation` """ self.update_settings(settings) prof_pic1, prof_pic2 = self.pcs_profile_pics pcs1 = self.pcs.convert(prof_pic1.pyrlevel, prof_pic1.roi_abs) pcs2 = self.pcs_offset.convert(prof_pic2.pyrlevel, prof_pic2.roi_abs) dist_img = self.get_pix_dist_img(pyrlevel=prof_pic1.pyrlevel) # Integrate the profiles for each image (y axis in profile images) icas1 = sum(prof_pic1.img, axis=0) icas2 = sum(prof_pic2.img, axis=0) times = prof_pic1.time_stamps res = find_signal_correlation(icas1, icas2, times, **self.settings) lag = res[0] # Average pix-to-pix distances for both lines pix_dist_avg_line1 = pcs1.get_line_profile(dist_img.img).mean() pix_dist_avg_line2 = pcs2.get_line_profile(dist_img.img).mean() # Take the mean of those to determine distance between both lines in m pix_dist_avg = mean([pix_dist_avg_line1, pix_dist_avg_line2]) v = pcs1.dist_other(pcs2) * pix_dist_avg / lag self.results = {"velo": v, # m/s "lag": lag, # s "coeffs": res[1], "ica_tseries_pcs": res[2], "ica_tseries_offset": res[3], "ica_tseries_shift": res[4]} return v
[docs] def create_parallel_pcs_offset(self, offset_pix=50, color="lime", linestyle="--"): """Create an offset line to the current PCS used for retrieval. Parameters ---------- offset_pix : int Distance of new line to current PCS line (in normal direction). The distance is calculated in detector coordinates on pyramid level 0. Returns ------- LineOnImage Translated PCS line """ pcs = self.pcs pyrlevel = pcs.pyrlevel_def if pyrlevel != 0: pcs = pcs.convert(to_pyrlevel=0) pcs_offs = pcs.offset(pixel_num=offset_pix) if pyrlevel != 0: pcs_offs = pcs_offs.convert(to_pyrlevel=pyrlevel) pcs_offs.line_id = "pcs_offset" pcs_offs.color = color pcs_offs.linestyle = linestyle self.pcs_offset = pcs_offs return pcs_offs
[docs] def check_list(self, lst): """Check if imglist is ready for velocity analysis. Parameters ---------- lst : BaseImgList the image list object supposed to be checked Returns ------- bool True, if list is okay, False if not """ from pyplis.imagelists import BaseImgList if not isinstance(lst, BaseImgList): raise TypeError("Invalid input, need BaseImgList class " "or inherited") if not lst.nof: raise AttributeError("List contains no images") elif lst.nof < 20: logger.warning("List contains less than 20 images, cross-correlation " "analysis is likely to fail") try: lst.meas_geometry.compute_all_integration_step_lengths() except BaseException: raise AttributeError("Failed to access pixel-to-pixel " "distances from MeasGeometry (attribute " "of list)")
[docs] def get_pix_dist_img(self, pyrlevel=0): """Image specifying pix-to-pix distances for each pixel. The image is loaded from the current :class:`MeasGeometry` object assigned to the image list. """ return (self.meas_geometry. compute_all_integration_step_lengths(pyrlevel)[0])
[docs] def load_pcs_profile_img(self, file_path, line_id="pcs"): """Try to load ICA profile time series image from FITS file. Parameters ---------- file_path : ProfileTimeSeriesImg valid file path to profile time-series image line_id : str specify to which line the image belongs """ if line_id not in ["pcs", "pcs_offset"]: raise IOError("Invalid line ID %s: choose from pcs or offset" % line_id) img = ProfileTimeSeriesImg() img.load_fits(file_path) l = LineOnImage() l.from_dict(img.profile_info) self.profile_images[line_id] = img self._lines[line_id] = l
[docs] def save_pcs_profile_images(self, save_dir=None, fname1="profile_tseries_pcs.fts", fname2="profile_tseries_offset.fts"): """Save current ICA profile time series images as FITS file. Note ---- Existing files will be overwritten without warning Parameters ---------- save_dir : str Directory where images are saved (if None, use current directory) fname1 : str name of first profile image fname2 : str name of second profile image """ if save_dir is None: save_dir = "." img1, img2 = self.pcs_profile_pics img1.save_as_fits(save_dir, fname1) img2.save_as_fits(save_dir, fname2)
[docs] def plot_pcs_lines(self, img=None, **kwargs): """Plot current PCS retrieval lines into image. Parameters ---------- img optional: example plume image (:class:`Img` object). If None, then the current image of :attr:`imglist` is used **kwargs additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`show` of :class:`Img` object. This can also be used to pass an axes instance using keyword ``ax``, for instance if this is supposed to be plotted into a subplot. Returns ------- ax matplotlib axes instance """ if not isinstance(img, Img): img = self.imglist.this ax =**kwargs) ax.set_title("") pcs1 = self.pcs.convert(img.pyrlevel, img.roi_abs) pcs2 = self.pcs_offset.convert(img.pyrlevel, img.roi_abs) pcs1.plot_line_on_grid(ax=ax) pcs2.plot_line_on_grid(ax=ax) return ax
[docs] def plot_ica_tseries_overlay(self, ylabel=None, ax=None): """Plot the ICA time-series of the analysed signals. Note ---- Only works after cross-correlation analysis is performed """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) res = self.results lag = self.correlation_lag s_pcs = res["ica_tseries_pcs"] # index = s_pcs.index.to_pydatetime() s_offs = res["ica_tseries_offset"] s_shift = res["ica_tseries_shift"] # plot original ICA time series along pcs 1 ax = s_pcs.plot(ax=ax, style="--", color=self.pcs.color, label="%s (original)" % self.pcs.line_id) # plot shifted time series along pcs 1 and apply light fill s_shift.plot(ax=ax, style="-", color=self.pcs.color, label="%s (lag: %.1f s)" % (self.pcs.line_id, lag)) ax.fill_between(s_shift.index, s_shift.values, color=self.pcs.color, alpha=0.05) s_offs.plot(ax=ax, style="-", color=self.pcs_offset.color, label=self.pcs_offset.line_id) if isinstance(ylabel, str): ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) else: logger.warning("No y-label provided, setting y-axis invisible, since ICA" "may also correspond to integrated optical densities") ax.yaxis.set_visible(0) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%H:%M")) # ax[0,].set_title("Original time series", fontsize = 10) ax.grid() ax.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=12) return ax
[docs] def plot_corrcoeff_tseries(self, add_lag=True, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot time series of correlation coefficients. Parameters ---------- add_lag : bool if True, a vertical line is added at x-position showing maximum correlation ax matplotlib axes object """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) coeffs = self.results["coeffs"] if coeffs is None: raise ValueError("Correlation coefficients could not be " "accessed from results dictionary. Analysis " "performed?") lag = self.results["lag"] ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta$t [s]") ax.grid() # ax[1].set_xlabel("Shift") ax.set_ylabel("Correlation coefficient") x = arange(0, len(coeffs), 1) * lag / argmax(coeffs) ax.plot(x, coeffs, **kwargs) if add_lag: ax.plot([lag, lag], [0, 1], "--", **kwargs) ax.set_title("Max correlation @ %.2f s" % lag) return ax
[docs]class LocalPlumeProperties(object): """Class to store results about local properties of plume displacement. This class represents statistical (local) plume (gas) displacement information (e.g. retrieved using an optical flow algorithm). These include the predominant local displacement direction (orientation of displacement vectors) and the corresponding displacement length both including uncertainties (e.g. retrieved from Gauss fits applied to histogram distribution). Further, the time difference between the two frames used to estimate the displacement parameters is stored. This class is for instance used for plume displacement properties derived using :func:`local_flow_params` from :class:`OptflowFarneback` which is based on a statistical analysis of histograms derived from a dense optical flow algorithm. """
[docs] def __init__(self, roi_id="", **kwargs): self.roi_id = roi_id self.color = "b" self._len_mu_norm = [] self._len_sigma_norm = [] self._dir_mu = [] self._dir_sigma = [] self._start_acq = [] self._del_t = [] self._significance = [] self._fit_success = [] self._pyrlevel = [] for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs): self[k] = v
@property def start(self): """Acquisistion time of first image.""" try: return self.start_acq[0] except IndexError: raise IndexError("No data available") @property def stop(self): """Start acqusition time of last image.""" try: return self.start_acq[-1] except IndexError: raise IndexError("No data available") @property def len_mu(self): """Array containing displacement lengths (unit [pix/del_t]).""" return asarray(self._len_mu_norm) * self.del_t @property def len_sigma(self): """Array with errors of displacement lengths (unit [pix/del_t]).""" return asarray(self._len_sigma_norm) * self.del_t @property def len_mu_norm(self): """Array containing normalised displacement lengths (unit [pix/s]).""" return asarray(self._len_mu_norm) @property def len_sigma_norm(self): """Array with errors of normalised displ. lens (unit [pix/s]).""" return asarray(self._len_sigma_norm) @property def dir_mu(self): """Return current displacement orientation vector.""" return asarray(self._dir_mu) @property def dir_sigma(self): """Return current displacement orientation std vector.""" return asarray(self._dir_sigma) @property def significance(self): """Significancy of data point. This array is filled in :func:`get_and_append_from_farneback`, which calls :func:`local_flow_params` of :class:`OptflowFarneback` object. The number corresponds to the fraction of pixels used to determine the displacement parameters, relative to the total number of pixels available in the corresponding ROI used. The latter can, for instance, be a rotated ROI around a retrieval line (:class:`LineOnImage` class). """ return asarray(self._significance) @property def fit_success(self): """Array containing flags whether or not multi-gauss fit was successful. """ return asarray(self._fit_success) @property def pyrlevel(self): """Array containing pyramid levels used to determine displ. params.""" return asarray(self._pyrlevel) @property def del_t(self): """Return current del_t vector. Corresponds to the difference between frames for time series """ return asarray(self._del_t) @property def start_acq(self): """Return current displacement length std vector. Corresponds to the start acquisition times of the time series """ return asarray(self._start_acq) @property def displacement_vectors(self): """All displacement vectors (unit [pix / del_t]).""" return (asarray([sin(deg2rad(self.dir_mu[:])), -cos(deg2rad(self.dir_mu[:]))]) * self.len_mu[:]).T
[docs] def displacement_vector(self, idx=-1): """Get displacement vector for given index. The vector is returned in unit [pix / del_t]. Parameters ---------- idx : int index Returns ------- array 2-element array containing displacement in x and y direction, i.e. ``(dx, dy)`` """ return asarray([sin(deg2rad(self.dir_mu[idx])), -cos(deg2rad(self.dir_mu[idx]))])\ * self.len_mu[idx]
[docs] def to_pyrlevel(self, pyrlevel=0): """Convert data to a given pyramid level.""" p = LocalPlumeProperties(self.roi_id, color=self.color) df = self.to_pandas_dataframe() facs = 2**(df["_pyrlevel"] - float(pyrlevel)) df["_len_mu_norm"] = df["_len_mu_norm"] * facs df["_len_sigma_norm"] = df["_len_sigma_norm"] * facs p.from_pandas_dataframe(df) return p
[docs] def apply_significance_thresh(self, thresh=0.5): """Remove all datapoints with significance val below thresh. Datapoints with significance lower than the provided threshold are converted into NaN. Can be combined with interpolation and clean up. Parameters ---------- thresh : float significance threshold supposed to be applied to data Returns ------- LocalPlumeProperties new object excluding nan values in any of the data arrays """ p = LocalPlumeProperties(self.roi_id, color=self.color) df = self.to_pandas_dataframe() df_new = df[df["_significance"] > thresh] tt = DataFrame(self.start_acq, index=self.start_acq) df_new = df_new.merge(tt, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True) p.from_pandas_dataframe(df_new) return p
[docs] def dropna(self, **kwargs): """Drop all indices containing nans. Remove all indices for which any of the data arrays ``len_mu``, ``len_sigma``, ``dir_mu``, ``dir_sigma``, ``del_t`` contains NaN values using the method :func:`dropna` of pandas :class:`DataFrame` object. Parameters ---------- **kwargs additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`dropna` of pandas :class:`DataFrame` object. Returns ------- LocalPlumeProperties new object excluding nan values in any of the data arrays """ p = LocalPlumeProperties(self.roi_id, color=self.color) df = self.to_pandas_dataframe() df = df.dropna(**kwargs) p.from_pandas_dataframe(df) return p
[docs] def interpolate(self, time_stamps=None, **kwargs): """Interpolate missing. Remove all indices for which any of the data arrays ``len_mu``, ``len_sigma``, ``dir_mu``, ``dir_sigma``, ``del_t`` contains NaN values using the method :func:`dropna` of pandas :class:`DataFrame` object. Parameters ---------- time_stamps : array array containing datetime indices supposed to be used for interpolation **kwargs additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`dropna` of pandas :class:`DataFrame` object. Returns ------- LocalPlumeProperties new object excluding nan values in any of the data arrays """ p = LocalPlumeProperties(self.roi_id, color=self.color) df = self.to_pandas_dataframe() if time_stamps is not None: tt = DataFrame(time_stamps, index=time_stamps) df = df.merge(tt, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True) df = df.interpolate(**kwargs) p.from_pandas_dataframe(df) return p
[docs] def apply_median_filter(self, width=5): """Apply median filter to data. The filter is only applied to :attr:`len_mu` and :attr:`dir_mu`, and the corresponding uncertainty arrays :attr:`len_sigma` and :attr:`dir_sigma` Note ---- Creates and returns new :class:`LocalPlumeProperties` instance, the data in this object remains unchanged Parameters ---------- width : int width of 1D median filter Returns ------- LocalPlumeProperties new data object """ p = LocalPlumeProperties(self.roi_id, color=self.color) p.from_dict(self.to_dict()) p._len_mu_norm = median_filter(self.len_mu_norm, width) p._len_sigma_norm = median_filter(self.len_sigma_norm, width) p._dir_mu = median_filter(self.dir_mu, width) p._dir_sigma = median_filter(self.dir_sigma, width) return p
[docs] def apply_gauss_filter(self, width=5): """Apply Gaussian blurring filter to data. The filter is only applied to :attr:`len_mu` and :attr:`dir_mu`, and the corresponding uncertainty arrays :attr:`len_sigma` and :attr:`dir_sigma` Note ---- Creates and returns new :class:`LocalPlumeProperties` instance, the data in this object remains unchanged Parameters ---------- width : int width of Gaussian blurring kernel Returns ------- LocalPlumeProperties new data object """ p = LocalPlumeProperties(self.roi_id, color=self.color) p.from_dict(self.to_dict()) p._len_mu_norm = gaussian_filter(self.len_mu_norm, width) p._len_sigma_norm = gaussian_filter(self.len_sigma_norm, width) p._dir_mu = gaussian_filter(self.dir_mu, width) p._dir_sigma = gaussian_filter(self.dir_sigma, width) return p
[docs] def get_and_append_from_farneback(self, optflow_farneback, **kwargs): """Retrieve main flow field parameters from Farneback engine. Calls :func:`local_flow_params` from :class:`OptflowFarneback` engine and appends the results to the current data Parameters ---------- optflow_farneback : OptflowFarneback optical flow engine used for analysis **kwargs additional keyword args passed to :func:`local_flow_params` """ res = optflow_farneback.local_flow_params(**kwargs) for key, val in six.iteritems(res): if key in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key].append(val)
[docs] def get_velocity(self, idx=-1, pix_dist_m=1.0, pix_dist_m_err=None, normal_vec=None, sigma_tol=2): """Determine plume velocity from displacements. Parameters ---------- idx : int index of results for which velocity is determined pix_dist_m : float pixel to pixel distance in m (default is 1.0), e.g. determined using :class:`MeasGeometry` object pix_dist_m_err : :obj:`float`, optional uncertainty in pixel distance, if None (default), then 5% of the actual pixel distance is assumed normal_vec : :obj:`tuple`, optional normal vector used for scalar product to retrieve effective velocity (e.g. :attr:`normal_vector` of a :class:`LineOnImage`) object. If None (default), the normal direction is assumed to be aligned with the displacement direction, i.e. the absolute magnitude of the velocity is retrieved sigma_tol : int sigma tolerance level for expectation intervals of orientation angle and displ. magnitude Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`float`: magnitude of effective velocity - :obj:`float`: uncertainty of effective velocity """ # print "GETTING VELOCITY AT %s" %self.start_acq[idx] if pix_dist_m_err is None: pix_dist_m_err = pix_dist_m * 0.05 vec = self.displacement_vector(idx) if normal_vec is None: normal_vec = vec / norm(vec) # ============================================================================== # print "DIR_MU=%.2f\nLEN_MU=%.2f\nDT=%.2fs" %(self.dir_mu[idx], # self.len_mu[idx], # self.del_t[idx]) # ============================================================================== v, verr = get_veff(normal_vec, self.dir_mu[idx], self.dir_sigma[idx], self.len_mu[idx], self.len_sigma[idx], pix_dist_m=pix_dist_m, del_t=self.del_t[idx], sigma_tol=sigma_tol) # ============================================================================== # len_mu_eff = dot(normal_vec, vec) # dt = self.del_t[idx] # ============================================================================== # print v, len_mu_eff * pix_dist_m / dt # ============================================================================== # verr = sqrt((pix_dist_m * self.len_sigma[idx] / dt)**2 +\ # (pix_dist_m_err * len_mu_eff / dt)**2) # ============================================================================== return (v, verr)
[docs] def get_orientation_tseries(self): """Get time series (and uncertainties) of movement direction. Returns ------- tuple 3-element tuple containing - :obj:`Series`: time series of orientation angles - :obj:`Series`: time series of lower vals (using ``dir_sigma``) - :obj:`Series`: time series of upper vals (using ``dir_sigma``) """ s = Series(self.dir_mu, self.start_acq) upper = Series(self.dir_mu + self.dir_sigma, self.start_acq) lower = Series(self.dir_mu - self.dir_sigma, self.start_acq) return (s, upper, lower)
[docs] def get_magnitude_tseries(self, normalised=True): """Get time series (and uncertainties) of displacement lengths. Note ---- The time series are absolute magnitudes of the retrived displacement lengths and are not considered relative to a certain normal direction. Parameters ---------- normalised : bool if True, the lengths are normalised to a time difference of 1s Returns ------- tuple 3-element tuple containing - :obj:`Series`: time series of displacement lengths - :obj:`Series`: time series of lower vals (using ``len_sigma``) - :obj:`Series`: time series of upper vals (using ``len_sigma``) """ if normalised: l, err = self.len_mu_norm, self.len_sigma_norm else: l, err = self.len_mu, self.len_sigma s = Series(l, self.start_acq) upper = Series(l + err, self.start_acq) lower = Series(l - err, self.start_acq) return (s, upper, lower)
[docs] def plot_directions(self, ax=None, date_fmt=None, yerr=True, ls=None, **kwargs): """Plot time series of displacement orientation. Parameters ---------- ax optional, matplotlib axes object date_fmt : str optional, x label datetime formatting string, passed to :class:`DateFormatter` (e.g. "%H:%M") **kwargs additional keyword args passed to plot function of :class:`Series` object Returns ------- Axes matplotlib axes object """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = self.color if "label" not in kwargs: kwargs["label"] = self.roi_id if "linsestyle" in kwargs.keys(): del kwargs["linestyle"] if ls is None: ls = "-" s, upper, lower = self.get_orientation_tseries() s.index = s.index.to_pydatetime() s.plot(ax=ax, ls=ls, **kwargs) try: if date_fmt is not None: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except BaseException: pass if yerr: ax.fill_between(s.index, lower, upper, alpha=0.1, **kwargs) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\varphi\,[^{\circ}$]") ax.grid() # rotate_xtick_labels(ax=ax) return ax
[docs] def plot_magnitudes(self, normalised=True, ax=None, date_fmt=None, yerr=True, ls=None, **kwargs): """Plot time series of displacement magnitudes. Parameters ---------- normalised : bool normalise magnitudes to time difference intervals of 1s ax optional, matplotlib axes object date_fmt : str optional, x label datetime formatting string, passed to :class:`DateFormatter` (e.g. "%H:%M") **kwargs additional keyword args passed to plot function of :class:`Series` object Returns ------- Axes matplotlib axes object """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = self.color if "label" not in kwargs: kwargs["label"] = self.roi_id if "linsestyle" in kwargs.keys(): del kwargs["linestyle"] if ls is None: ls = "-" s, upper, lower = self.get_magnitude_tseries(normalised=normalised) if normalised: unit = "pix/s" else: unit = "pix" s.index = s.index.to_pydatetime() s.plot(ax=ax, ls=ls, **kwargs) try: if date_fmt is not None: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except BaseException: pass if yerr: ax.fill_between(s.index, lower, upper, alpha=0.1, **kwargs) ax.set_ylabel(r"$|\mathbf{f}|$ [%s]" % unit) ax.grid() return ax
[docs] def plot(self, date_fmt=None, fig=None, **kwargs): """Plot showing detailed information about this time series. Parameters ---------- date_fmt : str date string formatting for x-axis fig : figure matplotlib figure containing 3 subplots """ try: ax = fig.axes ax2 = ax[0] ax0 = ax[1] ax1 = ax[2] except BaseException: fig = figure() gs = GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[.4, .4, .2], hspace=0.05) # for significance plot (gets x label) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2]) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0], sharex=ax2) # for orientation plot ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax2) # for displ. lens ax1.yaxis.tick_right() ax1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") sign = Series(self.significance, self.start_acq) sign.index = sign.index.to_pydatetime() sign.plot(ax=ax2, **kwargs) ax2.set_ylabel("Significance") ax2.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax2.set_yticks([0, .2, .4, .6, .8, 1]) ax2.grid() try: if date_fmt is not None: ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except BaseException: pass self.plot_directions(ax=ax0, date_fmt=date_fmt, **kwargs) self.plot_magnitudes(ax=ax1, date_fmt=date_fmt, **kwargs) ax0.set_xticklabels([]) ax1.set_xticklabels([]) try: gs.update(hspace=0.05, top=0.97, bottom=0.07) except BaseException: pass return fig
[docs] def plot_velocities(self, pix_dist_m=None, pix_dist_m_err=None, ax=None, normal_vec=None, date_fmt=None, **kwargs): """Plot time series of velocity evolution. :param pix_dist_m: detector pixel distance in m, if unspecified, then velocities are plotted in units of pix/s :param pix_dist_m_err: uncertainty in pixel to pixel distance in m """ velo_unit = "m/s" try: pix_dist_m = float(pix_dist_m) except BaseException: pix_dist_m = 1.0 velo_unit = "pix/s" if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = "b" # hard coded for now v, verr = [], [] for k in range(len(self.len_mu)): temp = self.get_velocity(k, pix_dist_m, pix_dist_m_err, normal_vec=normal_vec) v.append(temp[0]) verr.append(temp[1]) v = asarray(v) verr = asarray(verr) if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) velos = Series(v, self.start_acq) velos_upper = Series(v + verr, self.start_acq) velos_lower = Series(v - verr, self.start_acq) ax.plot(velos.index, velos, **kwargs) try: if date_fmt is not None: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except BaseException: pass ax.fill_between(velos.index, velos_lower, velos_upper, alpha=0.1, **kwargs) ax.set_ylabel("v [%s]" % velo_unit) ax.grid() rotate_xtick_labels(ax=ax) return ax
#: I/O stuff
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Write all data attributes into dictionary. Keys of the dictionary are the private class names Returns ------- OrderedDict Dictionary containing results """ return od([("_start_acq", self.start_acq), ("_dir_mu", self.dir_mu), ("_dir_sigma", self.dir_sigma), ("_len_mu_norm", self.len_mu_norm), ("_len_sigma_norm", self.len_sigma_norm), ("_del_t", self.del_t), ("_pyrlevel", self.pyrlevel), ("_significance", self._significance), ("_fit_success", self._fit_success)])
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): """Read valid attributes from dictionary. Parameters ---------- d : dict dictionary containing data Returns ------- LocalPlumeProperties this object """ for k, v in six.iteritems(d): if k in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[k] = v
[docs] def to_pandas_dataframe(self): """Convert object into pandas dataframe. This can, for instance be used to store the data as csv (cf. :func:`from_pandas_dataframe`) """ d = self.to_dict() del d["_start_acq"] try: df = DataFrame(d, index=self.start_acq) return df except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to convert LocalPlumeProperties " "into pandas DataFrame")
[docs] def from_pandas_dataframe(self, df): """Import results from pandas :class:`DataFrame` object. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame pandas dataframe containing emisison rate results Returns ------- LocalPlumeProperties this object """ self._start_acq = df.index.to_pydatetime() for key in df.keys(): if key in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key] = df[key].values return self
@property def default_save_name(self): """Return default name for txt export.""" try: d = self.start.strftime("%Y%m%d") i = self.start.strftime("%H%M") f = self.stop.strftime("%H%M") except BaseException: d, i, f = "nan", "nan", "nan" return "plume_props_%s_%s_%s_%s.txt" % (self.roi_id, d, i, f)
[docs] def save_txt(self, path=None): """Save this object as text file.""" try: if isdir(path): # raises exception in case path is not valid loc path = join(path, self.default_save_name) elif not isfile: raise Exception except BaseException: path = join(getcwd(), self.default_save_name) self.to_pandas_dataframe().to_csv(path)
[docs] def load_txt(self, path): df = pd.read_csv(path) return self.from_pandas_dataframe(df)
def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key in self.__dict__: # print ("Updating attr. %s in LocalPlumeProperties, new val: %s" # %(key, val)) self.__dict__[key] = val
[docs]class FarnebackSettings(object): r"""Settings for optical flow Farneback calculations and visualisation. .. todo:: Finish docs This object contains settings for the opencv implementation of the optical flow Farneback algorithm :func:`calcOpticalFlowFarneback`. For a detailed description of the input parameters see `OpenCV docs < tracking.html#calcopticalflowfarneback>`__ (last access: 07.03.2017). Furthermore, it includes attributes for image preparation which are applied to the input images before :func:`calcOpticalFlowFarneback` is called. Currently, these include contrast changes specified by :attr:`i_min` and :attr:`i_max` which can be used to specify the range of intensities to be considered. In addition, post analysis settings of the flow field can be specified, which are relevant, e.g. for a histogram analysis of the retrieved flow field: 1. :attr:`roi_abs`: specifiy ROI for post analysis of flow field \ (``abs`` indicates that the input is assumed to be in absolute \ image coordinates and not in coordinates set based on a cropped \ or size reduced image). Default corresponds to whole image. #. :attr:`min_length`: minimum length of optical flow vectors to be \ considered for statistical analysis, default is 1 (pix) #. :attr:`hist_sigma_tol`: parameter for retrieval of mean flow \ field parameters. It specifies the range of considered \ orientation angles based on mu and sigma of the main peak of \ flow field orientation histogram. All vectors falling into this \ angular range are considered to determine the flow length \ histogram used to estimate the average displacement length. #. :attr:`hist_dir_gnum_max`: maximum allowed number of gaussians for \ multi gauss fit of orientation histogram (default = 5). Parameters ---------- **settings valid keyword arguments for class attributes, e.g.:: stp = FarnebackSettings(i_min=0, i_max=3500, iterations=8) """
[docs] def __init__(self, **settings): self._contrast = od([("i_min", 0), ("i_max", 1e30), ("roi_rad_abs", [0, 0, 9999, 9999]), ("auto_update", True)]) self._flow_algo = od([("pyr_scale", 0.5), ("levels", 4), ("winsize", 20), ("iterations", 5), ("poly_n", 5), ("poly_sigma", 1.1)]) self._analysis = od([("roi_abs", [0, 0, 9999, 9999]), ("min_length", 1.0), ("min_count_frac", 0.1), ("hist_sigma_tol", 2), ("hist_dir_gnum_max", 10), ("hist_dir_binres", 10)]) self._display = od([("disp_skip", 20), ("disp_len_thresh", 1)]) # for test self._update_i_min = True self._update_i_max = True self.update(**settings)
[docs] def update(self, **settings): """Update current settings. Parameters ---------- **settings keyword args specifying new settings (only valid keys are considered, i.e. class attributes) """ for k, v in six.iteritems(settings): self[k] = v # see __setitem__ method
@property def i_min(self): """Lower intensity limit for image contrast preparation.""" return self._contrast["i_min"] @i_min.setter def i_min(self, val): self._contrast["i_min"] = val @property def i_max(self): """Upper intensity limit for image contrast preparation.""" return self._contrast["i_max"] @i_max.setter def i_max(self, val): self._contrast["i_max"] = val @property def roi_rad(self): """Old name of :attr:`roi_rad_abs`.""" logger.warning("This method was renamed after release 0.11.2. Please use " "roi_rad_abs in the future") return self._contrast["roi_rad_abs"] @roi_rad.setter def roi_rad(self, val): logger.warning("This method was renamed after release 0.11.2. Please use " "roi_rad_abs in the future") self.roi_rad_abs = val @property def roi_rad_abs(self): """ROI used for measuring min / max intensities for contrast settings. ROI (in absolute image coords) for updating the intensity range ``i_min`` / ``i_max`` (only relevant if :attr:`auto_update` is True). """ return self._contrast["roi_rad_abs"] @roi_rad_abs.setter def roi_rad_abs(self, val): if not check_roi(val): raise ValueError("Invalid ROI, need list [x0, y0, x1, y1], " "got %s" % val) self._contrast["roi_rad_abs"] = val @property def auto_update(self): """Contrast is automatically updated based on min / max intensities. If active, then :attr:`i_min` and :attr:`i_max` are updated automativally whenever new images are assigned to a :class:`OptflowFarneback` using method :func:`set_images`. The update is performed based on min / max intensities of the images in the current ROI """ return self._contrast["auto_update"] @auto_update.setter def auto_update(self, val): """Upper intensity limit for image contrast preparation.""" if val in [0, 1]: self._contrast["auto_update"] = val @property def pyr_scale(self): """Farneback algo input: scale space parameter for pyramid levels. pyplis default = 0.5 """ return self._flow_algo["pyr_scale"] @pyr_scale.setter def pyr_scale(self, val): self._flow_algo["pyr_scale"] = val @property def levels(self): """Farneback algo input: number of pyramid levels. pyplis default = 4 """ return self._flow_algo["levels"] @levels.setter def levels(self, val): self._flow_algo["levels"] = val @property def winsize(self): """Farneback algo input: width of averaging kernel. The larger, the more stable the results are, but also more smoothed pyplis default = 20 """ return self._flow_algo["winsize"] @winsize.setter def winsize(self, val): if val <= 0: raise ValueError("winsize must exceed 0") self._flow_algo["winsize"] = val @property def iterations(self): """Farneback algo input: number of iterations. pyplis default = 5 """ return self._flow_algo["iterations"] @iterations.setter def iterations(self, val): if val <= 0: raise ValueError("winsize must exceed 0") elif val < 4: logger.warning("Small value for optical flow input parameter: iterations") elif val > 10: logger.warning("Large value for optical flow input parameter: iterations. " "This might significantly increase computation time") self._flow_algo["iterations"] = val @property def poly_n(self): """Farneback algo input: size of pixel neighbourhood for poly exp. default = 5 """ return self._flow_algo["poly_n"] @poly_n.setter def poly_n(self, val): self._flow_algo["poly_n"] = val @property def poly_sigma(self): """Farneback algo input: std of Gaussian to smooth poly derivatives. pyplis default = 1.1 """ return self._flow_algo["poly_sigma"] @poly_sigma.setter def poly_sigma(self, val): self._flow_algo["poly_sigma"] = val @property def roi_abs(self): """Get ROI for analysis of flow field (in absolute image coords).""" return self._analysis["roi_abs"] @roi_abs.setter def roi_abs(self, val): if not check_roi(val): raise ValueError("Invalid ROI: %s" % val) self._analysis["roi_abs"] = val @property def min_length(self): """Get / set minimum flow vector length for post analysis.""" return self._analysis["min_length"] @min_length.setter def min_length(self, val): if not val >= 1.0:"WARNING: Minimum length of optical flow vectors for " "analysis is smaller than 1 (pixel)")"Updating param min_length: %.2f" % val) self._analysis["min_length"] = val @property def min_count_frac(self): """Minimum fraction of significant vectors required for histo analysis. """ return self._analysis["min_count_frac"] @min_count_frac.setter def min_count_frac(self, val): if not val <= 1.0: raise ValueError("Please use a fraction between 0 and 1")"Updating param min_count_frac: %.2f" % val) self._analysis["min_count_frac"] = val @property def hist_dir_sigma(self): """Old name of :attr:`hist_sigma_tol`.""" logger.warning("This method was renamed after release 0.11.2. Please use " "hist_sigma_tol in the future") return self._analysis["hist_sigma_tol"] @hist_dir_sigma.setter def hist_dir_sigma(self, val): logger.warning("This method was renamed after release 0.11.2. Please use " "hist_sigma_tol in the future") self.hist_sigma_tol = val @property def hist_sigma_tol(self): """Sigma tolerance value for mean flow analysis.""" return self._analysis["hist_sigma_tol"] @hist_sigma_tol.setter def hist_sigma_tol(self, val): if not 1 <= val < 4: raise ValueError("Value must be between 1 and 4") self._analysis["hist_sigma_tol"] = val @property def hist_dir_gnum_max(self): """Max number of gaussians for multigauss fit of orientation histo.""" return self._analysis["hist_dir_gnum_max"] @hist_dir_gnum_max.setter def hist_dir_gnum_max(self, val): if not val > 0: raise ValueError("Value must be larger than 0") self._analysis["hist_dir_gnum_max"] = val @property def hist_dir_binres(self): """Angular resolution of orientation histo (bin width, in deg).""" return self._analysis["hist_dir_binres"] @hist_dir_binres.setter def hist_dir_binres(self, val): if not 1 <= val <= 180: raise ValueError("Please choose an angular resolution between " "1 and 180 degrees") self._analysis["hist_dir_binres"] = val @property def disp_skip(self): """Return current pixel skip value for displaying flow field.""" return self._display["disp_skip"] @disp_skip.setter def disp_skip(self, val): try: self._display["disp_skip"] = int(val) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Need number, got %s" % type(val)) @property def disp_len_thresh(self): """Return current pixel skip value for displaying flow field.""" return self._display["disp_len_thresh"] @disp_len_thresh.setter def disp_len_thresh(self, val): try: self._display["disp_len_thresh"] = float(val) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Need number, got %s" % type(val))
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Return deepcopy of this object.""" return deepcopy(self)
def __str__(self): s = "Image contrast settings (applied before flow calc):\n" for key, val in six.iteritems(self._contrast): s += "%s: %s\n" % (key, val) s += "\nOptical flow algo input (see OpenCV docs):\n" for key, val in six.iteritems(self._flow_algo): s += "%s: %s\n" % (key, val) s += "\nPost analysis settings:\n" for key, val in six.iteritems(self._analysis): s += "%s: %s\n" % (key, val) s += "\nDisplay settings:\n" for key, val in six.iteritems(self._display): s += "%s: %s\n" % (key, val) return s def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set item method.""" for k, v in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): try: if key in v: v[key] = value except BaseException: pass def __getitem__(self, name): """Get item method.""" if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] for k, v in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): try: if name in v: return v[name] except BaseException: pass
[docs]class OptflowFarneback(object): """Implementation of Optical flow Farneback algorithm of OpenCV library. Engine for autmatic optical flow calculation, for settings see :class:`FarnebackSettings`. The calculation of the flow field is performed for two consecutive images. Includes features for histogram based post analysis of flow field which can be used to estimate flow vectors in low contrast image regions. Parameters ---------- first_img : :obj:`Img`, optional first of two consecutive images next_img : :obj:`Img`, optional second of two consecutive images Attributes ---------- images_input : dict Dictionary containing the current images used to determine flow field. The images can be updated using :func:`set_images`. Keys: ``this``, ``next`` images_prep : dict Dictionary containing modified input images prepared for determining the optical field using :func:`calcOpticalFlowFarneback` (e.g. contrast changed, converted to 8 bit). Keys: ``this``, ``next`` flow : array this attribute contains the flow field (i.e. raw output of :func:`calcOpticalFlowFarneback`). settings : FarnebackSettings settings class including input specifications for flow calculation (i.e. input args for :func:`calcOpticalFlowFarneback`) and further, settings for image preparation (before the flow field is calculated, cf. :attr:`images_prep`) as well as settings for post analysis of the optical flow field (e.g. for histogram analysis). """
[docs] def __init__(self, first_img=None, next_img=None, **settings): # settings for determination of flow field self.settings = FarnebackSettings(**settings) self.images_input = {"this": None, "next": None} # images used for optical flow self.images_prep = {"this": None, "next": None} # the actual flow array (result from cv2 algo) self.flow = None # if you want, you can connect a TwoDragLinesHor object (e.g. inserted # in a histogram) to change the pre edit settings "i_min" and "i_max" # This will be done in both directions self._interactive_contrast_control = None if all([isinstance(x, Img) for x in [first_img, next_img]]): self.set_images(first_img, next_img) self.calc_flow()
@property def auto_update_contrast(self): """Get / set mode for automatically update contrast range. If True, the contrast parameters ``self.settings.i_min`` and ``self.settings.i_max`` are updated when :func:`set_images`` is called, based on the min / max intensity of the two images. The latter intensities are retrieved within the current ROI for the flow field analysis (``self.roi_abs``) """ return self.settings.auto_update @auto_update_contrast.setter def auto_update_contrast(self, val): self.settings.auto_update = val"Auto update contrast mode was updated in OptflowFarneback " "but not applied to current image objects, please call method " "set_images in order to apply the changes") return val
[docs] def reset_flow(self): """Reset flow field.""" self.flow = None
@property def roi_abs(self): """Get / set current ROI (in absolute image coordinates).""" return self.settings.roi_abs @roi_abs.setter def roi_abs(self, val): self.settings.roi_abs = val if self.auto_update_contrast: self.update_contrast_range() @property def roi(self): """Get ROI converted to current image preparation settings.""" try: return map_roi(self.roi_abs, self.images_input["this"].pyrlevel) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Error transforming ROI, check if images are set." "Error msg: %s" % format_exc()) @roi.setter def roi(self): """Raise AttributeError.""" raise AttributeError("Please use attribute roi_abs to change the " "current ROI") @property def pyrlevel(self): """Return pyramid level of current image.""" im = self.images_input["this"] if not isinstance(im, Img): raise AttributeError("No image available") return im.edit_log["pyrlevel"] @property def del_t(self): """Return time difference in s between both images.""" t0, t1 = self.get_img_acq_times() return (t1 - t0).total_seconds() @property def current_time(self): """Return acquisition time of current image.""" try: return self.images_input["this"].meta["start_acq"] except BaseException: logger.warning("Image acq. time cannot be accessed in OptflowFarneback") return datetime(1900, 1, 1)
[docs] def set_mode_auto_update_contrast_range(self, value=True): """Activate auto update of image contrast range. If this mode is active (the actual parameter is stored in ``self._img_prep_modes["update_contrast"]``), then, whenever the optical flow is calculated, the input contrast range is updated based on minimum / maxium intensity of the first input image within the current ROI. :param bool value (True): new mode """ self._img_prep_modes["update_contrast"] = value
[docs] def check_contrast_range(self, img_data): """Check input contrast settings for optical flow calculation.""" i_min, i_max = self.current_contrast_range() if i_min < img_data.min() and i_max < img_data.min() or\ i_min > img_data.max() and i_max > img_data.max(): self.update_contrast_range(i_min, i_max)
[docs] def current_contrast_range(self): """Get min / max intensity values for image preparation.""" i_min = float(self.settings._contrast["i_min"]) i_max = float(self.settings._contrast["i_max"]) return i_min, i_max
[docs] def update_contrast_range(self): """Update contrast range using min/max vals of current images in ROI. """ img = self.images_input["this"] if self.settings.roi_rad_abs == DEFAULT_ROI: self.settings.roi_rad_abs = self.settings.roi_abs roi = map_roi(self.settings.roi_rad_abs, img.edit_log["pyrlevel"]) sub = img.img[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]] i_min, i_max = sub.min(), sub.max() if self.settings._update_i_min: self.settings.i_min = i_min if self.settings._update_i_max: self.settings.i_max = i_max
# ============================================================================== # print ("Updated contrast range in optflow (ROI=%s), i_min=%.1e, " # "i_max=%.1e" %(roi, i_min, i_max)) # ==============================================================================
[docs] def set_images(self, this_img, next_img): """Update the current image objects. :param ndarray this_img: the current image :param ndarray next_img: the next image """ self.flow = None self.images_input["this"] = this_img self.images_input["next"] = next_img if any([x.edit_log["crop"] for x in [this_img, next_img]]): logger.warning("Input images for optical flow calculation are cropped") i_min, i_max = self.current_contrast_range() if self.roi_abs == [0, 0, 9999, 9999]: self.roi_abs = this_img.roi_abs if i_max == 1e30 or self.auto_update_contrast: self.update_contrast_range() self.prep_images()
[docs] def prep_images(self): """Prepare images for optical flow input.""" i_min, i_max = self.current_contrast_range() self.images_prep["this"] = bytescale(self.images_input["this"].img, cmin=i_min, cmax=i_max) self.images_prep["next"] = bytescale(self.images_input["next"].img, cmin=i_min, cmax=i_max)
[docs] def calc_flow(self, this_img=None, next_img=None): """Calculate the optical flow field. Uses :func:`cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback` to calculate optical flow field between two images using the input settings specified in ``self.settings``. Parameters ---------- this_img : Img the first of two successive images (if unspecified, the current images in ``self.images_prep`` are used, else, they are updated) next_img : Img the second of two successive images (if unspecified, the current images in ``self.images_prep`` are used, else, they are updated) Returns ------- array 3D numpy array containing flow displacement field (is also assigned to :attr:`flow`) """ if all([isinstance(x, Img) for x in [this_img, next_img]]): self.set_images(this_img, next_img) settings = self.settings._flow_algo # print "Calculating Farneback optical flow" self.flow = calcOpticalFlowFarneback(self.images_prep["this"], self.images_prep["next"], flow=None, flags=OPTFLOW_FARNEBACK_GAUSSIAN, **settings) return self.flow
[docs] def get_flow_in_roi(self, roi_rel=None): """Get the flow field within in a ROI. Parameters ---------- roi_rel : list rectangular ROI aligned with image axis (``[x0, y0, x1, y1]``). .. note:: The ROI is used as is, i.e. it needs to be defined for current Gauss pyramid level. Returns ------- array 3D numpy array containing flow displacement field in ROI """ if self.flow is None: raise ValueError("No flow field available..") try: x0, y0, x1, y1 = roi_rel except BaseException: x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.roi return self.flow[y0: y1, x0: x1, :]
[docs] def prep_flow_for_analysis(self, mask=None): """Get flow field data from all pixels in a certain ROI. This function provides access to the flow field in a certain region of interest. In the default case the currently set roi :attr:`roi` is used (which is a rectangle aligned with the image x / y axis). Alternatively, a pixel access mask can be provided (e.g. specifying pixels in a rotated rectangle) which is then be used. Parameters ---------- mask : array boolean mask specifying all pixels used to retrieve displacement information (True pixels in mask) Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`array`, vector containing all x displacement lengths - :obj:`array`, vector containing all y displacement lenghts """ fl = self.flow if fl is None: raise ValueError("Optical flow field not available") try: if mask.shape == fl.shape[:2]: return fl[:, :, 0][mask], fl[:, :, 1][mask] raise Exception except BaseException: fl = self.get_flow_in_roi() return fl[:, :, 0].flatten(), fl[:, :, 1].flatten()
# ============================================================================== # def prepare_intensity_condition_mask(self, lower_val=0.0, # upper_val=1e30): # """Apply intensity threshold to input image in ROI and make mask # vector. # # Parameters # ---------- # lower_val : float # lower intensity value, default is 0.0 # upper_val : float # upper intensity value, default is 1e30 # # Returns # ------- # ndarray # flattened mask which can be used e.g. in # :func:`flow_orientation_histo` as additional input param # # """ # x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.roi # sub = self.images_input["this"].img[y0 : y1, x0 : x1].flatten() # return logical_and(sub > lower_val, sub < upper_val) # ==============================================================================
[docs] def to_plume_speed(self, col_dist_img, row_dist_img=None): """Convert the current flow field to plume speed array. Parameters ---------- col_dist_img : Img image, where each pixel corresponds to horizontal pixel distance in m row_dist_img optional, image where each pixel corresponds to vertical pixel distance in m (if None, ``col_dist_img`` is also used for vertical pixel distances) """ if row_dist_img is None: row_dist_img = col_dist_img if col_dist_img.edit_log["pyrlevel"] != self.pyrlevel: raise ValueError("Images have different pyramid levels") if not all([x.shape == self.flow.shape[:2] for x in [col_dist_img, row_dist_img]]): raise ValueError("Shape mismatch, check ROIs of input images") try: delt = self.del_t except BaseException: delt = 0 if delt == 0: raise ValueError("Check image acquisition times...") dx = col_dist_img.img * self.flow[:, :, 0] / delt dy = row_dist_img.img * self.flow[:, :, 1] / delt return sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
[docs] def get_flow_orientation_img(self, in_roi=False, roi_rel=None): """Return flow angle image. The pixel values correspond to the orientation angles of the vectors of the current flow field, where the values correspond to: - 0 -> upwards (**-y** direction) - 90 -> to the right (**+x** direction) - -90 -> to the left (**-x** direction) - -180, 180 -> down (**+y** direction) Parameters ---------- in_roi : bool get the image for a certain ROI roi_rel : :obj:`list`, optional, the ROI supposed to be used if ``in_roi`` is True. If None (default) then the current ROI is used (:attr:`roi`). Returns ------- array 2D numpy array corresponding to flow orientation image """ if self.flow is None: raise ValueError("No flow field available..") if in_roi: fl = self.get_flow_in_roi(roi_rel) else: fl = self.flow fx, fy = fl[:, :, 0], fl[:, :, 1] return rad2deg(arctan2(fx, -fy))
[docs] def get_flow_vector_length_img(self, in_roi=False, roi=None): """Return flow vector length image. The pixel values correspond to the magnitude of the vectors of the current flow field. Parameters ---------- in_roi : bool get the image for a certain ROI roi : :obj:`list`, optional, the ROI supposed to be used if ``in_roi`` is True. If None (default) then the current ROI is used (:attr:`roi`). Returns ------- array 2D numpy array corresponding to flow orientation image """ if self.flow is None: raise ValueError("No flow field available..") if in_roi: fl = self.get_flow_in_roi(roi) else: fl = self.flow fx, fy = fl[:, :, 0], fl[:, :, 1] return sqrt(fx ** 2 + fy ** 2)
[docs] def all_len_angle_vecs_roi(self, mask=None): """Get lengths and angles for all pixels in a ROI. Parameters ---------- mask : :obj:`array`, optional boolean mask specifying all pixels supposed to be used for data access, defaults to None, in which case the current ROI is used (i.e. :attr:`roi`) Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`array`, vector with all displacement lengths in ROI / mask - :obj:`array`, vector with all displacement angles in ROI / mask """ fx, fy = self.prep_flow_for_analysis(mask) angles = rad2deg(arctan2(fx, -fy)) lens = sqrt(fx**2 + fy**2) return lens, angles
def _prep_histo_data(self, count, bins): """Check if histo data (count, bins) arrays have same length. If not, shift bins to center of counts Parameters ---------- count : array array containing histogram counts bins : array array containing bins corresponding to counts Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - count - bins (this was changed if input has length mismatch) """ if len(bins) == len(count): return count, bins elif len(bins) == len(count) + 1: bins = asarray([0.5 * (bins[i] + bins[i + 1]) for i in xrange(len(bins) - 1)]) return count, bins else: raise ValueError("Invalid input for histogram data")
[docs] def flow_orientation_histo(self, pix_mask=None, bin_res_degrees=None, min_length=1.0, **kwargs): """Get histogram of orientation distribution of current flow field. Parameters ---------- pix_mask : :obj:`array`, optional boolean mask specifying image pixels supposed to be considered for the analysis. Is passed to :func:`all_len_angle_vecs_roi`, i.e. if this mask is unspecified the histogram data is retrieved using the current ROI (:attr:`roi`) for specifying the considered image region. .. note:: This is ignored if two arrays containing lengths and angles are provided using ``**kwargs`` (for details see below) bin_res_degrees : int bin width of histogram (is rounded to nearest integer if not devisor of 360), if unspecified use :attr:`hist_dir_binres` of settings class min_length : float minimum length of vectors in order to be considered for histogram, defaults to 1.0 **kwargs : additional key word args that can be used to pass lens and angles arrays (see e.g. :func:`local_flow_params`). Use keywords ``lens`` and ``angles`` to pass this information. Returns ------- tuple 3-element tuple containing - :obj:`array`: histogram counts - :obj:`array`: histogram bins - :obj:`array`: all angles used to determine the histogram """ try: lens = kwargs["lens"] angles = kwargs["angles"] except BaseException: lens, angles = self.all_len_angle_vecs_roi(pix_mask) if bin_res_degrees is None: bin_res_degrees = self.settings.hist_dir_binres cond = lens > min_length if sum(cond) == 0: raise ValueError("No data left for determining orientation histo") angs = angles[cond.astype(bool)] num_bins = int(round(360 / float(bin_res_degrees))) count, bins = histogram(angs, num_bins, range=(-180, 180)) return count, bins, angs
[docs] def flow_length_histo(self, pix_mask=None, bin_res_pix=1, min_length=1.0, **kwargs): """Get histogram of displacement length distribution of flow field. Parameters ---------- pix_mask : :obj:`array`, optional boolean mask specifying image pixels supposed to be considered for the analysis. Is passed to :func:`all_len_angle_vecs_roi`, i.e. if this mask is unspecified the histogram data is retrieved using the current ROI (:attr:`roi`) for specifying the considered image region. .. note:: This is ignored if two arrays containing lengths and angles are provided using ``**kwargs`` (for details see below) bin_res_pix : int bin width in units of pixels, defaults to 2 min_length : float minimum length of vectors in order to be considered for histogram, defaults to 1.0 **kwargs : additional key word args that can be used to pass lens and angles arrays (see e.g. :func:`local_flow_params`). Use keyword ``lens`` to pass this information. Returns ------- tuple 3-element tuple containing - :obj:`array`: histogram counts - :obj:`array`: histogram bins - :obj:`array`: all lengths used to determine the histogram """ try: lens = kwargs["lens"] except BaseException: lens, _ = self.all_len_angle_vecs_roi(pix_mask) cond = lens > min_length lens = lens[cond.astype(bool)] if not len(lens) > 0: raise ValueError("No data available...") upper = int(ceil(lens.max())) + 1 upper = upper + upper % 2 count, bins = histogram(lens, bins=int(upper / float(bin_res_pix)), range=(0, upper)) return count, bins, lens
[docs] def fit_multigauss_to_histo(self, count, bins, noise_amp=None, max_num_gaussians=None): """Fit multi gauss distribution to histogram. Parameters ---------- count : array array containing histogram counts bins : array array containing bins corresponding to counts noise_amp : float noise amplitude of the histogram data (you don't want to fit all the noise peaks). If None, then it is estimated automatically within :class:`MultiGaussFit`. max_num_gaussians : int Maximum allowed number of Gaussians for :class:`MultiGaussFit`, if None, then default of :class:`MultiGaussFit` is used Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - *MultiGaussFit*: fit object - *bool*: success True / False """ ok = True c, x = self._prep_histo_data(count, bins) fit = MultiGaussFit(c, x, noise_amp=noise_amp, max_num_gaussians=max_num_gaussians, do_fit=False) # make sure the object is initiated ok = False try: if fit.run_optimisation(): ok = True except BaseException: pass return fit, ok
[docs] def fit_orientation_histo(self, count, bins, noise_amp=None, max_num_gaussians=None, **kwargs): """Fit multi gauss distribution to flow orientation histogram. Parameters ---------- count : array histogram counts (see :func:`flow_orientation_histo`) bins : array histogram bins (see :func:`flow_orientation_histo`) noise_amp : :obj:`float`, optional minimum amplitude required for peaks in histogram in order to be considered for multi gauss fit, if None (default) use 5% of max count max_num_gaussians : :obj:`int`, optional maximum number of Gaussians fitted to the distributions, if None (default) then use ``self.settings.hist_dir_gnum_max`` Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`MultiGaussFit`, the fit object - bool, fit success """ if max_num_gaussians is None: max_num_gaussians = self.settings.hist_dir_gnum_max if noise_amp is None: # set minimum amplitude for multi gauss fit 5% of max amp noise_amp = max(count) * 0.05 fit, ok = self.fit_multigauss_to_histo( count, bins, noise_amp=noise_amp, max_num_gaussians=max_num_gaussians) return fit, ok
[docs] def mu_sigma_from_moments(self, count, bins): """Get mean and sigma of histogram distr. using 1. and 2nd moment. Parameters ---------- count : array array with counts per bin bins : array array containing bins Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple, containing - :obj:`float`: expectation value mu - :obj:`float`: corresponding standard deviation """ c, x = self._prep_histo_data(count, bins) mu = nth_moment(x, c, 0, 1) sigma = sqrt(nth_moment(x, c, mu, 2)) return mu, sigma
[docs] def fit_length_histo(self, count, bins, noise_amp=None, max_num_gaussians=4, **kwargs): """Apply multi gauss fit to length distribution histogram. Parameters ---------- count : array histogram counts (see :func:`flow_orientation_histo`) bins : array histogram bins (see :func:`flow_orientation_histo`) noise_amp : :obj:`float`, optional minimum amplitude required for peaks in histogram in order to be considered for multi gauss fit, if None (default) use 5% of max count max_num_gaussians : :obj:`int`, optional maximum number of Gaussians fitted to the distributions, if None (default) then use ``self.settings.hist_dir_gnum_max`` Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`MultiGaussFit`, the fit object - bool, fit success """ if noise_amp is None: noise_amp = max(count) * 0.05 fit, ok = self.fit_multigauss_to_histo( count, bins, noise_amp=noise_amp, max_num_gaussians=max_num_gaussians) return fit, ok
[docs] def get_main_flow_field_params(self, **kwargs): """Old name of :func:`local_flow_params`.""" return self.local_flow_params(**kwargs)
[docs] def local_flow_params(self, line=None, pix_mask=None, noise_amp=None, min_count_frac=None, min_length=None, dir_multi_gauss=True): """Histogram based statistical analysis of flow field in current ROI. This function analyses histograms of the current flow field within a ROI in order to find the predominant movement direction (within the ROI) and the corresponding predominant displacement length. Parameters ---------- line : :obj:`LineOnImage`, optional if provided, then the ROI corresponding to the line orientation is used (see :func:`get_rotated_roi_mask` in :class:`LineOnImage` objects). If unspecified the current roi (:attr:`roi`) is used. pix_mask : :obj:`array`, optional boolean mask specifying image pixels supposed to be considered for the analysis, e.g. only plume pixels (determined applying a tau threshold to a tau image). noise_amp : :obj:`float`, optional this number specifies the minimum amplitude for individual peaks in the histograms (for multiple Gaussian fit). If unspecified here it will be set automatically in the corresponding methods :func:`fit_length_histo` and :func:`fit_orientation_histo`. min_count_frac : :obj:`float`, optional determines the minimum required number of significant vectors in current ROI for histogram analysis (i.e. if ROI is NxM pixels and ``min_count_frac=0.1``, then at least (MxN)*0.1 pixels need to remain after applying ``cond_mask_flat`` and exclusion of vectors shorter than current minimum length ``self.settings.min_length``) min_length : :obj:`float`, optional minimum length of vectors required in order to be considered for historgram analysis dir_multi_gauss : bool if True, a multi Gauss analysis (see :class:`MultiGaussFit`) is applied to orientation histogram to separate the main peak from potential other peaks. Note that the optimisation slows down the analysis a bit. Returns ------- dict dictionary containing results of the analysis """ del_t = self.del_t res = od([("_len_mu_norm", nan), # normalised displ. len [s-1] ("_len_sigma_norm", nan), # error norm. displ. len [s-1] ("_dir_mu", nan), # predominant displ. dir. [deg] ("_dir_sigma", 180.0), # error pred. displ. dir. [deg] ("_del_t", del_t), # time diff 'this' -> 'next' ("_start_acq", self.current_time), # time stamp 'this' ("_significance", 0.0), # fraction of usable pixels in ROI ("_add_gauss_dir", []), ("pix_mask", None), ("fit_dir", None), ("_fit_success", 0), ("_pyrlevel", self.pyrlevel)]) # EVALUATE INPUT AND INIT PARAMETERS # get current minimum length required to be included into statistics if min_length is None: min_length = self.settings.min_length # minimum fraction of significant vectors required (relative to the # total number of vectors in ROI) if min_count_frac is None: min_count_frac = self.settings.min_count_frac try: pix_mask = pix_mask.img except BaseException: pass # init pixel access mask mask = pix_mask if isinstance(line, LineOnImage): # print "Using rotated ROI mask for pixel access""" m = line.get_rotated_roi_mask(self.flow.shape[:2]) if mask is None: mask = m else: mask = (mask * m).astype(bool) res["pix_mask"] = mask # vectors containing lengths and angles of flow field in ROI (if None # of the two input masks are specified, then the current ROI is used) lens, angles = self.all_len_angle_vecs_roi(mask) # get histogram of data exceeding minimum length try: (count, bins, angs) = self.flow_orientation_histo(lens=lens, angles=angles, min_length=min_length) except BaseException: logger.warning("Retrieval of flow orientation histogram failed") return res # Check if enough vectors are left to go on with the analysis frac = len(angs) / float(len(angles)) if frac < min_count_frac: logger.warning("Aborted retrieval of main flow field paramaters" "only %d %% of the vectors in current ROI are longer than " "minimum required length %.1f" % (frac * 100, min_length)) return res # Now try to apply multi gauss fit to histogram distribution sigma_tol = self.settings.hist_sigma_tol if dir_multi_gauss: fit, ok = self.fit_orientation_histo(count, bins, noise_amp) res["fit_dir"] = fit if fit.has_results(): res["_fit_success"] = 1 # analyse the fit result (i.e. find main gauss peak and # potential other significant peaks) (dir_mu, dir_sigma, tot_num, add_gaussians) =\ fit.analyse_fit_result(sigma_tol_overlaps=sigma_tol + 1) sign_addgauss = sum([fit.integrate_gauss(*g) for g in add_gaussians]) / tot_num # sign = int(fit.integrate_gauss(*g) * 100 / tot_num) if sign_addgauss > .2: # other peaks exceed 20% of main peak logger.warning("Aborting histogram analysis: Multi-Gauss fit " "yielded additional Gaussian exceeding " "significance thresh of 0.2 in histo of " "orientation angles\nSignificance: %s %%\n" % (sign_addgauss * 100)) return res else: logger.warning("Aborting histogram analysis, Multi-Gauss fit failed") return res else: dir_mu, dir_sigma = self.mu_sigma_from_moments(count, bins) # NEXT LINE WAS COMMENTED OUT ON 24/1/2018 # dir_sigma *= sigma_tol add_gaussians = 0 # ============================================================================== # logger.warning("Could not retrieve predominant peak of orientation " # "histogram from multi gauss fit. Using 1. and 2. moment of " # "distr. for estimate of mean displacement direction") # dir_mu, dir_sigma = self.mu_sigma_from_moments(count, bins) # add_gaussians = [] # ============================================================================== res["_dir_mu"] = dir_mu res["_dir_sigma"] = dir_sigma res["_add_gauss_dir"] = add_gaussians # limit range of reasonable orientation angles... dir_low = dir_mu - dir_sigma * sigma_tol dir_high = dir_mu + dir_sigma * sigma_tol # ... and make a mask from it including min length condition cond = logical_and(angles > dir_low, angles < dir_high) * (lens > min_length) # Check if enough vectors are left to go on with the analysis frac = sum(cond) / float(len(lens)) if frac < min_count_frac: logger.warning("Aborted retrieval of main flow field parameters" "only %d %% of the vectors in current ROI remain after " "limiting angular range from fit result of orientation histo" % (frac * 100)) return res res["_significance"] = frac lens = lens[cond] count, bins, _ = self.flow_length_histo(lens=lens) # len_mu, _ = self.mu_sigma_from_moments(count, bins) len_mu, len_sigma = self.mu_sigma_from_moments(count, bins) # ============================================================================= # ### NEXT LINE WAS ADDED ON 24/1/2018 # len_sigma *= sigma_tol # ============================================================================= #"Avg. displ. length: %.1f +/- %.1f" %(len_mu, len_sigma)) res["_len_mu_norm"] = len_mu / del_t # normalise to 1s ival res["_len_sigma_norm"] = len_sigma / del_t # normalise to 1s ival return res
[docs] def apply_median_filter(self, shape=(3, 3)): """Apply median filter to flow field, i.e. to both flow images individually. dx, dy is stored in self.flow. :param tuple shape (3,3): size of the filter """ self.flow[:, :, 0] = median_filter(self.flow[:, :, 0], shape) self.flow[:, :, 1] = median_filter(self.flow[:, :, 1], shape)
[docs] def replace_trash_vecs(self, displ_vec=(0.0, 0.0), min_len=1.0, dir_low=-180.0, dir_high=180.0): """Replace all vectors that do not match certain constraints. Returns a new :class:`OptflowFarneback` object with all vectors in attr. :attr:`flow` replaced by provided displacement vector. Parameters ---------- displ_vec : iterable 2-element vector (list, tuple, array) containing diplacement information ``(dx, dy)`` supposed to be used to replace vectors not matching provided constraints related to minimum length and expectation direction range min_len : float minimum required length of vectors to be considered reliable dir_low : float lower end of accepted displacement direction in order to be considered reliable dir_high : float upper end of accepted displacement direction in order to be considered reliable Returns ------- OptflowFarneback duplicate of this class with :attr:`flow` containing ``displ_vec`` at indices not matching constraints """ phis = self.get_flow_orientation_img() lens = self.get_flow_vector_length_img() c1 = lens > min_len c2 = logical_and(phis > dir_low, phis < dir_high) m = ~(c1 * c2) flc = deepcopy(self) flc.flow[:, :, 0][m] = displ_vec[0] flc.flow[:, :, 1][m] = displ_vec[1] return flc
[docs] def get_img_acq_times(self): """Return acquisition times of current input images. Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple, containing - :obj:`datetime`: acquisition time of first image - :obj:`datetime`: acquisition time of next image """ try: t0 = self.images_input["this"].meta["start_acq"] t1 = self.images_input["next"].meta["start_acq"] except BaseException: logger.warning("Image acquisition times cannot be accessed in" " OptflowFarneback") t0 = datetime(1900, 1, 1) t1 = datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1) return t0, t1
""" Plotting / visualisation etc... """
[docs] def plot_orientation_histo(self, pix_mask=None, min_length=None, bin_res_degrees=None, apply_fit=True, ax=None, tit="Orientation histo", color="b", label="Histo data", bar_plot=True, **fit_settings): """Plot flow orientation histogram. Plots a histogram of the orientation angles of the flow vectors w within a certain ROI. By default, vectors shorter then ``self.settings.min_length`` are excluded from the histogram, if you want a histogram including the short vectors, provide input parameter ``min_length=0.0``. Todo ---- Finish docs ... """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) if min_length is None: min_length = self.settings.min_length lens, angles = self.all_len_angle_vecs_roi(pix_mask) try: (count, bins, angs) = self.flow_orientation_histo( lens=lens, angles=angles, min_length=min_length, bin_res_degrees=bin_res_degrees) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to retrieve orientation histogram: probably no " "vectors left for retrieval of histogram. Current time: %s " % self.current_time) return (ax, None, None) if bar_plot: w = bins[1] - bins[0][:-1], count, width=w, color=color, ec="none", alpha=0.3, label=label) else: c, x = self._prep_histo_data(count, bins) ax.plot(x, c, color=color, ls="--", marker="x", lw=2, label=label) mu, sigma = 0, 180 if apply_fit: fit, ok = self.fit_orientation_histo(count, bins, **fit_settings) if fit.has_results(): (mu, sigma, _, _) =\ fit.analyse_fit_result( sigma_tol_overlaps=self.settings.hist_sigma_tol + 1) fit.plot_multi_gaussian(ax=ax, label="Multi-Gauss fit", color=color) else: tit += ": Fit failed..." else: mu, sigma = self.mu_sigma_from_moments(count, bins) sigma *= self.settings.hist_sigma_tol tit += (r": $\mu (+/-\sigma$) = %.1f (+/- %.1f)" % (mu, sigma)) ax.plot([mu, mu], [0, count.max() * 1.05], color=color, ls="-") ax.plot([mu - sigma, mu - sigma], [0, count.max() * 1.05], color=color, ls="--") ax.plot([mu + sigma, mu + sigma], [0, count.max() * 1.05], color=color, ls="--") ax.set_title(tit) ax.set_xlim([-180, 180]) if bool(label): ax.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) ax.grid() return ax, mu, sigma
[docs] def plot_length_histo(self, pix_mask=None, dir_low=-180, dir_high=180, min_length=None, bin_res_pix=1, apply_fit=False, apply_stats=True, ax=None, tit="Length histo", label="Histo", color="b", bar_plot=True, **fit_settings): """Plot flow vector length histogram including some options. Todo ---- Write docs ... """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) if min_length is None: min_length = self.settings.min_length lens, angles = self.all_len_angle_vecs_roi(pix_mask) # ... and make a mask from it including min length condition cond = logical_and(angles > dir_low, angles < dir_high) lens, angles = lens[cond], angles[cond] try: (count, bins, lens) = self.flow_length_histo(lens=lens, angles=angles, min_length=min_length, bin_res_pix=bin_res_pix) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to retrieve length histogram: probably no vectors " "left for retrieval of histogram. Current time: %s " % self.current_time) w = bins[1] - bins[0] if bar_plot:[:-1], count, width=w, color=color, ec="none", alpha=0.3, label=label) else: c, x = self._prep_histo_data(count, bins) ax.plot(x, c, color=color, ls="--", marker="x", lw=2, label=label) if apply_fit: fit, ok = self.fit_length_histo(count, bins, **fit_settings) if fit.has_results(): fit.plot_multi_gaussian(ax=ax, label="Multi-Gauss fit", color=color) ax.set_xlim([0, int(bins.max()) + 1]) if apply_stats: mu, sigma = self.mu_sigma_from_moments(count, bins) sigma *= self.settings.hist_sigma_tol # sigma = self.settings.hist_sigma_tol * sigma tit += (r": $\mu (+/-\sigma$) = %.1f (+/- %.1f)" % (mu, sigma)) ax.plot([mu, mu], [0, count.max() * 1.05], color=color, ls="-") ax.plot([mu - sigma, mu - sigma], [0, count.max() * 1.05], color=color, ls="--") ax.plot([mu + sigma, mu + sigma], [0, count.max() * 1.05], color=color, ls="--") if bool(label): ax.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) ax.grid() ax.set_title(tit) return ax
[docs] def plot_flow_histograms(self, line=None, pix_mask=None, dir_multi_gauss=True): """Plot detailed information about optical flow histograms. Parameters ---------- line : :obj:`LineOnImage`, optional retrieval line used to calculate historgrams only in line specific ROI pix_mask : :obj:`ndarray`, optional 2D numpy array specifying pixels for histogram retrieval, if unspecified, all image pixels are used, if specified and :param:`line` is specified too, then the union of valid pixels between both parameters is used dir_multi_gauss : bool if True, then the orientation direction histogram is fitted using MultiGauss regression Returns ------- figure """ if self.flow is None: raise ValueError("No flow field available..") roi_temp = self.roi_abs if isinstance(line, LineOnImage): self.roi_abs = line.line_frame_abs aspect = self.images_input["this"].xy_aspect # set up figure and axes fig = figure(figsize=(16, 8)) # three strangely named axes for top row ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 3) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 6) # draw the optical flow image self.draw_flow(0, add_cbar=True, ax=ax1) self.draw_flow(1, add_cbar=True, ax=ax4) # load and draw the length and angle image angle_im = self.get_flow_orientation_img() len_im = self.get_flow_vector_length_img() angle_im_disp = ax2.imshow(angle_im, interpolation='nearest', vmin=-180, vmax=180, cmap="RdBu") ax2.set_title("Displacement orientation") fig.colorbar(angle_im_disp, ax=ax2) len_im_disp = ax5.imshow(len_im, interpolation='nearest', cmap="Blues") fig.colorbar(len_im_disp, ax=ax5) ax5.set_title("Displacement lengths") set_ax_lim_roi(self.roi, ax2, xy_aspect=aspect) set_ax_lim_roi(self.roi, ax5, xy_aspect=aspect) set_ax_lim_roi(self.roi, ax4, xy_aspect=aspect) mask = pix_mask c = "g" if isinstance(line, LineOnImage): # print "Using rotated ROI mask for pixel access""" m = line.get_rotated_roi_mask(self.flow.shape[:2]) if mask is None: mask = m else: mask = (mask * m).astype(bool) line.plot_line_on_grid(ax=ax1, include_roi_rot=1) line.plot_line_on_grid(ax=ax2, include_roi_rot=1) line.plot_line_on_grid(ax=ax4, include_roi_rot=1) line.plot_line_on_grid(ax=ax5, include_roi_rot=1) c = line.color (_, mu, sigma) = self.plot_orientation_histo(pix_mask=mask, apply_fit=dir_multi_gauss, ax=ax3, color=c) low, high = mu - sigma, mu + sigma self.plot_length_histo(pix_mask=mask, apply_fit=False, ax=ax6, dir_low=low, dir_high=high, color=c) fig.tight_layout() self.roi_abs = roi_temp return fig
[docs] def calc_flow_lines(self, in_roi=True, roi=None, extend_len_fac=1.0, include_short_vecs=False): """Determine line objects for visualisation of current flow field. Parameters ---------- in_roi : bool if True (default), then the lines are calculated for pixels within ROI (either specified by 2. input param and else :attr:`roi_abs` is used). roi : list Region of interest supposed to be displayed extend_len_fac : float factor by which length of vectors are extended include_short_vecs : bool if True, lines for short vectors are calculated as well Returns ------- tuple the line coordinates """ settings = self.settings step, len_thresh = settings.disp_skip, settings.disp_len_thresh # get the shape of the rectangle in which the flow was determined if in_roi: flow = self.get_flow_in_roi(roi) else: flow = self.flow h, w = flow.shape[:2] # create and flatten a meshgrid y, x = mgrid[step / 2: h: step, step / 2: w: step].reshape(2, -1) fx, fy = flow[y.astype(int), x.astype(int)].T if not include_short_vecs and len_thresh > 0: # use only those flow vectors longer than the defined threshold cond = sqrt(fx**2 + fy**2) > len_thresh x, y, fx, fy = (x[cond], y[cond], fx[cond], fy[cond]) fx, fy = fx * extend_len_fac, fy * extend_len_fac # create line endpoints try: lines = int32(vstack([x, y, x + fx, y + fy]).T.reshape(-1, 2, 2)) except BaseException: val = sqrt(fx**2 + fy**2).max() raise ValueError("No flow vectors longer than %.2f were " "detected, longest flow vector: %.2f" % (len_thresh, val)) return lines
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Draw current flow field onto image. Wrapper for :func:`draw_flow` :param **kwargs: key word args (see :func:`draw_flow`) """ return self.draw_flow(**kwargs)
[docs] def draw_flow(self, in_roi=False, roi_abs=None, add_cbar=False, include_short_vecs=False, extend_len_fac=1.0, linewidth=1, color=None, ax=None): """Draw the current optical flow field. Parameters ---------- in_roi : bool if True, the flow field is plotted in a cropped image area else, the whole image is drawn roi_abs : :obj:`list`, optional region of interest for which the flow field is drawn (in absolute image coordinates, i.e. is converted to current pyrlevel). If None, then the :attr:`roi_abs` is used. add_cbar : bool if True, a colorbar is added to the plot (note that the images are converted into 8 bit before the flow is calculated, therefore the intensity range of the displayed image is between 0 and 256). include_short_vecs : bool if True, also vectors shorter than ``self.settings.min_length`` are drawn extend_len_fac : float factor by which length of vectors are extended linewidth : int with of flow vector lines color : Color of vectors if flow field is plotted onto an already plotted image. ax : Axes matplotlib axes object Returns ------- Axes the plot axes """ draw_img = True if self.flow is None:"Could not draw flow, no flow available") return try: if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) else: if len(ax.images) > 0: draw_img = False fig = ax.figure except BaseException: logger.warning("Could not draw optical flow, invalid input for parameter ax") return 0 i_min, i_max = self.current_contrast_range() img = self.images_input["this"] if not check_roi(roi_abs): roi_abs = self.roi_abs roi_rel = map_roi(roi_abs, self.pyrlevel) disp = bytescale(img.img, cmin=i_min, cmax=i_max) if img.is_tau: # invert intensities disp = (255 - disp) if add_cbar and draw_img: disp_temp = ax.imshow(disp, cmap="gray") fig.colorbar(disp_temp, ax=ax) disp = cvtColor(disp, COLOR_GRAY2BGR) lines = self.calc_flow_lines(in_roi, roi_rel, extend_len_fac=extend_len_fac, include_short_vecs=include_short_vecs) # tit = r"1. img" x0, y0, w, h = roi2rect(roi_rel) if not in_roi and w < disp.shape[1]: ax.add_patch(Rectangle((x0, y0), w, h, fc="none", ec="c")) x0, y0 = 0, 0 # ============================================================================== # else: # tit += " (in ROI)" # ============================================================================== if not draw_img: if color is None: color = "lime" for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in lines: ax.add_artist(Line2D([x0 + x1, x0 + x2], [y0 + y1, y0 + y2], color=color, linewidth=linewidth)) ax.add_patch(Circle((x0 + x2, y0 + y2), linewidth + 1, ec=color, fc=color)) else: for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in lines: line(disp, (x0 + x1, y0 + y1), (x0 + x2, y0 + y2), color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=linewidth) circle(disp, (x0 + x2, y0 + y2), linewidth + 1, (255, 0, 0), -1) if draw_img: ax.imshow(disp) if in_roi: set_ax_lim_roi(roi_rel, ax) # img = img.crop(roi_abs=roi_abs, new_img=True) # ax.imshow(disp) # ============================================================================== # try: # tit += (r": %s \n $\Delta$t (next) = %.2f s" %(\ # self.get_img_acq_times()[0].strftime("%H:%M:%S"), self.del_t)) # tit = tit.decode("string_escape") # except: # pass # # #ax.set_title(tit, fontsize=12) # ============================================================================== return ax
[docs] def live_example(self): """Show live example using webcam.""" cap = VideoCapture(0) ret, im = gray = cvtColor(im, COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.images_prep["this"] = gray while True: # get grayscale image ret, im = self.images_prep["next"] = cvtColor(im, COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # compute flow flow = self.calc_flow() self.images_prep["this"] = self.images_prep["next"] # plot the flow vectors vis = cvtColor(self.images_prep["this"], COLOR_GRAY2BGR) lines = self.calc_flow_lines(False) for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in lines: line(vis, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 255), 1) circle(vis, (x2, y2), 1, (255, 0, 0), -1) imshow("Optical flow live view", vis) if waitKey(10) == 27: self.flow = flow break
""" Connections etc. """
[docs] def connect_histo(self, canvasWidget): self._interactive_contrast_control = canvasWidget
""" Magic methods (overloading) """ def __call__(self, item=None): if item is None:"Returning current optical flow field, settings: ") return self.flow for key, val in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): try: if item in val: return val[item] except BaseException: pass
[docs]def find_movement(first_img, next_img, pyrlevel=2, num_contrast_ivals=8, ival_overlap=0.05, imin=None, imax=None, apply_erosion=True, erosion_kernel_size=20, apply_dilation=True, dilation_kernel_size=20, verbose=False, **optflow_settings): u"""Search for movement using an iterative optical flow algorithm. This algorithm searches for pixels containing movement between two consecutive images. This is done by using an optical flow algorithm which computes the optical flow field between the two images for a series of different input contrast intervals (imin, imax). Note ---- This is a Beta version Parameters ---------- first_img : Img first image for computation of optical flow next_img : Img next image for computation of optical flow pyrlevel : int pyramid level for iterative analysis, default: 2 num_contrast_ivals : int number of iterations (contrast intervals). The lower and upper values for each interval are determined based on the brightness range of the first image (or alternatively, the specified total considered brightness range using input parameters :param:ìmin` and :param:`imax`) divided by the number of specified intervals and the desired overlap between each interval (see :param:`ival_overlap`). ival_overlap : float percentage overlap between each of the intervals used to calculate the optical flow, default is 0.05 (corresponding to 5%) imin : :obj:`float`, optional lower limit for considered intensity range, if not specified, the minimum intensity of the first input image is used (at the specified pyramid level) imax : :obj:`float`, optional upper limit for considered intensity range, if not specified, the maximum intensity of the first input image is used (at the specified pyramid level) apply_erosion : bool if True, the OpenCV erosion algorithm is applied to the computed mask specifying pixels containing movement erosion_kernel_size : int size of the erosion kernel applied to movement mask if :param:`apply_erosion` is True. Note that the erosion is applied to the mask at the specified input pyramid level (if e.g. a size of 20 pixels is used at pyramid level 2, this corresponds to 80 pixels in the original image resolution) apply_dilation : bool if True, the OpenCV dilation algorithm is applied to the computed mask specifying pixels containing movement (this is done after the erosion is applied) dilation_kernel_size : int size of the dilation kernel applied to movement mask if :param:`apply_dilation` is True. Note that the dilation is applied to the mask at the specified input pyramid level (if e.g. a size of 20 pixels is used at pyramid level 2, this corresponds to 80 pixels in the original image resolution) verbose : bool print search information **optflow_settings additional keyword arguments specifying settings for optical flow computation Returns ------- ndarray 2D-numpy boolean numpy array specifying pixels where movement was detected during the iterative search in the different brightness ranges. The pyramid level of the mask corresponds to the pyramid level of the input images and not the the pyramid level, where the computation was performed """ if not all([isinstance(x, Img) for x in [first_img, next_img]]): raise ValueError("Invalid input, need Img objects") # make a copy of the images (the original input images remain unchanged) first_img = first_img.duplicate() next_img = next_img.duplicate() pyrlevel_orig = first_img.pyrlevel for img in [first_img, next_img]: img.to_pyrlevel(pyrlevel) if imin is None: imin = first_img.min() if imax is None: imax = first_img.max() # detemine intervals for different brightness ranges for optical flow # computation delta = imax - imin overlap = delta * 0.05 ivals = [] ival_w = delta / float(num_contrast_ivals) low = imin for num in range(num_contrast_ivals): l = low - overlap if l < 0: l = 0 ivals.append([l, low + ival_w + overlap]) low += ival_w # create optical flow object fl = OptflowFarneback(first_img, next_img, **optflow_settings) # initiate mask specifying movement pixels cond_movement = zeros_like(first_img.img) if verbose:"\nIterative movement search, varying input contrast range for" " optflow calculation. Current contrast interval:") for ival in ivals: fl.settings.i_min = ival[0] fl.settings.i_max = ival[1] fl.prep_images() fl.calc_flow() len_im = Img(fl.get_flow_vector_length_img()) c = (len_im.img > fl.settings.min_length).astype(uint8) if verbose:"Low: %.3f, High: %.3f, movement detected in %d pixels" % (ival[0], ival[1], sum(c))) cond_movement[c == 1] = 1 if apply_erosion: if verbose: "Applying erosion using kernel size: %d" % erosion_kernel_size) erosion_kernel = ones((erosion_kernel_size, erosion_kernel_size), dtype=uint8) cond_movement = erode(cond_movement, erosion_kernel) if apply_dilation: if verbose:"Applying dilation using kernel size: %d" % dilation_kernel_size) dilation_kernel = ones((dilation_kernel_size, dilation_kernel_size), dtype=uint8) cond_movement = dilate(cond_movement, dilation_kernel) diff = pyrlevel - pyrlevel_orig steps = range(abs(diff)) if diff > 0: for k in steps: cond_movement = pyrUp(cond_movement) elif diff < 0: for k in steps: cond_movement = pyrDown(cond_movement) return cond_movement.astype(bool)
[docs]class OpticalFlowFarnebackSettings(FarnebackSettings): """Old name of :class:`FarnebackSettings`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpticalFlowFarnebackSettings, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) logger.warning("You are using an old name (OpticalFlowFarnebackSettings) for " "class FarnebackSettings")
[docs]class OpticalFlowFarneback(OptflowFarneback): """Old name of :class:`OptflowFarneback`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpticalFlowFarneback, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) logger.warning("You are using an old name OpticalFlowFarneback for class" "OptflowFarneback")