Source code for pyplis.image

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pyplis is a Python library for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Classes representing image data and corresponding processing features.

The image base class :class:`Img` is a powerful object for
image data, containing I/O routines for many data formats, processing classes
and keeping track on changes applied to the images.
The actual image data is stored as numpy array in the :attr:`img` of an
instance of the :class:`Img` object.

The :class:`ProfileTimeSeriesImg` class is used to store and process time
series of pixel profiles (e.g. along a :class:`LineOnImage`). These are, for
instance used when performing a plume velocity cross-correlation analysis
(where the optimal lag between a time-series of two plume intersection lines is
searched, for details see :class:`pyplis.plumespeed.VeloCrossCorrEngine`).
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
import six
from import fits
from matplotlib import gridspec
import as cmaps
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, tight_layout
from numpy import (ndarray, argmax, histogram, uint, nan, linspace, isnan,
                   uint8, float32, finfo, ones, invert, log, ogrid, asarray)
from import masked_array
from json import loads, dumps
from os.path import abspath, splitext, basename, exists, join, isdir, dirname
from os import remove

from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from cv2 import imread, pyrDown, pyrUp, addWeighted, dilate, erode
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter, median_filter
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift
from collections import OrderedDict as od
from traceback import format_exc
from copy import deepcopy

from pyplis import logger
from .glob import DEFAULT_ROI
from .helpers import bytescale, map_roi, check_roi
from .exceptions import ImgMetaError
from .optimisation import PolySurfaceFit
from .utils import LineOnImage

[docs]class Img(object): """Image base class. Implementation of image object for :mod:`pyplis` library. The image data is represented as :class:`numpy.ndarray` objects and the is stored in the attribute :attr:`self.img`. Supported file formats include those supported by the Python Imaging Library (see `here < image-file-formats.html#image-file-formats>`_) and the `FITS format <>`_. Img objects can also be created from numpy arrays directly. The object includes several loading routines and basic image editing. Image meta information can be provided on creation of this instance by providing valid meta keys and the corresponding values, i.e.:: png_image_file = "C:/Test/my_img_file.png" acq_time = datetime(2016, 10, 10, 13, 15, 12) #10/10/2016, 13:15:12 exposure_time = 0.75 #s img = Img(png_image_file, start_acq = acq_time, texp = exposure_time) Meta information is stored in the dictionary ``self.meta`` and can be printed using :func:`print_meta`. The two most important image meta parameters are the acquisition time (``img.meta["start_acq"]``) and the exposure time (``img.meta["texp"]``). These two parameters have class own access methods (:func:`start_acq` and :func:`texp`). The class provides several image editing routines, of which the most important ones (within this library) are (please see documentation of the individual functions for more information): 1. :func:`subtract_dark_image` (subtract a dark image) #. :func:`correct_dark_offset` (Correct for dark and offset. Models a dark image based on one dark and one offset image using the exposure time of this image, then uses 1. for subtraction) #. :func:`crop` (crop image within region of interest) #. :func:`apply_median_filter` (median filtering of image) #. :func:`add_gaussian_blurring` (Add blurring to image taking into account current blurring amount) #. :func:`apply_gaussian_blurring` (applies gaussian filter to image) #. :func:`pyr_down` (reduce image size using gaussian pyramide) #. :func:`pyr_up` (increase image size using gaussian pyramide) All image editing steps performed using these functions are logged in the dictionary ``self.edit_log``, it is therefore recommended to use the class own methods for these image editing routines (and not apply them manually to the image data, e.g. by using ``cv2.pyrDown(img.img)`` for resizing or ``img.img = img.img[y0:y1, x0:x1]`` for cropping a ROI ``[x0, x1, y0, y1]`` ) in order to keep track of the changes applied. The default data accuracy is 32 bit floating point and can be changed on initiation (see :func:`__init__`). Parameters ---------- input image data input (e.g. file path to an image type which can be read or numpy array) import_method custom image load method, must return tuple containing image data (2D ndarray) and dictionary containing meta information (can be empty if read routine does not import any meta information) dtype datatype for image data (float32) **meta_info keyword args specifying meta data (only valid metadata is stored, for valid keys see :attr:`meta`) Attributes ---------- dtype data type of image numpy array vign_mask : ndarray, optional vignetting mask used to correct for vignetting (is set in :func:`correct_vignetting`) import_method : callable, optional custom method used to import image data edid_log : dict dictionary containing information about editing status meta : dict dictionary containing meta information. """ _FITSEXT = [".fits", ".fit", ".fts"]
[docs] def __init__(self, input=None, import_method=None, dtype=None, **meta_info): if isinstance(input, Img): meta_info = input.edit_log meta_info.update(input.meta) input = input.img # : the actual image data (use method `img` for access) self._img = None self.dtype = dtype self.vign_mask = None # custom data import method (optional on class initialisation) self.import_method = import_method # Log of applied edit operations self.edit_log = od([("darkcorr", False), # boolean ("blurring", 0), # int (width of kernel) ("median", 0), # int (size of filter) ("crop", False), # boolean ("8bit", False), # boolean ("pyrlevel", 0), # int (pyramide level) ("is_tau", False), # boolean ("is_aa", False), # boolean ("vigncorr", False), # boolean vignette corrected ("senscorr", False), # boolean (correction for # sensitivity changes due to # filter shifts) ("dilcorr", False), # light dilution corrected ("gascalib", False), # image is gas CD image ("is_bin", False), ("is_inv", False), ("shifted", False), ("others", False), ]) # boolean self._roi_abs = DEFAULT_ROI # will be set on image load self._header_raw = {} self.meta = od([("start_acq", datetime(1900, 1, 1)), ("stop_acq", datetime(1900, 1, 1)), ("texp", float(0.0)), # exposure time [s] ("focal_length", nan), # lense focal length [mm] ("pix_width", nan), # horizontal pix pitch ("pix_height", nan), # vert. pix pitch ("bit_depth", nan), # pix bit depth ("f_num", nan), # f number of lense ("read_gain", 0), # boolean (on / off) ("lon", nan), # longitude (dec deg) ("lat", nan), # latitude (dec. deg) ("altitude", nan), # in m ("altitude_offs", nan), # offset in altitude above # topography ("elev", nan), ("elev_err", nan), ("azim", nan), ("azim_err", nan), ("filter_id", ""), ("path", ""), ("file_name", ""), ("file_type", ""), ("device_id", ""), ("ser_no", ""), ("wvlngth", nan), ("fits_idx", int(0)), # image level of fits files with # multiple images ("temperature", nan), # camera temperature in degree # Celsius ("user_param1", nan), # custom parameters for # definition by pyplis user in # import_method ("user_param2", nan), ("user_param3", nan)]) if import_method is not None: data, meta_info = import_method(input, meta_info) # overwrite input with numpy data array input = data for k, v in six.iteritems(meta_info): k = k.lower() if k in self.meta: # and isinstance(v, type(self.meta[k])): self.meta[k] = v elif k in self.edit_log: self.edit_log[k] = v if input is not None: self.load_input(input) try: self.set_roi_whole_image() except: pass
@property def img(self): """Get / set image data.""" return self._img @img.setter def img(self, val): """Set image data.""" self._img = val # .astype(self.dtype) @property def start_acq(self): """Get image acquisition time. :returns: acquisition time if available (i.e. it deviates from the default 1/1/1900), else, raises ImgMetaError """ if self.meta["start_acq"] == datetime(1900, 1, 1): raise ImgMetaError("Image acquisition time not set") return self.meta["start_acq"] @property def stop_acq(self): """Return stop time of acquisition (if available).""" return self.meta["stop_acq"] @property def texp(self): """Get image acquisition time. :returns: acquisition time if available (i.e. it deviates from the default 1/1/1900), else, raises ImgMetaError """ if self.meta["texp"] == 0.0: raise ImgMetaError("Image exposure time not set") return self.meta["texp"] @property def gain(self): """Return read gain value from meta info.""" gain = self.meta["read_gain"] if gain not in [1, 0]: raise Exception("Invalid gain value in Img: %s " % gain) return gain @property def shape(self): """Return shape of image data.""" return self.img.shape @property def xy_aspect(self): """Aspect ratio (delx / dely).""" s = self.shape[:2] return s[1] / float(s[0]) @property def pyr_up_factor(self): """Return coordinates conversion factor. This factor is used to convert coordinates at current pyramid level into original size coordinates. """ return 2 ** self.edit_log["pyrlevel"] @property def is_darkcorr(self): """Boolean specifying whether image is dark corrected.""" return self.edit_log["darkcorr"] @property def is_tau(self): """Return boolean whether image is a tau image or not.""" return self.edit_log["is_tau"] @property def is_aa(self): """Return boolean whether current image is AA image.""" return self.edit_log["is_aa"] @property def is_calibrated(self): """Flag for image calibration status.""" return self.edit_log["gascalib"] @property def is_vignetting_corrected(self): """Boolean stating whether image is vignetting corrected or not.""" return self.edit_log["vigncorr"] @property def is_gray(self): """Check if image is gray image.""" if self.img.ndim == 2: return True elif self.img.ndim == 3: return False else: raise Exception("Unexpected image dimension %s..." % self.img.ndim) @property def is_binary(self): """Attribute specifying whether image is binary image.""" return self.edit_log["is_bin"] @property def is_inverted(self): """Flag specifying whether image was inverted or not.""" return self.edit_log["is_inv"] @property def is_vigncorr(self): """Bool specifying whether or not image is vignetting corrected.""" return bool(self.edit_log["vigncorr"]) @property def is_dilcorr(self): """Return whether this image is corrected for signal dilution.""" return self.edit_log["dilcorr"] @property def is_cropped(self): """Boolean specifying whether image is cropped.""" return bool(self.edit_log["crop"]) @property def is_resized(self): """Boolean specifying whether image pyramid level unequals 0.""" return False if self.pyrlevel == 0 else True @property def is_shifted(self): """Boolean specifying whether image was shifted. This may be e.g. the case for stereo imaging """ return self.edit_log["shifted"] @property def modified(self): """Check if this image was already modified.""" if sum(list(self.edit_log.values())) > 0: return 1 return 0 @property def pyrlevel(self): """Return current gauss pyramid level (stored in ``self.edit_log``).""" return self.edit_log["pyrlevel"] @property def roi(self): """Return current roi in consideration of current pyrlevel.""" roi_sub = map_roi(self._roi_abs, self.edit_log["pyrlevel"]) return roi_sub @property def roi_abs(self): """Get / set current ROI in absolute image coordinates. .. note:: use :func:`roi` to get ROI for current pyrlevel """ return self._roi_abs @roi_abs.setter def roi_abs(self, val): """Update current ROI.""" if check_roi(val): self._roi_abs = val
[docs] def set_data(self, input): """Try load input.""" self.load_input(input)
[docs] def reload(self): """Try reload from file.""" file_path = self.meta["path"] if not exists(file_path): logger.warning("Image reload failed, no valid filepath set in meta info") else: self.__init__(input=file_path)
[docs] def load_input(self, input): """Try to load input as numpy array and additional meta data.""" try: if any([isinstance(input, x) for x in [six.string_types, six.text_type]]) and exists(input): self.load_file(input) elif isinstance(input, ndarray): if self.dtype is not None: input = input.astype(self.dtype) self.img = input else: raise TypeError("Need array or readable file") if self.img.ndim > 2: logger.warning("Image array has {} dimensions (not a grayscale). Pyplis" " is designed for grayscale images. This may cause " "problems in your further analysis") except: raise IOError("Image data could not be imported, invalid input: " "{}. Traceback: {}".format(input, format_exc()))
[docs] def make_histogram(self): """Make histogram of current image.""" if isnan(self.meta["bit_depth"]):"Error in " + self.__str__() + ".make_histogram\n " "No MetaData available => BitDepth could not be retrieved. " "Using 100 bins and img min/max range instead") hist, bins = histogram(self.img, 100) return hist, bins #"Determining Histogram") hist, bins = histogram(self.img, 2**(self.meta["bit_depth"]), [0, 2**(self.meta["bit_depth"])]) return hist, bins
[docs] def get_brightness_range(self): """Analyses the Histogram to retrieve a suited brightness range. Note ---- Currently not in use (was originally used for App) """ hist, bins = self.make_histogram() thresh = hist.max() * 0.03 rad_low = bins[argmax(hist > thresh)] rad_high = bins[len(hist) - argmax(hist[::-1] > thresh) - 1] return rad_low, rad_high, hist, bins
[docs] def avg_in_roi(self, mask=None, roi_rect=None, pos_x=None, pos_y=None, radius=1): """Get mean value in an ROI. The ROI can be specified either by providing a mask, an rectangular ROI, or x and y position and a specific radius. The input is dealt with in the specified order, i.e. if :param:`mask` is valid, none of the other input parameters is tested. Parameters ---------- mask : :obj:`ndarray` or :obj:`Img` convolution mask (e.g. DOAS FOV mask). roi_rect : list rectangular ROI ``[x0, y0, x1, y1]`` specifying upper left and lower right corners of region pos_x : int detector x-position pos_y : int detector y-position radius : int radius of ROI Raises ------ TypeError if none of the provided input works Returns ------- float mean value within specified ROI """ try: mask.to_pyrlevel(self.pyrlevel) mask = mask.img except BaseException: pass try: data_conv = (self.img * mask.astype(float32)) except BaseException: try: return self.img[roi_rect[1]:roi_rect[3], roi_rect[0]:roi_rect[2]].mean() except BaseException: if radius == 1: return self.img[pos_y, pos_x] else: h, w = self.shape y, x = ogrid[:h, :w] mask = (x - pos_x)**2 + (y - pos_y)**2 < radius**2 data_conv = (self.img * mask.astype(float32)) return data_conv.sum() / mask.sum()
# ============================================================================= # except: # raise TypeError("Invalid input, failed to retrieve mean in ROI") # # =============================================================================
[docs] def crop(self, roi_abs=DEFAULT_ROI, new_img=False): """Cut subimage specified by rectangular ROI. :param list roi_abs: region of interest (i.e. ``[x0, y0, x1, y1]``) in ABSOLUTE image coordinates. The ROI is automatically converted with respect to current pyrlevel :param bool new_img: creates and returns a new image object and leaves this one uncropped :return: - Img, cropped image """ if self.edit_log["crop"]: logger.warning("Cropping image that was already cropped...") self.roi_abs = roi_abs # updates current roi_abs setting roi = self.roi # .roi is @property method and takes care of ROI conv sub = self.img[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2]] im = self if new_img: im = self.duplicate() # im._roi_abs = roi im.edit_log["crop"] = True im.img = sub return im
[docs] def correct_dark_offset(self, dark, offset): """Perform dark frame subtraction, 3 different modi possible. :param Img dark: dark image object (dark with long(est) exposure time) :param Img offset: offset image (dark with short(est) exposure time) :return Img: modelled dark image Uses :func:`model_dark_image` (in :mod:`Processing`) to model a dark image based on the exposure time of this image object. This is then subtracted from the current image. .. note:: This algorithm works only, if no other image processing operations were applied to the input image beforehand, i.e. if :func:`modified` returns False. """ from pyplis.processing import model_dark_image if self.modified:"Dark correction not possible, it was either already " "performed, the image was already modified") return dark = model_dark_image(self, dark, offset) self.subtract_dark_image(dark) return dark
[docs] def subtract_dark_image(self, dark): """Subtracts a dark (+offset) image and updates ``self.edit_log``. :param Img dark: dark image data Simple image subtraction without any modifications of input image """ try: corr = self.img - dark except BaseException: corr = self.img - dark.img corr[corr <= 0] = finfo(float32).eps self.img = corr self.edit_log["darkcorr"] = True
[docs] def correct_vignetting(self, mask, new_state=True): """Apply vignetting correction. Performs either of the following operations:: self.img * mask (if input param ``new_state=False``) self.img / mask (if input param ``new_state=True``) :param ndarray mask: vignetting correction mask :param bool reverse: if False, the inverse correction is applied (img needs to be corrected) """ if new_state == self.edit_log["vigncorr"]: return self try: mask = mask.img except BaseException: pass try: # then, new_state is 0, i.e. want uncorrected image if self.edit_log["vigncorr"]: self.img = self.img * mask else: # then, new_state is 1, i.e. want corrected image self.img = self.img / mask except Exception as e:, type(e)(str(e) + "\nPlease check vignetting mask")) raise self.edit_log["vigncorr"] = new_state self.vign_mask = mask return self
[docs] def set_roi_whole_image(self): """Set current ROI to whole image area based on shape of image data.""" h, w = self.img.shape[:2] self._roi_abs = [0, 0, w * 2**self.pyrlevel, h * 2**self.pyrlevel]
[docs] def apply_median_filter(self, size_final=3): """Apply a median filter. :param tuple shape (3,3): size of the filter """ diff = int(size_final - self.edit_log["median"]) if diff > 0: self.img = median_filter(self.img, diff) self.edit_log["median"] += diff return self
[docs] def add_gaussian_blurring(self, sigma_final=1): """Add blurring to image. :param int sigma_final: the final width of gauss blurring kernel """ diff = int(sigma_final - self.edit_log["blurring"]) if diff > 0: self.apply_gaussian_blurring(diff) return self
[docs] def apply_gaussian_blurring(self, sigma, **kwargs): """Add gaussian blurring. Uses :class:`scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter` :param int sigma: amount of blurring """ self.img = gaussian_filter(self.img, sigma, **kwargs) self.edit_log["blurring"] += sigma
[docs] def get_masked_img(self, mask, fill_value=None): """Return a of the img array. Parameters ---------- mask : numpy.ndarray entries which should be masked (True=invalid entry) has to be same shape as current state of self.img fill_value : float (optional, default None) If defined, invalid entries are replaced by fill_value Returns ------- masked array """ data = deepcopy(self.img) data_masked = masked_array(data, mask) if fill_value is None: return data_masked else: return data_masked.filled(fill_value=fill_value)
[docs] def get_thresh_mask(self, threshold): """Apply threshold and get binary mask.""" return (self.img > threshold).astype(uint8)
[docs] def to_binary(self, threshold=None, new_img=False): """Convert image to binary image using threshold. Note ---- The changes are applied to this image object Parameters ---------- threshold : float threshold, if None, use mean value of image data Returns ------- Img binary image """ if threshold is None: threshold = self.mean() mask = self.get_thresh_mask(threshold) if new_img: return Img(mask, is_bin=True) self.img = mask self.edit_log["is_bin"] = True return self
[docs] def invert(self): """Invert image. Note ---- Does not yet work for tau images Returns ------- Img inverted image object """ if self.is_tau: raise NotImplementedError("Tau images can not yet be inverted") elif self.is_binary: inv = ~self.img / 255 self.img = (inv).astype(uint8) return self else: if not self.is_8bit: self._to_8bit_int(new_img=False) self.img = invert(self.img) self.edit_log["is_inv"] = not self.edit_log["is_inv"] return self
[docs] def convolve_with_mask(self, mask): """Convolves this image data with input mask and return value. Note ---- This is not an image convolution with a kernel that is applied to each image pixel (e.g. blurring, etc.). The input mask is supposed to be of the same shape as this image Parameters ---------- mask : ndarray 2D array of same dimension (height, width) as this image Returns ------- float corresponding value after normalisation and convolution """ mask = mask.astype(float) mask_norm = mask / mask.sum() # convolve with image stack # stack_data_conv = transpose(self.stac, (2,0,1)) * fov_fitted_norm return (self.img * mask_norm).sum()
[docs] def dilate(self, kernel=ones((9, 9), dtype=uint8)): """Apply morphological transformation Dilation to image. Uses :func:`cv2.dilate` for dilation. The method requires specification of a smoothing kernel, if unspecified, a 9x9 neighbourhood is used Note ---- This operation can only be performed to binary images, use :func:`to_binary` if applicable. Parameters ---------- kernel : array kernel used for :func:`cv2.dilate`, default is 9x9 kernel Returns ------- Img dilated binary image """ if not self.is_binary: raise AttributeError( "Img needs to be binary, use method to_binary") self.img = dilate(self.img, kernel=kernel) self.edit_log["others"] = True return self
[docs] def erode(self, kernel=ones((9, 9), dtype=uint8)): """Apply morphological transformation Erosion to image. Uses :func:`cv2.erode` to apply erosion. The method requires specification of a kernel, if unspecified, a 9x9 neighbourhood is used Note ---- This operation can only be performed to binary images, use :func:`to_binary` if applicable. Parameters ---------- kernel : array kernel used for :func:`cv2.dilate`, default is 9x9 kernel Returns ------- Img dilated binary image """ if not self.is_binary: raise AttributeError( "Img needs to be binary, use method to_binary") self.img = erode(self.img, kernel=kernel) self.edit_log["others"] = True return self
[docs] def fit_2d_poly(self, mask=None, polyorder=3, pyrlevel=4, **kwargs): """Fit 2D surface poly to data. Parameters ---------- mask : array mask specifying pixels considered for the fit (if None, then all pixels of the image data are considered polyorder : int order of polynomial for fit (default=3) pyrlevel : int level of Gauss pyramid at which the fit is performed (relative to Gauss pyramid level of input data) **kwargs : additional optional keyword args passed to :class:`PolySurfaceFit` Returns ------- Img new image object corresponding to fit results """ if mask is not None: try: if not mask.shape == self.shape: logger.warning("Shape of input mask does not match image shape, " "trying to update pyrlevel in mask") try: mask.to_pyrlevel(self.pyrlevel) if not mask.shape == self.shape: raise Exception except BaseException: raise Exception except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to match shapes of input mask and image data, " "using all pixels for fit") mask = None fit = PolySurfaceFit(self.img, mask, polyorder, pyrlevel) try: if fit.model.shape == self.shape:"Fit successful") return Img(fit.model) raise Exception except BaseException: raise Exception("Poly surface fit failed in Img object")
[docs] def to_tau(self, bg, new_img=True): """Convert into tau image. Converts this image into a tau image using a provided input background image (which is used without any modifications). Note ---- By default, creates and returns new instance of :class:`Img` object (i.e. this object remains unchanged if not other specified using :param:`new_img`) Parameters ---------- bg : Img background image used to determin tau image (REMAINS UNCHANGED, NO MODELLING PERFORMED HERE) new_img : bool boolean specifying whether this object remains unchanged Returns ------- Img new Img object containing tau image data (this object remains unchanged) """ tau = self if new_img: tau = self.duplicate() if isinstance(bg, Img): bg = bg.img r = bg / tau.img r[r <= 0] = finfo(float).eps tau.img = log(r) tau.edit_log["is_tau"] = True return tau
[docs] def to_pyrlevel(self, final_state=0): """Down / upscale image to a given pyramid level.""" steps = final_state - self.edit_log["pyrlevel"] if steps == 0: return self elif steps > 0: return self.pyr_down(steps) else: return self.pyr_up(-steps)
[docs] def pyr_down(self, steps=0): """Reduce the image size using gaussian pyramide. :param int steps: steps down in the pyramide Algorithm used: :func:`cv2.pyrDown` """ if not steps: return # print "Reducing image size, pyrlevel %s" %steps for i in range(steps): self.img = pyrDown(self.img) self.edit_log["pyrlevel"] += steps return self
[docs] def pyr_up(self, steps): """Increasing the image size using gaussian pyramide. :param int steps: steps down in the pyramide Algorithm used: :func:`cv2.pyrUp` """ for i in range(steps): self.img = pyrUp(self.img) self.edit_log["pyrlevel"] -= steps self.edit_log["others"] = True return self
[docs] def bytescale(self, cmin=None, cmax=None, high=255, low=0): """Convert image to 8 bit integer values. :param float cmin: minimum intensity for mapping, if None, the current ``self.min()`` is used. :param float cmax: maximum intensity for mapping, if None, the current ``self.max()`` is used. :param int high: mapping value of cmax :param int low: mapping value of cmin """ img = deepcopy(self) img.img = bytescale(self.img, cmin, cmax, high, low) return img
def _to_8bit_int(self, current_bit_depth=None, new_img=True): """Convert image to 8 bit representation and return new image object. :returns array .. note:: 1. leaves this image unchanged #. if the bit_depth is unknown or unspecified in ``self.meta``, then """ if current_bit_depth is None: current_bit_depth = self.meta["bit_depth"] if isnan(current_bit_depth): cmax = None else: cmax = 2**(current_bit_depth) - 1 sc = bytescale(self.img, cmin=0, cmax=cmax) if new_img: img = self.duplicate() else: img = self self.edit_log["8bit"] = True img.meta["bit_depth"] = 8 img.img = sc return img
[docs] def is_8bit(self): """Flag specifying whether image is 8 bit.""" if self.meta["bit_depth"] == 8: return True return False
[docs] def print_meta(self): """Print current image meta information.""" for key, val in six.iteritems(self.meta):"%s: %s\n" % (key, val))
[docs] def make_info_header_str(self): """Make header string for image (using image meta information).""" try: return ("Acq.: %s, texp: %.2f s, rgain %s\n" "pyrlevel: %d, roi_abs: %s" % (self.meta["start_acq"]. strftime('%H:%M:%S'), self.meta["texp"], self.meta["read_gain"], self.pyrlevel, self.roi_abs)) except Exception as e: return self.meta["file_name"]
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Duplicate this image.""" # print self.meta["file_name") + ' successfully duplicated' return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def normalise(self, blur=1): """Normalise this image.""" new = self.duplicate() if self.edit_log["blurring"] == 0 and blur != 0: new.add_gaussian_blurring(blur) new.img = new.img / new.img.max() return new
[docs] def mean(self): """Return mean value of current image data.""" return self.img.mean()
[docs] def sum(self): """Return the sum of all pixel values.""" return self.img.sum()
[docs] def std(self): """Return standard deviation of current image data.""" return self.img.std()
[docs] def min(self): """Return minimum value of current image data.""" return self.img.min()
[docs] def max(self): """Return maximum value of current image data.""" return self.img.max()
[docs] def set_val_below_thresh(self, val, threshold): """Set value in all pixels with intensities below threshold. Note ---- Modifies this Img object Parameters ---------- val : float new value for all pixels below the input threshold threshold : float considered intensity threshold """ mask = self.img < threshold self.img[mask] = val self.edit_log["others"] = True
[docs] def set_val_above_thresh(self, val, threshold): """Set value in all pixels with intensities above threshold. Note ---- Modifies this Img object Parameters ---------- val : float new value for all pixels above the input threshold threshold : float considered intensity threshold """ mask = self.img > threshold self.img[mask] = val self.edit_log["others"] = True
[docs] def blend_other(self, other, fac=0.5): """Blends another image to this and returns new Img object. Uses cv2 :func:`addWeighted` method" :param float fac: percentage blend factor (between 0 and 1) """ if not 0 < fac < 1: raise ValueError("Invalid input valued for fac: %.2f ... " "must be between 0 and 1") try: other = other.img except BaseException: pass if any([x < 0 for x in [self.img.min(), other.min()]]): raise ValueError("Could not blend images, has one of the input " "images has negative values, you might remap the " " value (e.g. using _to_8bit_int method)") im = addWeighted(self.img, 1 - fac, other, fac, 0) return Img(im)
[docs] def meta(self, meta_key): """Return current meta data for input key.""" return self.meta[meta_key]
[docs] def load_file(self, file_path): """Try to import file specified by input path.""" ext = splitext(file_path)[-1] try: self.load_fits(file_path) except: img = imread(file_path, -1) if self.dtype is not None: img = img.astype(self.dtype) self.img = img self.meta["path"] = abspath(file_path) self.meta["file_name"] = basename(file_path) self.meta["file_type"] = ext
[docs] def load_fits(self, file_path): """Import a FITS file. This import method assumes, that data and corresponding meta-info is stored in the first HDU of the FITS file (index = 0). `Fits info <>`_ """ hdu = head = hdu[0].header self._header_raw = head self.img = hdu[0].data.astype(self.dtype) # import valid meta information from header of first HDU editkeys = self.edit_log.keys() metakeys = self.meta.keys() for key, val in six.iteritems(head): k = key.lower() if k in editkeys: self.edit_log[k] = val elif k in metakeys: try: self.meta[k] = datetime.strptime(val, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") except BaseException: if val == "nan": val = nan self.meta[k] = val try: self._roi_abs = hdu[1].data["roi_abs"] except BaseException: pass try: self.vign_mask = hdu[2].data"Fits file includes vignetting mask") except BaseException: pass hdu.close()
def _prep_meta_dict_fits(self): """Prepare current meta-information for storage in FITS header.""" d = od() for k, v in six.iteritems(self.meta): try: d[k] = v.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") except BaseException: try: if isnan(v): v = "nan" except BaseException: pass d[k] = v return d
[docs] def save_as_fits(self, save_dir=None, save_name=None): """Save this image as FITS file. Parameters ---------- save_dir : str optional, if None (default), then the current working directory is used save_name : str opional, if None (default), try to use file name of this object (if set) or use default name Returns ------- str name of saved file """ save_dir = abspath(save_dir) if not isdir(save_dir): # save_dir is a file path save_name = basename(save_dir) save_dir = dirname(save_dir) if save_name is None: if self.meta["file_name"] == "": save_name = "pyplis_img_name_undefined.fts" else: save_name = self.meta["file_name"].split(".")[0] + ".fts" else: save_name = save_name.split(".")[0] + ".fts" hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() = self._img hdu.header.update(self.edit_log) hdu.header.update(self._header_raw) hdu.header.update(self._prep_meta_dict_fits()) hdu.header["type"] = "pyplis_default" hdu.header.append() roi_abs = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([fits.Column( name="roi_abs", format="I", array=self._roi_abs)]) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, roi_abs]) if isinstance(self.vign_mask, ndarray): hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=self.vign_mask.astype(uint8))) path = join(save_dir, save_name) if exists(path):"Image already exists at %s and will be overwritten" % path) remove(path) hdulist.writeto(path) return save_name
# ============================================================================= # def import_ec2_header(self, ec2header): # """Import image meta info for ECII camera type from FITS file # header""" # gain_info = {"LOW" : 0,"HIGH" : 1} # # # self.meta["texp"] = float(ec2header['EXP'])*10**-6 #unit s # self.meta["bit_depth"] = 12 # self.meta["device_id"] = 'ECII' # self.meta["file_type"] = 'fts' # self.meta["start_acq"] = datetime.strptime(ec2header['STIME'],\ # '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') # self.meta["stop_acq"] = datetime.strptime(ec2header['ETIME'],\ # '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') # self.meta["read_gain"] = gain_info[ec2header['GAIN']] # self.meta["pix_width"] = self.meta["pix_height"] = 4.65e-6 #m # ============================================================================= """PLOTTING AND VISUALSATION FUNCTIONS"""
[docs] def get_cmap(self, vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """Determine and return default cmap for current image.""" if self.is_tau or self.is_aa: return cmaps.viridis # ============================================================================= # if vmin is None: # vmin = self.min() # if vmax is None: # vmax = self.max() # return shifted_color_map(vmin, vmax, cmaps.RdBu) # ============================================================================= return cmaps.gray
[docs] def show(self, zlabel=None, tit=None, **kwargs): """Plot image.""" return self.show_img(zlabel, tit, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_img(self, zlabel=None, tit=None, cbar=True, ax=None, zlabel_size=18, **kwargs): """Show image using matplotlib method imshow.""" if "cmap" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["cmap"] = self.get_cmap(**kwargs) new_ax = False try: fig = ax.figure ax = ax except BaseException: fig = figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='none', figsize=(12, 7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) new_ax = True im = ax.imshow(self.img, **kwargs) if cbar: cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) if isinstance(zlabel, str): cb.set_label(zlabel, fontsize=zlabel_size) if not isinstance(tit, str): tit = self.make_info_header_str() ax.set_title(tit, fontsize=14) if new_ax: tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def show_img_with_histo(self, **kwargs): """Show image using plt.imshow.""" if "cmap" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["cmap"] = self.get_cmap() fig = figure(figsize=(13, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[4, 1]) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) im = ax.imshow(self.img, **kwargs) fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) ax.set_title(self.make_info_header_str(), fontsize=9) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) self.show_histogram(ax2) tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def shift(self, dx_abs=0.0, dy_abs=0.0): """Apply constant image shift to this object. Parameters ---------- dx_abs : float shift in x-direction dy_abs : float shift in y-direction """ dx_rel, dy_rel = dx_abs / 2**self.pyrlevel, dy_abs / 2**self.pyrlevel self.img = shift(self.img, shift=(dy_rel, dx_rel), cval=.01) self.edit_log["shifted"] = True
[docs] def show_histogram(self, ax=None): """Plot histogram of current image. .. todo:: Needs more edit (i.e. better representation of labels) """ hist, bins = self.make_histogram() if ax is None: fig = figure(self.meta["file_name"]) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) change_labels = 0 try: i, f = 0, 2**(self.meta["bit_depth"]) - 1 change_labels = 1 except BaseException: l, h = self.img.min(), self.img.max() i, f = l - abs(l) * 0.2, h + abs(h) * 0.2 # print i, f ax.fill_between(linspace(i, f, len(hist)), hist, 0, color='#0000FF', alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlim([i, f]) ax.set_ylabel('Counts') ax.set_xlabel('Intensity') ax.set_title("Histogram", fontsize=12) if change_labels: xticks = ax.get_xticks() ax.set_xticklabels(uint(xticks), rotation=35, ha="right") labels = ax.get_xticklabels() newlabels = [] for k in range(len(labels)): newlabels.append('%.1E' % Decimal(labels[k].get_text())) ax.set_xticklabels(newlabels) ax.grid()
[docs] def info(self): """Print image info from string representation."""
"""MAGIC METHODS""" def __str__(self): s = "\n-----------\npyplis Img\n-----------\n\n" s += "Min / Max intensity: %s - %s\n" % (self.min(), self.max()) s += "Mean intensity: %s\n" % (self.img.mean()) s += "Shape: %s\n" % str(self.shape) s += "ROI (abs. coords): %s\n" % self.roi_abs s += "\nMeta information\n-------------------\n" for k, v in six.iteritems(self.meta): s += "%s: %s\n" % (k, v) s += "\nEdit log\n-----------\n" for k, v in six.iteritems(self.edit_log): s += "%s: %s\n" % (k, v) return s def __call__(self): """Return image numpy array on call.""" return self.img def __add__(self, val): """Add another image object. :param Img img_obj: object to be added :return: new image object """ if isinstance(val, Img): val = val.img try: img = Img(self.img + val, **self.meta) img.edit_log.update(self.edit_log) return img except: raise TypeError("Could not add input %s to image" % type(val)) def __sub__(self, val): """Subtract another image object. :param Img img_obj: object to be subtracted :return: new image object """ if isinstance(val, Img): val = val.img try: img = Img(self.img - val, **self.meta) img.edit_log.update(self.edit_log) return img except: raise TypeError("Could not subtract input %s from image" % type(val)) def __mul__(self, val): """Multiply another image object. :param Img img_obj: object to be multiplied :return: new image object """ if isinstance(val, Img): val = val.img try: img = Img(self.img * val, **self.meta) img.edit_log.update(self.edit_log) return img except: raise TypeError("Could not multiply value %s to image" % type(val)) def __truediv__(self, val): """Divide another image object (float division). :param Img img_obj: object to be multiplied :return: new image object """ if isinstance(val, Img): val = val.img try: img = Img(self.img / val, **self.meta) img.edit_log.update(self.edit_log) return img except: raise TypeError("Could not divide image by input %s" % type(val))
[docs]def model_dark_image(texp, dark, offset): r"""Model a dark image for input image based on dark and offset images. Determine a modified dark image (D_mod) from the current dark and offset images. The dark image is determined based on the image exposure time of the image object to be corrected (t_exp,I). D_mod represents dark and offset signal for this image object and is then subtracted from the image data. Formula for modified dark image: .. math:: D_{mod} = O + \\frac{(D - O)*t_{exp,I}}{(t_{exp, D}-t_{exp, O})} :param Img img: the image for which dark and offset is modelled :param Img dark: dark image object (dark with long(est) exposure time) :param Img offset: offset image (dark with short(est) exposure time) :returns: - :class:`Img`, modelled dark image """ if not all([x.meta["texp"] > 0.0 for x in [dark, offset]]): raise ImgMetaError("Could not model dark image, invalid value for " "exposure time encountered for at least one of the " "input images") if any([x.modified for x in [dark, offset]]): logger.warning("Images used for modelling dark image are modified") dark_img = (offset.img + (dark.img - offset.img) * texp / (dark.meta["texp"] - offset.meta["texp"])) return Img(dark_img, texp=texp, pyrlevel=offset.pyrlevel, read_gain=dark.meta["read_gain"])
[docs]class ProfileTimeSeriesImg(Img): """Image representing time series of line profiles. The y axis of the profile image corresponds to the actual profiles (retrieved from the individual images) and the x axis corresponds to the image time axis (i.e. the individual frames). Time stamps (mapping of x indices) can also be stored in this object. Example usage is, for instance to represent ICA time series retrieved along a profile (e.g. using :class:`LineOnImage`) for plume speed cross correlation """
[docs] def __init__(self, img_data=None, time_stamps=asarray([]), img_id="", dtype=float32, profile_info_dict=None, **meta_info): if profile_info_dict is None: profile_info_dict = {} self.img_id = img_id self.time_stamps = asarray(time_stamps) self.profile_info = {} if isinstance(profile_info_dict, dict): self.profile_info = profile_info_dict # Initiate object as Img object super(ProfileTimeSeriesImg, self).__init__(input=img_data, dtype=dtype, **meta_info)
@property def img(self): """Get / set image data.""" return self._img @img.setter def img(self, val): """Setter for image data.""" if not isinstance(val, ndarray) or val.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Could not set image data, need 2 dimensional" " numpy array as input") self._img = val num = val.shape[1] if not len(self.time_stamps) == num: self.time_stamps = asarray([datetime(1900, 1, 1)] * num) def _format_check(self): """Check if current data is of right format.""" if not all([isinstance(x, ndarray) for x in [self._img, self.time_stamps]]): raise TypeError("self.img and self.time_stamps must be numpy " "arrays") if not len(self.time_stamps) == self.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Mismatch in array lengths") @property def start(self): """Return first datetime from ``self.time_stamps``.""" try: return self.time_stamps[0] except BaseException:"no time information available, return 1/1/1900") return datetime(1900, 1, 1) @property def stop(self): """Return first datetime from ``self.time_stamps``.""" try: return self.time_stamps[-1] except BaseException:"no time information available, return 1/1/1900") return datetime(1900, 1, 1)
[docs] def save_as_fits(self, save_dir=None, save_name=None, overwrite_existing=True): """Save stack as FITS file. Parameters ---------- save_dir : str directory where image is stored (can also be full file path, then parameter ``save_name`` is not considered) save_name : str name of file overwrite_existing : bool if True, an existing file with the same name will be overwritten """ self._format_check() # returns abspath of current wkdir if None save_dir = abspath(save_dir) if not isdir(save_dir): # save_dir is a file path save_name = basename(save_dir) save_dir = dirname(save_dir) if save_name is None: save_name = "pyplis_profile_tseries_id_%s_%s_%s_%s.fts"\ % (self.img_id, self.start.strftime("%Y%m%d"), self.start.strftime("%H%M"), self.stop.strftime("%H%M")) else: save_name = save_name.split(".")[0] + ".fts" hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() time_strings = [x.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") for x in self.time_stamps] col1 = fits.Column( name="time_stamps", format="25A", array=time_strings) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1]) arrays = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = self._img hdu.header.update(self.edit_log) hdu.header["img_id"] = self.img_id for key, val in six.iteritems(self.profile_info): if key == "_roi_abs_def": try: hdu.header["_roi_abs_def"] = dumps(val) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to write roi_abs_def") else: hdu.header[key] = val hdu.header.append() hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, arrays]) path = join(save_dir, save_name) if exists(path): try:"Image already exists at %s and will be overwritten" % path) remove(path) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to delete existing file...") try: hdulist.writeto(path, clobber=overwrite_existing) except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to save FITS File (check previous warnings)")
def _profile_dict_keys(self, profile_type="LineOnImage"): """Return profile dictionary keys for input profile type.""" d = {"LineOnImage": list(LineOnImage().to_dict().keys())} return d[profile_type]
[docs] def load_fits(self, file_path, profile_type="LineOnImage"): """Load stack object (fits). :param str file_path: file path of fits image """ if not exists(file_path): raise IOError("Img could not be loaded, path %s does not " "exist" % file_path) hdu = self.img = asarray(hdu[0].data) prep = Img().edit_log try: profile_keys = self._profile_dict_keys(profile_type) except BaseException: profile_keys = []"Failed to load profile info dictionary") for key, val in six.iteritems(hdu[0].header): k = key.lower() if k in prep.keys(): self.edit_log[k] = val elif k in profile_keys: if k == "_roi_abs_def": self.profile_info[k] = loads(val) else: self.profile_info[k] = val self.img_id = hdu[0].header["img_id"] try: self.time_stamps = asarray([datetime.strptime(x, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") for x in hdu[1].data["time_stamps"]]) except BaseException:"Failed to import time stamps") self._format_check()