Source code for pyplis.fluxcalc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pyplis is a Python library for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Pyplis module containing methods and classes for emission-rate retrievals.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)

from numpy import (dot, sqrt, mean, nan, isnan, asarray, nanmean, nanmax,
                   nanmin, sum, arctan2, rad2deg, logical_and, ones, arange,
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
from collections import OrderedDict as od
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots, rcParams, Rectangle
from os.path import join, isdir
from os import getcwd
from traceback import format_exc

from pyplis import logger
from .utils import LineOnImage
from .imagelists import ImgList
from .plumespeed import LocalPlumeProperties
from .helpers import check_roi, exponent, roi2rect, map_roi
import six
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
    from scipy.constants import N_A
except BaseException:
    N_A = 6.022140857e+23

MOL_MASS_SO2 = 64.0638  # g/mol

LABEL_SIZE = rcParams["font.size"] + 2

[docs]class OutputERA(object): """Class for specifying default output for emission rate analyses. .. note:: This class is under development and not intended to be used currently """
[docs] def __init__(self, out_dir=None, overlay_optflow=True, img_vmin=None, img_vmax=None): raise NotImplementedError("Site under construction") self.save_figs = False self.save_video = False self.out_dir = None # Visualisation options self.add_veff_histo = False self.add_flux = False self.overlay_optflow = True
[docs] def init_output(self): """Create all relevant objects based on settings.""" pass
[docs] def init_axes(self): """Init figure based on current settings.""" pass
[docs]class EmissionRateSettings(object): """Class for management of settings for emission rate retrievals. Parameters ---------- pcs_lines : :class:`LineOnImage` object or list containing :class:`LineOnImage` objects along which emission rates are retrieved. velo_glob : float optional, global velocity estimate (e.g. retrieved from cross correlation analysis). Please note, that global velocities can also be assigned directly to :class:`LineOnImage` objects (see prev. inp. param), hence, this input velocity is only used for lines, which do not have an explicit global velocity assigned. In any case, these velocities (whether assigned in :class:`LineOnImage`objects or here) are only used if ``self.velo_mode["glob"] is True``. velo_glob_err : float optional, error on prev. parameter bg_roi_abs : list background region of interest used for logging of retrieved CDs in an area out of the plume (can later be used for an assessment of the performance of the plume background retrieval for each image) since the CDs are expected to be zero. ref_check_lower_lim : float lower required limit for CDs in ``bg_roi_abs`` area in case ``ref_check_mode`` is active. All images which show average CDs lower than this thresh within ``bg_roi_abs`` are disregarded for the analysis ref_check_upper_lim : float upper required limit for CDs in ``bg_roi_abs`` area in case ``ref_check_mode`` is active. All images which show average CDs larger than this thresh within ``bg_roi_abs`` are disregarded for the analysis """
[docs] def __init__(self, pcs_lines=None, velo_glob=nan, velo_glob_err=nan, bg_roi_abs=None, ref_check_lower_lim=None, ref_check_upper_lim=None, **settings): # allow input for older version attributes if pcs_lines is None: pcs_lines = [] if "bg_roi" in settings and bg_roi_abs is None: bg_roi_abs = settings["bg_roi"] del settings["bg_roi"] self.velo_modes = od([("glob", True), ("flow_raw", False), ("flow_histo", False), ("flow_hybrid", False)]) # empirically determined intrinsic error of farneback optical flow # with respect to the effective velocities (i.e. dot product of optical # flow vector with PCS normal). self.optflow_err_rel_veff = 0.15 self.pcs_lines = od() # Dictionary that will be filled with flags (in method add_pcs_line) # specifying whether or not local plume displacement information # (class LocalPlumeProperties, retrieved using optical flow histogram # analysis) are available in within the provided LineOnImage objects # along which the emission rates are retrieved. self.plume_props_available = od() self._velo_glob = nan self._velo_glob_err = nan self.velo_glob = velo_glob self.velo_glob_err = velo_glob_err self._bg_roi_abs = bg_roi_abs self._ref_check_mode = False self.ref_check_lower_lim = ref_check_lower_lim self.ref_check_upper_lim = ref_check_upper_lim self.velo_dir_multigauss = True self.senscorr = True # apply AA sensitivity correction self.dilcorr = False self.live_calib = False self.min_cd = -1e30 # min required column density for retrieval [cm-2] self.min_cd_flow = nan self.mmol = MOL_MASS_SO2 try: len(pcs_lines) except BaseException: pcs_lines = [pcs_lines] for line in pcs_lines: self.add_pcs_line(line) for key, val in six.iteritems(settings): self[key] = val if self.velo_modes["glob"]: if not self._check_velo_glob_access(): logger.warning("Deactivating velocity retrieval mode glob, since global" " velocity was not provided") self.velo_modes["glob"] = False if not sum(list(self.velo_modes.values())) > 0: logger.warning("All velocity retrieval modes are deactivated")
@property def bg_roi_abs(self): """Return current background reference ROI.""" return self._bg_roi_abs @bg_roi_abs.setter def bg_roi_abs(self, value): if not check_roi(value): raise ValueError("Invalid ROI: %s, need list: [x0,y0,x1,y1]" % value) self._bg_roi_abs = value @property def ref_check_mode(self): """Activate / deactivate reference area control mode.""" return self._ref_check_mode @ref_check_mode.setter def ref_check_mode(self, value): try: value = bool(value) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Need bool or similar") if value: if not check_roi(self.bg_roi_abs): raise ValueError("Cannot activate ref_check_mode: bg_roi is " "not set") try: self.ref_check_lower_lim = float(self.ref_check_lower_lim) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Please assign a valid lower value (type " "float) for reference check in bg_roi using " "attr. ref_check_lower_lim") try: self.ref_check_upper_lim = float(self.ref_check_upper_lim) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Please assign a valid upper value (type " "float) for reference check in bg_roi using " "attr. ref_check_upper_lim") self._ref_check_mode = value @property def velo_mode_glob(self): """Attribute velo_glob for velocity analysis retrieval.""" return self.velo_modes["glob"] @velo_mode_glob.setter def velo_mode_glob(self, val): self.velo_modes["glob"] = bool(val) @property def velo_mode_flow_raw(self): """Attribute velo_glob for velocity analysis retrieval.""" return self.velo_modes["flow_raw"] @velo_mode_flow_raw.setter def velo_mode_flow_raw(self, val): self.velo_modes["flow_raw"] = bool(val) @property def velo_mode_flow_histo(self): """Attribute for velocity analysis retrieval.""" return self.velo_modes["flow_histo"] @velo_mode_flow_histo.setter def velo_mode_flow_histo(self, val): self.velo_modes["flow_histo"] = bool(val) @property def velo_mode_flow_hybrid(self): """Attribute for velocity analysis retrieval.""" return self.velo_modes["flow_hybrid"] @velo_mode_flow_hybrid.setter def velo_mode_flow_hybrid(self, val): self.velo_modes["flow_hybrid"] = bool(val) @property def velo_glob(self): """Global velocity in m/s, assigned to this line. Raises ------ AttributeError if current value is not of type float """ return self._velo_glob @velo_glob.setter def velo_glob(self, val): try: val = float(val) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Invalid input, need float or int...") if val < 0: raise ValueError("Velocity must be larger than 0") elif val > 40: logger.warning("Large value warning: input velocity exceeds 40 m/s") self._velo_glob = val if self.velo_glob_err is None or isnan(self.velo_glob_err): logger.warning("Global velocity error not assigned, assuming 50% of " "velocity") self.velo_glob_err = val * 0.50 @property def velo_glob_err(self): """Error of global velocity in m/s, assigned to this line.""" return self._velo_glob_err @velo_glob_err.setter def velo_glob_err(self, val): try: val = float(val) except BaseException: raise ValueError("Invalid input, need float or int...") if not isnan(val): self._velo_glob_err = val def _check_velo_glob_access(self): """Check if global velocity information is accessible for all lines.""" vglob = self.velo_glob if not isnan(float(vglob)): return True for l in self.pcs_lines.values(): try: l.velo_glob except BaseException: return False return True
[docs] def add_pcs_line(self, line): """Add one analysis line to this list. Parameters ---------- line : LineOnImage emission rate retrieval line """ if not isinstance(line, LineOnImage): raise TypeError("Invalid input type for PCS line, need " "LineOnImage...") elif line.line_id in self.pcs_lines: raise KeyError("A PCS line with ID %s already exists" % (line.line_id)) try: line.velo_glob # raises exception if not assigned except BaseException: try: line.velo_glob = self.velo_glob err = self.velo_glob_err if isinstance(err, float) and not isnan(err): line.velo_glob_err = err except BaseException: pass try: line.plume_props # raises exception if not assigned self.plume_props_available[line.line_id] = 1 except BaseException:"Creating new LocalPlumeProperties object in line %s" % line.line_id) line.plume_props = LocalPlumeProperties(roi_id=line.line_id) self.plume_props_available[line.line_id] = 0 self.pcs_lines[line.line_id] = line
def __str__(self): s = "\npyplis settings for emission rate retrieval\n" s += "--------------------------------------------\n\n" s += "Retrieval lines:\n" if bool(self.pcs_lines): for v in self.pcs_lines.values(): s += "%s\n" % (v) else: s += "No PCS lines assigned yet ...\n" s += "\nVelocity retrieval:\n" for k, v in six.iteritems(self.velo_modes): s += "%s: %s\n" % (k, v) s += "\nGlobal velocity: v = (%2f +/- %.2f) m/s" % (self.velo_glob, self.velo_glob_err) s += "\nAA sensitivity corr: %s\n" % self.senscorr s += "Dilution correction: %s\n" % self.dilcorr s += "Minimum considered CD: %s cm-2\n" % self.min_cd s += "Molar mass: %s g/mol\n" % self.mmol return s def __setitem__(self, key, val): """Set item method.""" if key in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key] = val elif key in self.velo_modes: self.velo_modes[key] = val
[docs]class EmissionRates(object): """Class to store results from emission rate analysis."""
[docs] def __init__(self, pcs_id, velo_mode="glob", settings=None, color="b"): self.pcs_id = pcs_id self.settings = settings self.velo_mode = velo_mode self._start_acq = [] self._phi = [] # array containing emission rates self._phi_err = [] # emission rate errors self._velo_eff = [] # effective velocity through cross section self._velo_eff_err = [] # error effective velocity # fraction of reliable optical flow vectors along the retrieval line # only relevant for histogram based optical flow retrieval # (e.g. 0.6 means that 40% of the optical flow vectors were replaced) # with average vector derived from histograms self._frac_optflow_ok = [] # fraction / impact of reliable optical flow vectors on integrated # column amount (ICA) along retrieval line L. E.g. 0.8 means that 80% # of the accumulated ICA along L corresponds to vectors for which the # optical flow is reliable. This information is also only relevant # for flow_hybrid velocity method and may be used to assess the # impact of erroneous flow vectors (which are replaced with result # from histogram analysis) relative to the actual flux self._frac_optflow_ok_ica = [] self.pix_dist_mean = None self.pix_dist_mean_err = None self.cd_err = None self.color = color
@property def start(self): """Acquisistion time of first image.""" return self.start_acq[0] @property def stop(self): """Start acqusition time of last image.""" return self.start_acq[-1] @property def start_acq(self): """Array containing acquisition time stamps.""" return asarray(self._start_acq) @property def phi(self): """Array containing emission rates.""" return asarray(self._phi) @property def phi_err(self): """Array containing emission rate errors.""" return asarray(self._phi_err) @property def velo_eff(self): """Array containing effective plume velocities.""" return asarray(self._velo_eff) @property def velo_eff_err(self): """Array containing effective plume velocitie errors.""" return asarray(self._velo_eff_err) @property def as_series(self): """Emission rates as pandas Series.""" return Series(self.phi, self.start_acq) @property def meta_header(self): """Return string containing available meta information. Returns ------- str string containing relevant meta information (e.g. for txt export) """ date, i, f = self.get_date_time_strings() s = ("pcs_id=%s\ndate=%s\nstart=%s\nstop=%s\nvelo_mode=%s\n" "pix_dist_mean=%s m\npix_dist_mean_err=%s m\ncd_err=%s cm-2" % (self.pcs_id, date, i, f, self.velo_mode, self.pix_dist_mean, self.pix_dist_mean_err, self.cd_err)) return s @property def default_save_name(self): """Return default name for txt export.""" try: d = self.start.strftime("%Y%m%d") i = self.start.strftime("%H%M") f = self.stop.strftime("%H%M") except BaseException: d, i, f = "", "", "" return "pyplis_EmissionRates_%s_%s_%s.txt" % (d, i, f)
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean of emission rate time series.""" return self.phi.mean()
[docs] def nanmean(self): """Mean of emission rate time series excluding NaNs.""" return nanmean(self.phi)
[docs] def std(self): """Mean of emission rate time series.""" return self.phi.std()
[docs] def nanstd(self): """Mean of emission rate time series excluding NaNs.""" return nanstd(self.phi)
[docs] def min(self): """Minimum value of emission rate time series.""" return self.phi.min()
[docs] def nanmin(self): """Minimum value of emission rate time series excluding NaNs.""" return nanmin(self.phi)
[docs] def max(self): """Maximum value of emission rate time series.""" return self.phi.max()
[docs] def nanmax(self): """Maximum value of emission rate time series excluding NaNs.""" return nanmax(self.phi)
[docs] def get_date_time_strings(self): """Return string reprentations of date and start / stop times. Returns ------- tuple 3-element tuple containing - date string - start acq. time string - stop acq. time string """ try: date = self.start.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") start = self.start.strftime("%H:%M") stop = self.stop.strftime("%H:%M") except BaseException: date, start, stop = "", "", "" return date, start, stop
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Write all data attributes into dictionary. Keys of the dictionary are the private class names Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing results """ return dict(_phi=self.phi, _phi_err=self.phi_err, _velo_eff=self.velo_eff, _velo_eff_err=self.velo_eff_err, _frac_optflow_ok=self._frac_optflow_ok, _frac_optflow_ok_ica=self._frac_optflow_ok_ica, _start_acq=self.start_acq)
def _fill_missing_data(self): """Check length of all data arrays and fill nans where data is missing. """ d = self.to_dict() num = len(self.start_acq) for k, v in six.iteritems(d): if not len(v) == num: self.__dict__[k] = [nan] * num
[docs] def to_pandas_dataframe(self): """Convert object into pandas dataframe. This can, for instance be used to store the data as csv (cf. :func:`from_pandas_dataframe`) """ self._fill_missing_data() d = self.to_dict() del d["_start_acq"] try: df = DataFrame(d, index=self.start_acq) return df except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to convert EmissionRates into pandas DataFrame")
[docs] def from_pandas_dataframe(self, df): """Import results from pandas :class:`DataFrame` object. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame pandas dataframe containing emisison rate results Returns ------- EmissionRates this object """ self._start_acq = df.index.to_pydatetime() for key in df.keys(): if key in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key] = df[key].values return self
[docs] def plot_velo_eff(self, yerr=True, label=None, ax=None, date_fmt=None, **kwargs): """Plot emission rate time series. Parameters ---------- yerr : bool Include uncertainties label : str optional, string argument specifying label ax optional, matplotlib axes object date_fmt : str optional, x label datetime formatting string, passed to :class:`DateFormatter` (e.g. "%H:%M") **kwargs additional keyword args passed to plot function of :class:`Series` object Returns ------- axes matplotlib axes object """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = "b" if label is None: label = ("velo_mode: %s" % (self.velo_mode)) v, verr = self.velo_eff, self.velo_eff_err s = Series(v, self.start_acq) try: s.index = s.index.to_pydatetime() except BaseException: pass s.plot(ax=ax, label=label, **kwargs) try: if date_fmt is not None: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except BaseException: pass if yerr: phi_upper = Series(v + verr, self.start_acq) phi_lower = Series(v - verr, self.start_acq) ax.fill_between(s.index, phi_lower, phi_upper, alpha=0.1, **kwargs) ax.set_ylabel(r"$v_{eff}$ [m/s]") ax.grid() return ax
[docs] def plot(self, yerr=True, label=None, ax=None, date_fmt=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, alpha_err=0.1, in_kg=True, **kwargs): """Plot emission rate time series. Parameters ---------- yerr : bool Include uncertainties label : str optional, string argument specifying label ax optional, matplotlib axes object date_fmt : str optional, x label datetime formatting string, passed to :class:`DateFormatter` (e.g. "%H:%M") ymin : :obj:`float`, optional lower limit of y-axis ymax : :obj:`float`, optional upper limit of y-axis alpha_err : float transparency of uncertainty range in_kg : bool if True, emission rates are plotted in units of kg / s **kwargs additional keyword args passed to plot call Returns ------- axes matplotlib axes object """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) ax.grid() if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = self.color if label is None: label = ("velo: %s" % (self.velo_mode)) phi, phierr = self.phi, self.phi_err s = self.as_series unit = "g/s" if in_kg: s /= 1000.0 unit = "kg/s" try: s.index = s.index.to_pydatetime() except BaseException: pass pl = ax.plot(s.index, s.values, label=label, **kwargs) try: if date_fmt is not None: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except BaseException: pass if yerr: phi_upper = Series(phi + phierr, self.start_acq) phi_lower = Series(phi - phierr, self.start_acq) if in_kg: phi_lower /= 1000.0 phi_upper /= 1000.0 ax.fill_between(s.index, phi_lower, phi_upper, alpha=alpha_err, color=pl[0].get_color()) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Phi$ [%s]" % unit) ylim = list(ax.get_ylim()) if ymin is not None: ylim[0] = ymin if ymax is not None: ylim[1] = ymax ax.set_ylim(ylim) return ax
[docs] def save_txt(self, path=None): """Save this object as text file.""" try: if isdir(path): # raises exception in case path is not valid loc path = join(path, self.default_save_name) except BaseException: path = join(getcwd(), self.default_save_name) self.to_pandas_dataframe().to_csv(path)
[docs] def load_txt(self, path): """Load results from text file. Parameters ---------- path : str valid file location Returns ------- EmissionRates loaded result data class """ df = pd.read_csv(path) return self.from_pandas_dataframe(df)
def __add__(self, other): """Add emission rate results from two result classes. The values of the emission rates ``phi`` are added, the other data (``phi_err, velo_eff, velo_eff_err``) are averaged between this and the other time series. Parameters ---------- other : EmissionRates emission rate results from a different position in the image Returns ------- EmissionRates added results """ if not isinstance(other, EmissionRates): raise ValueError("Invalid input, need EmissionRates class") df = self.to_pandas_dataframe() df1 = other.to_pandas_dataframe() df["_phi"] += df1["_phi"] df["_phi_err"] = (df["_phi_err"] + df1["_phi_err"]) / 2. df["_velo_eff"] = (df["_velo_eff"] + df1["_velo_eff"]) / 2. df["_velo_eff"] = (df["_velo_eff_err"] + df1["_velo_eff_err"]) / 2. new_id = "%s + %s" % (self.pcs_id, other.pcs_id) new = EmissionRates(new_id) new.from_pandas_dataframe(df) try: pdm_diff = abs(self.pix_dist_mean - other.pix_dist_mean) new.pix_dist_mean = nanmean( [self.pix_dist_mean, other.pix_dist_mean]) pdm_err = nanmean( [self.pix_dist_mean_err, other.pix_dist_mean_err]) new.pix_dist_mean_err = max([pdm_diff, pdm_err]) except BaseException: logger.warning("Could not access meta info pix_dist_mean in flux results") try: new.cd_err = nanmean([self.cd_err, other.cd_err]) except BaseException: logger.warning("Could not access meta cd_err in flux results") return new def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract emission rate results from two result classes. The values of the emission rates ``phi`` are subtracted, the other data (``phi_err, velo_eff, velo_eff_err``) are averaged between this and the other time series. Parameters ---------- other : EmissionRates emission rate results from a different position in the image Returns ------- EmissionRates added results """ if not isinstance(other, EmissionRates): raise ValueError("Invalid input, need EmissionRates class") df = self.to_pandas_dataframe() df1 = other.to_pandas_dataframe() df["_phi"] -= df1["_phi"] df["_phi_err"] = (df["_phi_err"] + df1["_phi_err"]) / 2. df["_velo_eff"] = (df["_velo_eff"] + df1["_velo_eff"]) / 2. df["_velo_eff"] = (df["_velo_eff_err"] + df1["_velo_eff_err"]) / 2. new_id = "%s - %s" % (self.pcs_id, other.pcs_id) new = EmissionRates(new_id) new.from_pandas_dataframe(df) try: pdm_diff = abs(self.pix_dist_mean - other.pix_dist_mean) new.pix_dist_mean = nanmean( [self.pix_dist_mean, other.pix_dist_mean]) pdm_err = nanmean( [self.pix_dist_mean_err, other.pix_dist_mean_err]) new.pix_dist_mean_err = max([pdm_diff, pdm_err]) except BaseException: logger.warning("Could not access meta info pix_dist_mean in flux results") try: new.cd_err = nanmean([self.cd_err, other.cd_err]) except BaseException: logger.warning("Could not access meta cd_err in flux results") return new def __truediv__(self, other): """Divide other emission rate results. The values of the emission rates ``phi`` are divided, the other data (``phi_err, velo_eff, velo_eff_err``) are averaged between this and the other time series. Parameters ---------- other : EmissionRates emission rate results from a different position in the image Returns ------- EmissionRates added results """ if not isinstance(other, EmissionRates): raise ValueError("Invalid input, need EmissionRates class") df = self.to_pandas_dataframe() df1 = other.to_pandas_dataframe() df["_phi"] /= df1["_phi"] df["_phi_err"] = df["_phi"] * sqrt((df["_phi_err"] / df["_phi"])**2 + (df1["_phi_err"] / df1["_phi"]**2)) df["_velo_eff"] = (df["_velo_eff"] + df1["_velo_eff"]) / 2. df["_velo_eff"] = (df["_velo_eff_err"] + df1["_velo_eff_err"]) / 2. new_id = "%s / %s" % (self.pcs_id, other.pcs_id) new = EmissionRateRatio(new_id) new.from_pandas_dataframe(df) try: pdm_diff = abs(self.pix_dist_mean - other.pix_dist_mean) new.pix_dist_mean = nanmean( [self.pix_dist_mean, other.pix_dist_mean]) pdm_err = nanmean( [self.pix_dist_mean_err, other.pix_dist_mean_err]) new.pix_dist_mean_err = max([pdm_diff, pdm_err]) except BaseException: logger.warning("Could not access meta info pix_dist_mean in flux results") try: new.cd_err = nanmean([self.cd_err, other.cd_err]) except BaseException: logger.warning("Could not access meta cd_err in flux results") return new def __str__(self): s = "pyplis EmissionRates\n--------------------------------\n\n" s += self.meta_header s += ("\nphi_min=%.2f g/s\nphi_max=%.2f g/s\n" % (nanmin(self.phi), nanmax(self.phi))) s += "phi_err=%.2f g/s\n" % nanmean(self.phi_err) s += ("v_min=%.2f m/s\nv_max=%.2f m/s\n" % (nanmin(self.velo_eff), nanmax(self.velo_eff))) s += "v_err=%.2f m/s" % nanmean(self.velo_eff_err) return s
[docs]class EmissionRateRatio(EmissionRates): """Time series ratio of two emission rates. This class is new and still in Beta status """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EmissionRateRatio, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) logger.warning("You are using an old name EmissionRateResults for class" "EmissionRates")
@property def dphi(self): """Return attr. phi, as this class represents ratios.""" return self.phi @property def dphi_err(self): """Return for attr. phi_err, as this class represents ratios.""" return self.phi_err
[docs] def plot(self, yerr=False, label=None, ax=None, date_fmt=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, alpha_err=0.1, **kwargs): ax = super(EmissionRateRatio, self).plot(yerr, label, ax, date_fmt, ymin, ymax, alpha_err, in_kg=False, **kwargs) ax.set_ylabel("") return ax
[docs]class EmissionRateAnalysis(object): """Class to perform emission rate analysis. The analysis is performed by looping over images in an image list which is in ``calib_mode``, i.e. which loads images as gas CD images. Emission rates can be retrieved for an arbitrary amount of plume cross sections (defined by a list of :class:`LineOnImage` objects which can be provided on init or added later). The image list needs to include a valid measurement geometry (:class:`MeasGeometry`) object which is used to determine pixel to pixel distances (on a pixel column basis) and corresponding uncertainties. Parameters ---------- imglist : ImgList onband image list prepared such, that at least ``aa_mode`` and ``calib_mode`` can be activated. If emission rate retrieval is supposed to be performed using optical flow, then also ``optflow_mode`` needs to work. Apart from setting these modes, no further changes are applied to the list (e.g. dark correction, blurring or choosing the pyramid level) and should therefore be set before. A warning is given, in case dark correction is not activated. pcs_lines : list python list containing :class:`LineOnImage` objects supposed to be used for retrieval of emission rates (can also be a :class:`LineOnImage` object directly) velo_glob : float global plume velocity in m/s (e.g. retrieved using cross correlation algorithm) velo_glob_err : float uncertainty in global plume speed estimate bg_roi : list region of interest specifying gas free area in the images. It is used to extract mean, max, min values from each of the calibrated images during the analysis as a quality check for the performance of the plume background retrieval or to detect disturbances in this region (e.g. due to clouds). If unspecified, the ``scale_rect`` of the plume background modelling class is used (i.e. ``self.imglist.bg_model.scale_rect``). **settings : analysis settings (passed to :class:`EmissionRateSettings`) Todo ---- 1. Include light dilution correction - automatic correction for light dilution is currently not supported in this object. If you wish to perform light dilution, for now, please calculate dilution corrected on and offband images first (see example script ex11) and save them locally. The new set of images can then be used normally for the analysis by creating a :class:`Dataset` object and an AA image list from that (see example scripts 1 and 4). """
[docs] def __init__(self, imglist, **settings): if not isinstance(imglist, ImgList): raise TypeError("Need ImgList, got %s" % type(imglist)) self.imglist = imglist self._imglist_optflow = None self.settings = EmissionRateSettings(**settings) # Retrieved emission rate results are written into the following # dictionary, keys are the line_ids of all PCS lines self.results = od() if not check_roi(self.settings.bg_roi_abs): try: bg_roi_abs = imglist.bg_model.scale_rect if not check_roi(bg_roi_abs): raise ValueError("Fatal: check scale rectangle in " "background model of image list...") except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to access scale rectangle in background model " "of image list, setting bg_roi to lower left image " "corner") bg_roi_abs = [5, 5, 20, 20] self.settings.bg_roi_abs = bg_roi_abs self.bg_roi_info = {"mean": None, "std": None} self.warnings = [] if not self.pcs_lines: self.warnings.append("No PCS analysis lines available for emission" " rate analysis") try: self.check_and_init_list() except BaseException: self.warnings.append("Failed to initate image list for analysis " "check previous warnings...") for warning in self.warnings: logger.warning(warning)
@property def imglist_optflow(self): """Image list supposed to be used for optical flow retrieval. Is required to have the same number of images than analysis list. If this list is not set explicitely, then the optical flow is calculated from the analysis list (default setting). This feature was introduced, since it was empirically found, that images that are dilution corrected, often cause problems with the optical flow retrieval, due to the applied threshold .. note: Beta version """ if not isinstance(self._imglist_optflow, ImgList): return self.imglist return self._imglist_optflow @imglist_optflow.setter def imglist_optflow(self, val): if val is self.imglist: raise IOError("Input list for optical flow retrieval is the same" " as current analysis list") if isinstance(val, ImgList) and val.nof == self.imglist.nof: val.goto_img(self.imglist.cfn)"Setting list for optflow retrieval, current mode status:") for k, v in six.iteritems(val._list_modes):"%s: %s" % (k, v)) self._imglist_optflow = val self.imglist.link_imglist(self._imglist_optflow) else: raise IOError("Failed to assign optical flow image list") @property def pcs_lines(self): """Return dict containing PCS retrieval lines assigned to settings class. """ return self.settings.pcs_lines @property def velo_glob(self): """Global velocity.""" return self.settings.velo_glob @property def velo_glob_err(self): """Return error of current global velocity.""" return self.settings.velo_glob_err @property def flow_required(self): """Check if current velocity mode settings require flow algo.""" s = self.settings if s.velo_modes["flow_raw"] or s.velo_modes["flow_hybrid"]: return True elif s.velo_modes["flow_histo"]: d = s.plume_props_available if not sum(list(d.values())) == len(d): return True return False
[docs] def get_results(self, line_id=None, velo_mode=None): """Return emission rate results (if available). :param str line_id: ID of PCS line :param str velo_mode: velocity retrieval mode (see also :class:`EmissionRateSettings`) :return: - EmissionRateResults, class containing emission rate results for specified line and velocity retrieval :raises: - KeyError, if result for the input constellation cannot be found """ if line_id is None: try: line_id = list(self.results.keys())[0]"Input line ID unspecified, using: %s" % line_id) except IndexError: raise IndexError("No emission rate results available...") if velo_mode is None: try: velo_mode = self.results[line_id].keys()[0]"Input velo_mode unspecified, using: %s" % velo_mode) except BaseException: raise IndexError("No emission rate results available...") if line_id not in self.results: raise KeyError("No results available for pcs with ID %s" % line_id) elif velo_mode not in self.results[line_id]: raise KeyError("No results available for line %s and velocity mode" " %s" % (line_id, velo_mode)) return self.results[line_id][velo_mode]
[docs] def check_and_init_list(self): """Check if image list is ready and include all relevant info.""" lst = self.imglist # activate calibration mode: images are calibrated using DOAS # calibration polynomial. The fitted curve is shifted to y axis # offset 0 for the retrieval lst.calib_mode = True if self.settings.velo_glob: try: float(self.velo_glob) except BaseException: self.warnings.append("Global velocity is not available, try " " activating optical flow") self.imglist_optflow.optflow_mode = True self.imglist_optflow.optflow.plot_flow_histograms() self.settings.velo_flow_histo = True try: lst.meas_geometry.compute_all_integration_step_lengths( pyrlevel=lst.pyrlevel) except ValueError: raise ValueError("measurement geometry in image list is not ready" "for pixel distance access") if not lst.darkcorr_mode: self.warnings.append("Dark image correction is not activated in " "image list") if self.settings.senscorr: # activate sensitivity correcion mode: images are divided by try: lst.sensitivity_corr_mode = True except BaseException: self.warnings.append("AA sensitivity correction was " "deactivated because it could not be " "succedfully activated in imglist") self.settings.senscorr = False if self.settings.dilcorr: lst.dilcorr_mode = True
[docs] def get_pix_dist_info_all_lines(self): """Retrieve pixel distances and uncertainty for all pcs lines. Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`dict`, keys are line ids, vals are arrays with pixel dists - :obj:`dict`, keys are line ids, vals are distance uncertainties """ lst = self.imglist PYR = self.imglist.pyrlevel # get pixel distance image dist_img = lst.meas_geometry.compute_all_integration_step_lengths( pyrlevel=PYR)[0] # init dicts dists, dist_errs = {}, {} for line_id, line in six.iteritems(self.pcs_lines): dists[line_id] = line.get_line_profile(dist_img) col = line.center_pix[0] # pixel column of center of PCS dist_errs[line_id] = lst.meas_geometry.pix_dist_err(col, PYR) return (dists, dist_errs)
[docs] def init_results(self): r"""Reset results. Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`dict`, keys are line ids, vals are empty result classes - :obj:`dict`, keys are line ids, vals are empty \ :class:`LocalPlumeProperties` objects """ if sum(list(self.settings.velo_modes.values())) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot initiate result structure: no velocity " "retrieval mode is activated, check " "self.settings.velo_modes " "dictionary.") res = od() for line_id, line in six.iteritems(self.pcs_lines): res[line_id] = od() for mode, val in six.iteritems(self.settings.velo_modes): if val: res[line_id][mode] = EmissionRates(line_id, mode) self.results = res self.check_pcs_plume_props() self.bg_roi_info = {"mean": None, "std": None} return res
[docs] def check_pcs_plume_props(self): """Check if plume displacement information is available for all PCS. Tries to access :class:`LocalPlumeProperties` objects in each of the assigned plume cross section retrieval lines (:attr:`pcs_lines`). If so and if a considerable datetime index overlap is given in the corresponding object (with datetime indices in :attr:`imglist`), then the object is interpolated onto the time stamps of the list and the corresponding displacement information is used (and not re-calculated) while performing emission rate retrieval when using ``velo_mode = flow_histo``. If no significant overlap can be detected, the :class:`LocalPlumeProperties` object in the corresponding :class:`LineOnImage` object is initiated and filled while performing the analysis. """ lst = self.imglist span = (lst.stop - lst.start).total_seconds() for key, line in six.iteritems(self.pcs_lines): try: p = line.plume_props dt0 = (p.start - lst.start).total_seconds() if dt0 > 0 and dt0 / span > 0.05: raise ValueError("Insufficient overlap of time stamps in " "plume properties of line %s with " "timestamps in list...") dt1 = (lst.stop - p.stop).total_seconds() if dt1 > 0 and dt1 / span > 0.05: raise ValueError("Insufficient overlap of time stamps in " "plume properties of line %s with " "timestamps in list...") line.plume_props = p.interpolate(time_stamps=lst.start_acq, how="time") self.settings.plume_props_available[key] = 1 except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, ValueError): logger.warning(format_exc(e)) self.settings.plume_props_available[key] = 0 line.plume_props = LocalPlumeProperties(roi_id=key)
def _write_meta(self, dists, dist_errs, cd_err): """Write meta info in result classes.""" for line_id, mode_dict in six.iteritems(self.results): for mode, resultclass in six.iteritems(mode_dict): resultclass.pix_dist_mean = mean(dists[line_id]) resultclass.pix_dist_mean_err = dist_errs[line_id] resultclass.cd_err = cd_err
[docs] def calc_emission_rate(self, **kwargs): """Old name of :func:`run_retrieval`.""" logger.warning("Old name of method run_retrieval") return self.run_retrieval(**kwargs)
[docs] def run_retrieval(self, start_index=0, stop_index=None, check_list=True): r"""Calculate emission rates of image list. Performs emission rate analysis for each line in ``self.pcs_lines`` and for all plume velocity retrievals activated in ``self.settings.velo_modes``. The results for each line and velocity mode are stored within :class:`EmissionRates` objects which are saved in ``self.results[line_id][velo_mode]``, e.g.:: res = self.results["bla"]["flow_histo"] would yield emission rate results for line with ID "bla" using histogram based plume speed analysis. The results can also be easily accessed using :func:`get_results`. Parameters ---------- start_index : int index of first considered image in ``self.imglist``, defaults to 0 stop_index : int index of last considered image in ``self.imglist``, defaults to last image in list check_list : bool if True, :func:`check_and_init_list` is called before analysis Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing - :obj:`dict`, keys are line ids, vals are corresponding results - :obj:`dict`, keys are line ids, vals are \ :class:`LocalPlumeProperties` objects """ if check_list: self.check_and_init_list() lst = self.imglist if stop_index is None: stop_index = lst.nof - 1 num = lst._iter_num(start_index, stop_index) flow = self.imglist_optflow.optflow s = self.settings results = self.init_results() dists, dist_errs = self.get_pix_dist_info_all_lines() lst.goto_img(start_index) try: cd_err = lst.calib_data.err() except ValueError as e: logger.warning("Calibration error could not be accessed: {}".format(repr(e))) cd_err = None self._write_meta(dists, dist_errs, cd_err) # init parameters for main loop mmol = s.mmol if self.flow_required: self.imglist_optflow.optflow_mode = True else: lst.optflow_mode = False # should be much faster ts, bg_mean, bg_std = [], [], [] counter = 0 fl_sigma_tol = flow.settings.hist_sigma_tol fl_min_len = flow.settings.min_length roi_bg_abs = self.settings.bg_roi_abs velo_modes = s.velo_modes min_cd = s.min_cd min_cd_flow = min_cd if isnan(s.min_cd_flow) else s.min_cd_flow gauss_fit = s.velo_dir_multigauss lines = self.pcs_lines pnum = int(10**exponent(num) / 4.0) imin, imax = s.ref_check_lower_lim, s.ref_check_upper_lim for k in range(num): img = lst.current_img() t = lst.current_time() ts.append(t) ok = True try: sub = img.crop(roi_bg_abs, new_img=True) # sub = img.img[roi_bg[1] : roi_bg[3], roi_bg[0] : roi_bg[2]] avg = sub.mean() bg_mean.append(avg) bg_std.append(sub.std()) if self.settings.ref_check_mode: if not imin < avg < imax: ok = False except BaseException: logger.warning("Failed to retrieve data within background ROI (bg_roi)" "writing NaN") bg_std.append(nan) bg_mean.append(nan) if self.settings.ref_check_mode: ok = False if ok: for pcs_id, pcs in six.iteritems(lines): res = results[pcs_id] n = pcs.normal_vector cds = pcs.get_line_profile(img) cond = cds > min_cd cds = cds[cond] distarr = dists[pcs_id][cond] disterr = dist_errs[pcs_id] if velo_modes["glob"]: try: vglob, vglob_err = pcs.velo_glob, pcs.velo_glob_err except BaseException: vglob, vglob_err = self.velo_glob,\ self.velo_glob_err phi, phi_err = det_emission_rate(cds, vglob, distarr, cd_err, vglob_err, disterr, mmol) if isnan(phi): raise ValueError res["glob"]._start_acq.append(t) res["glob"]._phi.append(phi) res["glob"]._phi_err.append(phi_err) res["glob"]._velo_eff.append(vglob) res["glob"]._velo_eff_err.append(vglob_err) dx, dy = None, None if velo_modes["flow_raw"]: delt = flow.del_t # retrieve diplacement vectors along line dx = pcs.get_line_profile(flow.flow[:, :, 0]) dy = pcs.get_line_profile(flow.flow[:, :, 1]) # detemine array containing effective velocities # through the line using dot product with line normal veff_arr = dot(n, (dx, dy))[cond] * distarr / delt # Calculate mean of effective velocity through l and # uncertainty using 2 sigma confidence of standard # deviation veff_avg = veff_arr.mean() veff_err = veff_avg * \ self.settings.optflow_err_rel_veff phi, phi_err = det_emission_rate(cds, veff_arr, distarr, cd_err, veff_err, disterr, mmol) res["flow_raw"]._start_acq.append(t) res["flow_raw"]._phi.append(phi) res["flow_raw"]._phi_err.append(phi_err) # note that the velocity is likely underestimated due # to low contrast regions (e.g. out of the plume, this # can be accounted for by setting an appropriate CD # minimum threshold in settings, such that the # retrieval is only applied to pixels exceeding a # certain column density) res["flow_raw"]._velo_eff.append(veff_avg) res["flow_raw"]._velo_eff_err.append(veff_err) props = pcs.plume_props verr = None if velo_modes["flow_histo"]: if s.plume_props_available[pcs_id]: idx = k else: # get mask specifying plume pixels mask = lst.get_thresh_mask(min_cd_flow) props.\ get_and_append_from_farneback( flow, line=pcs, pix_mask=mask, dir_multi_gauss=gauss_fit) idx = -1 #"IMGLIST CTIME: %s " # % self.imglist.current_time()) # get effective velocity through the pcs based on # results from histogram analysis (v, verr) = props.get_velocity(idx, distarr.mean(), disterr, pcs.normal_vector, sigma_tol=fl_sigma_tol) #"HISTO VEFF: %.2f m/s" %v) phi, phi_err = det_emission_rate(cds, v, distarr, cd_err, verr, disterr, mmol) res["flow_histo"]._start_acq.append(t) res["flow_histo"]._phi.append(phi) res["flow_histo"]._phi_err.append(phi_err) res["flow_histo"]._velo_eff.append(v) res["flow_histo"]._velo_eff_err.append(verr) if velo_modes["flow_hybrid"]: # get results from local plume properties analysis if not velo_modes["flow_histo"]: if s.plume_props_available[pcs_id]: idx = k else: # get mask specifying plume pixels mask = lst.get_thresh_mask(min_cd_flow) props.\ get_and_append_from_farneback( flow, line=pcs, pix_mask=mask, dir_multi_gauss=gauss_fit) idx = -1 if dx is None: # extract raw diplacement vectors along line dx = pcs.get_line_profile(flow.flow[:, :, 0]) dy = pcs.get_line_profile(flow.flow[:, :, 1]) if verr is None: # get effective velocity through the pcs based on # results from histogram analysis (_, verr) = props.get_velocity(idx, distarr.mean(), disterr, pcs.normal_vector, sigma_tol=fl_sigma_tol) # determine orientation angles and magnitudes along # raw optflow output phis = rad2deg(arctan2(dx, -dy))[cond] mag = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)[cond] # get expectation values of predominant displacement # vector min_len = (props.len_mu[idx] - props.len_sigma[idx]) min_len = max([min_len, fl_min_len]) # ============================================================================== # print "LEN_MU: %.2f" %props.len_mu[idx] # print "LEN_SIGMA: %.2f" %props.len_sigma[idx] # print "MIN LENGTH: %s" %min_len # ============================================================================== dir_min = (props.dir_mu[idx] - fl_sigma_tol * props.dir_sigma[idx]) dir_max = (props.dir_mu[idx] + fl_sigma_tol * props.dir_sigma[idx]) # get bool mask for indices along the pcs bad = ~ (logical_and(phis > dir_min, phis < dir_max) * (mag > min_len)) frac_bad = sum(bad) / float(len(bad)) indices = arange(len(bad))[bad] # now check impact of ill-constraint motion vectors # on ICA ica_fac_ok = sum(cds[~bad] / sum(cds)) vec = props.displacement_vector(idx) flc = flow.replace_trash_vecs(displ_vec=vec, min_len=min_len, dir_low=dir_min, dir_high=dir_max) delt = flow.del_t dx = pcs.get_line_profile(flc.flow[:, :, 0]) dy = pcs.get_line_profile(flc.flow[:, :, 1]) veff_arr = dot(n, (dx, dy))[cond] * distarr / delt # Calculate mean of effective velocity through l and # uncertainty using 2 sigma confidence of standard # deviation veff_avg = veff_arr.mean() fl_err = veff_avg * self.settings.optflow_err_rel_veff #"Assumed intrinsic optflow error veff=%.2f m/s" # % fl_err) # neglect uncertainties in the successfully constraint # flow vectors along the pcs by initiating an zero # array ... veff_err_arr = ones(len(veff_arr)) * fl_err # ... and set the histo errors for the indices of # ill-constraint flow vectors on the pcs (see above) veff_err_arr[indices] = verr phi, phi_err = det_emission_rate(cds, veff_arr, distarr, cd_err, veff_err_arr, disterr, mmol) veff_err_avg = veff_err_arr.mean() # ============================================================================== #"Fraction of bad vectors along %s): %.3f" # % (pcs_id, frac_bad)) #"Kappa: %.3f %%" %(ica_fac_ok)) # ============================================================================== #"Avg. eff. velocity (hybrid) = %.2f +/- %.2f" # %(veff_avg, veff_err_avg)) res["flow_hybrid"]._start_acq.append(t) res["flow_hybrid"]._phi.append(phi) res["flow_hybrid"]._phi_err.append(phi_err) res["flow_hybrid"]._velo_eff.append(veff_avg) res["flow_hybrid"]._velo_eff_err.append(veff_err_avg) res["flow_hybrid"]._frac_optflow_ok.append( 1 - frac_bad) res["flow_hybrid"]._frac_optflow_ok_ica.append( ica_fac_ok) counter += 1 else: logger.warning("Skipped image no. %d" % k) try: if k % pnum == 0:"Progress: %d (%d)" % (k, num)) except: pass lst.goto_next() self.bg_roi_info["mean"] = Series(bg_mean, ts) self.bg_roi_info["std"] = Series(bg_std, ts) if not counter > 0: raise ValueError("Emission rate retrieval failed for all images " "in image list...")"Emission rates could be successfully retrieved for %d of %d" "images in image list" % (counter, (stop_index - start_index))) return self.results
[docs] def add_pcs_line(self, line): """Add one analysis line to this list. :param LineOnImage line: the line object """ self.settings.add_pcs_line(line)
[docs] def plot_pcs_lines(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot all current PCS lines onto current list image.""" # plot current image in list and draw line into it if ax is None: ax = self.imglist.show_current(**kwargs) for line_id, line in six.iteritems(self.pcs_lines): line.plot_line_on_grid(ax=ax, include_normal=True, label=line_id) ax.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) return ax
[docs] def plot_bg_roi_rect(self, ax=None, to_pyrlevel=0): """Plot rectangular area used for background check.""" roi = map_roi(self.settings.bg_roi_abs, to_pyrlevel) x, y, w, h = roi2rect(roi) r = Rectangle(xy=(x, y), width=w, height=h, fc="none", ec="r") ax.add_artist(r) return ax
[docs] def plot_bg_roi_vals(self, ax=None, date_fmt=None, labelsize=None, **kwargs): """Plot emission rate time series. Parameters ---------- ax optional, matplotlib axes object date_fmt : str optional, x label datetime formatting string, passed to :class:`DateFormatter` (e.g. "%H:%M") **kwargs additional keyword args passed to plot function of :class:`Series` object Returns ------- axes ax, matplotlib axes object """ if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = "r" if labelsize is None: labelsize = rcParams["font.size"] s = self.bg_roi_info["mean"] try: s.index = s.index.to_pydatetime() except BaseException: pass err = self.bg_roi_info["std"] lower = s - err upper = s + err exp = exponent(upper.values.max()) s_disp = s * 10**-exp lower_disp = lower * 10**-exp upper_disp = upper * 10**-exp s_disp.plot(ax=ax, label="mean", **kwargs) try: if date_fmt is not None: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_fmt)) except BaseException: pass # ax.yaxis.set_ticks([lower_disp.mean(), 0, upper_disp.mean()]) ax.fill_between(s.index, lower_disp, upper_disp, alpha=0.1, **kwargs) ax.set_ylabel(r"$ROI_{BG}\,[E%d\,cm^{-2}]$" % exp, fontsize=labelsize) ax.grid() return ax
[docs]def det_emission_rate(cds, velo, pix_dists, cds_err=None, velo_err=None, pix_dists_err=None, mmol=MOL_MASS_SO2): """Determine emission rate. :param cds: column density in units cm-2 (float or ndarray) :param velo: effective plume velocity in units of m/s (float or ndarray) Effective means, that it is with respect to the direction of the normal vector of the plume cross section used (e.g. by performing a scalar product of 2D velocity vectors with normal vector of the PCS) :param pix_dists: pixel to pixel distances in units of m (float or ndarray) """ if cds_err is None:"Uncertainty in column densities unspecified, assuming 20 % of " "mean CD") cds_err = mean(cds) * 0.20 if velo_err is None:"Uncertainty in plume velocity unspecified, assuming 20 % of " "mean velocity") velo_err = mean(velo) * 0.20 if pix_dists_err is None:"Uncertainty in pixel distance unspecified, assuming 10 % of " "mean pixel distance") pix_dists_err = mean(pix_dists) * 0.10 C = 100**2 * mmol / N_A phi = sum(cds * velo * pix_dists) * C dphi1 = sum(velo * pix_dists * cds_err)**2 dphi2 = sum(cds * pix_dists * velo_err)**2 dphi3 = sum(cds * velo * pix_dists_err)**2 phi_err = C * sqrt(dphi1 + dphi2 + dphi3) return phi, phi_err
[docs]class EmissionRateResults(EmissionRates): """Old name of :class:`OptflowFarneback`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EmissionRateResults, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) logger.warning("You are using an old name EmissionRateResults for class" "EmissionRates")