Source code for pyplis.model_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pyplis is a Python library for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Pyplis module containing mathematical model functions."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
from numpy import exp, sin, cos
from pyplis import logger
import six

# Polynomial fit functions of different order, including versions that go
# through the origin of the coordinate system
# (e.g. used in, dictionary keys are the polynomial order
polys = {1: lambda x, a0, a1: a0 * x + a1,
         2: lambda x, a0, a1, a2: a0 * x**2 + a1 * x + a2,
         3: lambda x, a0, a1, a2, a3: a0 * x**3 + a1 * x**2 + a2 * x + a3}

polys_through_origin = {1: lambda x, a0: a0 * x,
                        2: lambda x, a0, a1: a0 * x**2 + a1 * x,
                        3: lambda x, a0, a1, a2: a0 * x**3 + a1 * x**2 + a2 * x

[docs]def cfun_kern2015(x, a0, a1): return a0 * exp(x * a1) - 1
[docs]def cfun_kern2015_offs(x, a0, a1, a2): return a0 * (exp(x * a1) - 1) + a2
[docs]class CalibFuns(object): """Class containing functions for fit of calibration curve."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.polys = {0: polys, 1: polys_through_origin} self.custom_funs = {"kern2015": cfun_kern2015, "kern2015_offs": cfun_kern2015_offs} self._custom_funs_info = {"kern2015": ("see Eq. 6 in Kern et al., 2015" "" "jvolgeores.2014.12.004"), "kern2015_offs": ("Like previous, including " "an offset term")}
[docs] def available_poly_orders(self, through_origin=False): """Return the available polynomial orders. Parameter --------- through_origin : bool polys without offset Returns ------- list list containing available polyorders """ return list(self.polys[through_origin].keys())
[docs] def print_poly_info(self): """Print information about available polynomials.""""Available polyorders (with offset): %s" "Available polyorders (without offset): %s" % (list(self.polys[0].keys()), list(self.polys[1].keys())))
[docs] def print_custom_funs_info(self): """Print information about available curtom calib functions.""""Available polyorders (with offset): %s" "Available polyorders (without offset): %s" % (list(self.polys[0].keys()), list(self.polys[1].keys()))) for k, v in six.iteritems(self._custom_funs_info):"%s : %s" % (k, v))
[docs] def get_custom_fun(self, key="kern2015"): """Return an available custom calibration function. Parameters ---------- key : str access key of custom function (call :func:`print_custom_funs_info` for info about available functions) Returns ------- the function object """ if key not in self.custom_funs.keys(): raise KeyError("No custom calibration function with key %s " "available" % key) return self.custom_funs[key]
[docs] def get_poly(self, order=1, through_origin=False): """Get a polynomial of certain order. Parameters ---------- order : int order of polynomial (choose from 1-3) through_origin : bool if True, the polynomial will have no offset term Return ------ function the polynomial function object (callable) """ if order not in self.polys[through_origin].keys(): raise ValueError("Polynomial of order %s is not supported " "available orders are %s" % (order, list(self.polys[through_origin].keys()))) return self.polys[through_origin][order]
[docs]def dilutioncorr_model(dist, rad_ambient, i0, ext): r"""Model function for light dilution correction. This model is based on the findings of `Campion et al., 2015 <>`_. :param float dist: distance of dark (black) object in m :param float rad_ambient: intensity of ambient atmosphere at position of dark object :param float i0: initial intensity of dark object before it enters the scattering medium. It is determined from the illumination intensity and the albedo of the dark object. :param float atm_ext: atmospheric scattering extincion coefficient :math:`\epsilon` (in Campion et al., 2015 denoted with :math:`\sigma`). """ return i0 * exp(-ext * dist) + rad_ambient * (1 - exp(-ext * dist))
[docs]def gaussian_no_offset(x, ampl, mu, sigma): """1D gauss with baseline zero. :param float x: x position of evaluation :param float ampl: Amplitude of gaussian :param float mu: center poistion :param float sigma: standard deviation :returns float: value at position x """ # return float(ampl)*exp(-(x - float(mu))**2/(2*float(sigma)**2)) return ampl * exp(-(x - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
[docs]def gaussian(x, ampl, mu, sigma, offset): """1D gauss with arbitrary baseline. :param float x: x position of evaluation :param float ampl: Amplitude of gaussian :param float mu: center poistion :param float sigma: standard deviation :param float offset: baseline of gaussian :returns float: value at position x """ return gaussian_no_offset(x, ampl, mu, sigma) + offset
[docs]def multi_gaussian_no_offset(x, *params): """Superimposed 1D gauss functions with baseline zero. :param array x: x array used for evaluation :param list *params: List of length L = 3xN were N corresponds to the number of gaussians e.g.:: [100,10,3,50,15,6] would correspond to 2 gaussians with the following characteristics: 1. Peak amplitude: 100, Mu: 10, sigma: 3 2. Peak amplitude: 50, Mu: 15, sigma: 6 """ res = 0 num = int(len(params) / 3) for k in range(num): p = params[k * 3:(k + 1) * 3] res = res + gaussian_no_offset(x, *p) return res
[docs]def multi_gaussian_same_offset(x, offset, *params): """Superimposed 1D gauss functions with baseline (offset). See :func:`multi_gaussian_no_offset` for instructions """ return multi_gaussian_no_offset(x, *params) + offset
[docs]def supergauss_2d(position, amplitude, xm, ym, sigma, asym, shape, offset): """2D super gaussian without tilt. :param tuple position: position (x, y) of Gauss :param float amplitude: amplitude of peak :param float xm: x position of maximum :param float ym: y position of maximum :param float asym: assymetry in y direction (1 is circle, smaller means dillated in y direction) :param float shape: super gaussian shape parameter (1 is gaussian) :param float offset: base level of gaussian """ x, y = position u = ((x - xm) / sigma) ** 2 + ((y - ym) * asym / sigma)**2 g = offset + amplitude * exp(-u**shape) return g.ravel()
[docs]def supergauss_2d_tilt(position, amplitude, xm, ym, sigma, asym, shape, offset, theta): """2D super gaussian without tilt. :param tuple position: position (x, y) of Gauss :param float amplitude: amplitude of peak :param float xm: x position of maximum :param float ym: y position of maximum :param float asym: assymetry in y direction (1 is circle, smaller means dillated in y direction) :param float shape: super gaussian shape parameter (2 is gaussian) :param float offset: base level of gaussian :param float theta: tilt angle (rad) of super gaussian """ x, y = position xprime = (x - xm) * cos(theta) - (y - ym) * sin(theta) yprime = (x - xm) * sin(theta) + (y - ym) * cos(theta) u = (xprime / sigma)**2 + (yprime * asym / sigma)**2 g = offset + amplitude * exp(-u**shape) return g.ravel()