Source code for pyplis.inout

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pyplis is a Python library for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Module containing all sorts of I/O-routines (e.g. test data access)."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
from os.path import join, basename, exists, isfile, abspath, expanduser
from os import listdir, mkdir, remove, walk
from re import split

from collections import OrderedDict as od
    from progressbar import (ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar,
                             RotatingMarker, ETA, FileTransferSpeed)
except BaseException:
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED

    from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve
except ImportError:
    from urllib2 import urlopen
    from urllib import urlretrieve

from pyplis import logger, print_log
from tempfile import mktemp, gettempdir
from shutil import copy2
import six

[docs]def data_search_dirs(): """Get basic search directories for package data files. Data files are searched for in `~/my_pyplis`, `./data` and, if set, in the `PYPLIS_DATADIR` environment variable. """ from pyplis import __dir__ import os usr_dir = expanduser(join('~', 'my_pyplis')) if not exists(usr_dir): mkdir(usr_dir) try: env = os.environ["PYPLIS_DATADIR"] return (usr_dir, join(__dir__, "data"), env) except KeyError: return (usr_dir, join(__dir__, "data"))
[docs]def zip_example_scripts(repo_base): from pyplis import __version__ as v vstr = ".".join(v.split(".")[:3])"Adding zipped version of pyplis example scripts for version %s" % vstr) scripts_dir = join(repo_base, "scripts") if not exists(scripts_dir): raise IOError("Cannot created zipped version of scripts, folder %s " "does not exist" % scripts_dir) save_dir = join(scripts_dir, "old_versions") if not exists(save_dir): raise IOError("Cannot create zipped version of scripts, folder %s " "does not exist" % save_dir) name = "" % vstr zipf = ZipFile(join(save_dir, name), 'w', ZIP_DEFLATED) for fname in listdir(scripts_dir): if fname.endswith("py"): zipf.write(join(scripts_dir, fname)) zipf.close()
[docs]def get_all_files_in_dir(directory, file_type=None, include_sub_dirs=False): """Find all files in a certain directory. Parameters ---------- directory : str path to directory file_type : :obj:`str`, optional specify file type (e.g. "png", "fts"). If unspecified, then all files are considered include_sub_dirs : bool if True, also all files from all sub-directories are extracted Returns ------- list sorted list containing paths of all files detected """ p = directory if p is None or not exists(p): message = ('Error: path %s does not exist' % p) logger.warning(message) return [] use_all_types = False if not isinstance(file_type, str): use_all_types = True if include_sub_dirs:"Include files from subdirectories") all_paths = [] if use_all_types:"Using all file types") for path, subdirs, files in walk(p): for filename in files: all_paths.append(join(path, filename)) else:"Using only %s files" % file_type) for path, subdirs, files in walk(p): for filename in files: if filename.endswith(file_type): all_paths.append(join(path, filename)) else:"Exclude files from subdirectories") if use_all_types:"Using all file types") all_paths = [join(p, f) for f in listdir(p) if isfile(join(p, f))] else:"Using only %s files" % file_type) all_paths = [join(p, f) for f in listdir(p) if isfile(join(p, f)) and f.endswith(file_type)] all_paths.sort() return all_paths
[docs]def create_temporary_copy(path): temp_dir = gettempdir() temp_path = join(temp_dir, basename(path)) copy2(path, temp_path) return temp_path
[docs]def download_test_data(save_path=None): """Download pyplis test data. :param save_path: location where path is supposed to be stored Code for progress bar was "stolen" `here < questions/11143767/how-to-make-a-download-with>`_ (last access date: 11/01/2017) -progress-bar-in-python """ from pyplis import URL_TESTDATA url = URL_TESTDATA dirs = data_search_dirs() where = dirs[0] fp = join(where, "_paths.txt") if not exists(fp): where = dirs[1] fp = join(where, "_paths.txt") if save_path is None or not exists(save_path): save_path = where"Save path unspecified") else: with open(fp, "a") as f: f.write("\n" + save_path + "\n")"Adding new path for test data location in " "file _paths.txt: %s" % save_path) f.close()"installing test data at %s" % save_path) filename = mktemp('.zip') if PGBAR_AVAILABLE: widgets = ['Downloading pyplis test data: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(marker=RotatingMarker()), ' ', ETA(), ' ', FileTransferSpeed()] pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets) def dl_progress(count, block_size, total_size): if pbar.maxval is None: pbar.maxval = total_size pbar.start() pbar.update(min(count * block_size, total_size)) urlretrieve(url, filename, reporthook=dl_progress) pbar.finish() else:"Downloading Pyplis testdata (this can take a while, install" "Progressbar package if you want to receive download info") urlretrieve(url, filename) thefile = ZipFile(filename)"Extracting data at: %s (this may take a while)" % save_path) thefile.extractall(save_path) thefile.close() remove(filename)"Download successfully finished, deleted temporary data file" "at: %s" % filename)
[docs]def find_test_data(): """Search location of test data folder.""" dirs = data_search_dirs() folder_name = "pyplis_etna_testdata" for data_path in dirs: if folder_name in listdir(data_path):"Found test data at location: %s" % data_path) return join(data_path, folder_name) try: with open(join(data_path, "_paths.txt"), "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: p = line.split("\n")[0] if exists(p) and folder_name in listdir(p):"Found test data at default location: %s" % p) f.close() return join(p, folder_name) except: pass raise IOError("pyplis test data could not be found, please download" "testdata first, using method " "pyplis.inout.download_test_data or" "specify the local path where the test data is stored using" "pyplis.inout.set_test_data_path")
[docs]def all_test_data_paths(): """Return list of all search paths for test data.""" dirs = data_search_dirs() paths = [] [paths.append(x) for x in dirs] for data_path in dirs: fp = join(data_path, "_paths.txt") if exists(fp): with open(join(data_path, "_paths.txt"), "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: p = line.split("\n")[0].lower() if exists(p): paths.append(p) return paths
[docs]def set_test_data_path(save_path): """Set local path where test data is stored.""" if save_path.lower() in all_test_data_paths():"Path is already in search tree") return dirs = data_search_dirs() fp = join(dirs[0], "_paths.txt") if not exists(fp): fp = join(dirs[1], "_paths.txt") save_path = abspath(save_path) try: if not exists(save_path): raise IOError("Could not set test data path: specified location " "does not exist: %s" % save_path) with open(fp, "a") as f: f.write("\n" + save_path + "\n")"Adding new path for test data location in " "file _paths.txt: %s" % save_path) f.close() if "pyplis_etna_testdata" not in listdir(save_path): logger.warning("WARNING: test data folder (name: pyplis_etna_testdata) " "could not be found at specified location, please download " "test data, unzip and save at: %s" % save_path) except: raise
def _load_cam_info(cam_id, filepath): """Load camera info from a specific cam_info file.""" dat = od() if cam_id is None: return dat with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: filters = [] darkinfo = [] io_opts = {} found = 0 for ll in f: line = ll.decode('utf-8').rstrip() if not line: continue if "END" in line and found: dat["default_filters"] = filters dat["dark_info"] = darkinfo dat["io_opts"] = io_opts return dat spl = line.split(":") if len(spl) == 1: continue if found: if line[0] == "#": continue k = spl[0].strip() if k == "dark_info": l = [x.strip() for x in spl[1].split("#")[0].split(',')] darkinfo.append(l) elif k == "filter": l = [x.strip() for x in spl[1].split("#")[0].split(',')] filters.append(l) elif k == "io_opts": l = [x.strip() for x in split("=|,", spl[1].split("#")[0])] keys, vals = l[::2], l[1::2] if len(keys) == len(vals): for i in range(len(keys)): io_opts[keys[i]] = bool(int(vals[i])) elif k == "reg_shift_off": try: l = [float(x.strip()) for x in spl[1].split("#")[0].split(',')] dat["reg_shift_off"] = l except: pass else: data_str = spl[1].split("#")[0].strip() if any([data_str == x for x in ["''", '""']]): data_str = "" dat[k] = data_str if spl[0] == "cam_ids": l = [x.strip() for x in spl[1].split("#")[0].split(',')] if cam_id in l: found = 1 dat["cam_ids"] = l raise IOError("Camera info for cam_id %s could not be found" % cam_id)
[docs]def get_camera_info(cam_id): """Try access camera information from file "cam_info.txt" (package data). :param str cam_id: string ID of camera (e.g. "ecII") """ dirs = data_search_dirs() try: return _load_cam_info(cam_id, join(dirs[0], "cam_info.txt")) except: return _load_cam_info(cam_id, join(dirs[1], "cam_info.txt"))
[docs]def save_new_default_camera(info_dict): """Save new default camera to data file *cam_info.txt*. :param dict info_dict: dictionary containing camera default information Only valid keys will be added to the """ dirs = data_search_dirs() cam_file = join(dirs[0], "cam_info.txt") if not exists(cam_file): cam_file = join(dirs[1], "cam_info.txt") keys = get_camera_info("ecII").keys() for key in keys:"%s (in input: %s)" % (key, key in info_dict)) if "cam_id" not in info_dict: raise KeyError("Missing specification of cam_id") try: cam_ids = info_dict["cam_ids"] except: info_dict["cam_ids"] = [info_dict["cam_id"]] cam_ids = [info_dict["cam_id"]] if not all([x in info_dict.keys() for x in keys]): raise KeyError("Input dictionary does not include all required keys " "for creating a new default camera type, required " "keys are %s" % keys) ids = get_all_valid_cam_ids() if any([x in ids for x in info_dict["cam_ids"]]): raise KeyError("Cam ID conflict: one of the provided IDs already " "exists in database...") cam_file_temp = create_temporary_copy(cam_file) with open(cam_file_temp, "a") as info_file: info_file.write("\n\nNEWCAM\ncam_ids:") cam_ids = [str(x) for x in cam_ids] info_file.write(",".join(cam_ids)) info_file.write("\n") for k, v in six.iteritems(info_dict): if k in keys: if k == "default_filters": for finfo in v: info_file.write("filter:") finfo = [str(x) for x in finfo] info_file.write(",".join(finfo)) info_file.write("\n") elif k == "dark_info": for finfo in v: info_file.write("dark_info:") finfo = [str(x) for x in finfo] info_file.write(",".join(finfo)) info_file.write("\n") elif k == "io_opts": s = "io_opts:" for opt, val in six.iteritems(v): s += "%s=%d," % (opt, val) s = s[:-1] + "\n" info_file.write(s) elif k == "reg_shift_off": info_file.write("%s:%.2f,%.2f\n" % (k, v[0], v[1])) elif k == "cam_ids": pass else: info_file.write("%s:%s\n" % (k, v)) info_file.write("ENDCAM") info_file.close() # Writing ended without errors: replace data base file "cam_info.txt" with # the temporary file and delete the temporary file copy2(cam_file_temp, cam_file) remove(cam_file_temp)"Successfully added new default camera %s to database at %s" % (info_dict["cam_id"], cam_file))
[docs]def save_default_source(info_dict): """Add a new default source to file source_info.txt.""" if not all(k in info_dict for k in ("name", "lon", "lat", "altitude")): raise ValueError("Cannot save source information, require at least " "name, lon, lat and altitude") dirs = data_search_dirs() path = join(dirs[0], "my_sources.txt") if not exists(path): path = join(dirs[1], "my_sources.txt") if info_dict["name"] in get_source_ids(): raise NameError("A source with name %s already exists in database" % info_dict["name"]) source_file_temp = create_temporary_copy(path) with open(source_file_temp, "a") as info_file: info_file.write("\n\nsource_ids:%s\n" % info_dict["name"]) for k, v in six.iteritems(info_dict): info_file.write("%s:%s\n" % (k, v)) info_file.write("END") info_file.close() # Writing ended without errors: replace data base file "cam_info.txt" with # the temporary file and delete the temporary file copy2(source_file_temp, path) remove(source_file_temp)"Successfully added new default source %s to database file at %s" % (info_dict["name"], path))
[docs]def get_all_valid_cam_ids(): """Load all valid camera string ids. Reads info from file cam_info.txt which is part of package data """ from pyplis import _LIBDIR ids = [] with open(join(_LIBDIR, "data", "cam_info.txt"), "rb") as f: for line in f: spl = line.decode("ISO-8859-1").split(":") if spl[0].strip().lower() == "cam_ids": ids.extend([x.strip() for x in spl[1].split("#")[0].split(',')]) return ids
[docs]def get_cam_ids(): """Load all default camera string ids. Reads info from file cam_info.txt which is part of package data """ dirs = data_search_dirs() ids = [] for path in dirs: try: with open(join(path, "cam_info.txt")) as f: for line in f: spl = line.split(":") if spl[0].strip().lower() == "cam_id": sid = spl[1].split("#")[0].strip() if sid not in ids: ids.append(sid) except IOError: pass return ids
[docs]def get_source_ids(): """Get all existing source IDs. Reads info from file my_sources.txt which is part of package data """ dirs = data_search_dirs() ids = [] for path in dirs: try: with open(join(path, "my_sources.txt")) as f: for line in f: spl = line.split(":") if spl[0].strip().lower() == "name": sid = spl[1].split("#")[0].strip() if sid not in ids: ids.append(sid) except IOError: pass return ids
[docs]def get_source_info(source_id, try_online=True): """Try access source information from file "my_sources.txt". File is part of package data :param str source_id: string ID of source (e.g. Etna) :param bool try_online: if True and local access fails, try to find source ID in online database """ from pyplis import _LIBDIR dat = od() if source_id == "": return dat found = 0 with open(join(_LIBDIR, "data", "my_sources.txt")) as f: for line in f: if "END" in line and found: return od([(source_id, dat)]) spl = line.split(":") if found: if not any([line[0] == x for x in["#", "\n"]]): spl = line.split(":") k = spl[0].strip() data_str = spl[1].split("#")[0].strip() dat[k] = data_str if spl[0] == "source_ids": if source_id in [x.strip() for x in spl[1].split("#")[0].split(',')]: found = 1 print_log.warning("Source info for source %s could not be found" % source_id) if try_online: try: return get_source_info_online(source_id) except BaseException: pass return od()
[docs]def get_source_info_online(source_id): """Try to load source info from online database (@ :param str source_id: ID of source """ name = source_id name = name.lower() url = ("" "&op_8=eq&v_8=&type_10=EXACT&query_10=None+Selected&le_2=&ge_3=" "&le_3=&ge_2=&op_5=eq&v_5=&op_6=eq&v_6=&op_7=eq&v_7=&t=102557&s=5" "&d=5")"Trying to access volcano data from URL:") try: # it's a file like object and works just like a file data = urlopen(url) except BaseException: raise res = od() in_row = 0 in_data = 0 lc = 0 col_num = 10 first_volcano_name = "Abu" # this needs to be identical ids = ["name", "country", "region", "lat", "lon", "altitude", "type", "status", "last_eruption"] types = [str, str, str, float, float, float, str, str, str] for line in data: lc += 1 if first_volcano_name in line and line.split(">")[1].\ split("</td")[0].strip() == first_volcano_name: in_data, c = 1, 0 if in_data: if c % col_num == 0 and name in line.lower():"FOUND candidate, line: ", lc) spl = line.split(">")[1].split("</td")[0].strip().lower() if name in spl:"FOUND MATCH: ", spl) in_row, cc = 1, 0 cid = spl res[cid] = od() if in_row: spl = line.split(">")[1].split("</td")[0].strip() res[cid][ids[cc]] = types[cc](spl) cc += 1 if in_row and cc == 9:"End of data row reached for %s" % cid) cc, in_row = 0, 0 c += 1 return res
[docs]def get_icon(name, color=None): """Try to find icon in lib icon folder. :param str name: name of icon (i.e. filename is <name>.png) :param color (None): color of the icon ("r", "k", "g") Returns icon image filepath if valid """ try: from pyplis import _LIBDIR except BaseException: raise subfolders = ["axialis", "myIcons"] for subf in subfolders: base_path = join(_LIBDIR, "data", "icons", subf) if color is not None: base_path = join(base_path, color) for file in listdir(base_path): fname = basename(file).split(".")[0] if fname == name: return base_path + file logger.warning("Failed to load icon at: " + _LIBDIR) return False
if __name__ == '__main__': i1 = get_camera_info('ecII') i2 = get_camera_info('usgs')