Source code for pyplis.dilutioncorr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pyplis is a Python library for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""Pyplis module for image based correction of the signal dilution effect."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
from numpy import asarray, linspace, exp, ones, nan
from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots, rcParams
from collections import OrderedDict as od

from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import six

from pyplis import logger, print_log
from .utils import LineOnImage
from .image import Img
from .optimisation import dilution_corr_fit
from .model_functions import dilutioncorr_model
from .geometry import MeasGeometry
from .helpers import check_roi, isnum
from .imagelists import ImgList
from .exceptions import ImgModifiedError
LABEL_SIZE = rcParams["font.size"] + 2

[docs]class DilutionCorr(object): r"""Class for management of dilution correction. The class provides functionality to retrieve topographic distances from meas geometry, to manage lines in the image used for the retrieval, to perform the actual dilution fit (i.e. retrieval of atmospheric scattering coefficients) and to apply the dilution correction. This class does not store any results related to individual images. Parameters ---------- lines : list optional, list containing :class:`LineOnImage` objects used to retrieve terrain distances for the dilution fit meas_geometry : MeasGeometry optional, measurement geometry (required for terrain distance retrieval) **settings : settings for terrain distance retrieval: - skip_pix: specify pixel step on line for which topo \ intersections are searched - min_slope_angle: minimum slope of topography in order to be \ considered for topo distance retrieval - topo_res_m: interpolation resolution applied to \ :class:`ElevationProfile` objects used to find intersections \ of pixel viewing direction with topography """
[docs] def __init__(self, lines=None, meas_geometry=None, **settings): if lines is None: lines = [] elif isinstance(lines, LineOnImage): lines = [lines] if not isinstance(lines, list): raise TypeError("Invalid input type for parameter lines, need " "LineOnGrid class or a python list containing " "LineOnGrid objects") if not isinstance(meas_geometry, MeasGeometry): meas_geometry = MeasGeometry() self.meas_geometry = meas_geometry self.lines = od() self.settings = {"skip_pix": 5, "min_slope_angle": 5.0, "topo_res_m": 5.0} self._masks_lines = od() self._dists_lines = od() # additional retrieval points that were added manually using # method add_retrieval_point self._add_points = [] self._skip_pix = od() self._geopoints = od() self._geopoints["add_points"] = [] for line in lines: self.lines[line.line_id] = line self.update_settings(**settings)
@property def line_ids(self): """Get IDs of all :class:`LineOnImage` objects for distance retrieval. """ return list(self.lines.keys())
[docs] def update_settings(self, **settings): """Update settings dict for topo distance retrieval.""" for k, v in six.iteritems(settings): if k in self.settings: self.settings[k] = v
[docs] def add_retrieval_line(self, line): """Add one topography retrieval line.""" if not isinstance(line, LineOnImage): raise TypeError("Need LineOnImage object") if line.line_id in self.line_ids: raise KeyError("A line with ID %s is already assigned to Dilution " "correction engine" % line.line_id) self.lines[line.line_id] = line
[docs] def add_retrieval_point(self, pos_x_abs, pos_y_abs, dist=None): """Add a distinct pixel with known distance to image. Parameters ---------- pos_x_abs : int x-pixel position of point in image in absolute coordinate (i.e. pyramid level 0 and not cropped) pos_y_abs : int y-pixel position of point in image in absolute coordinate (i.e. pyramid level 0 and not cropped) dist : :obj:`float`, optional distance to feature in image in m. If None (default), the distance will be estimated """ if not isnum(dist):"Input distance for point unspecified, trying automatic " "access") (dist, derr, p) = self.meas_geometry.get_topo_distance_pix(pos_x_abs, pos_y_abs) self._geopoints["add_points"].append(p) dist *= 1000.0 self._add_points.append((pos_x_abs, pos_y_abs, dist))
[docs] def det_topo_dists_all_lines(self, **settings): """Estimate distances to topo distances to all assigned lines. Parameters ---------- **settings keyword args passed to update search settings (:attr:`settings`) and passed to :func:`get_topo_distances_line` in :class:`MeasGeometry` """ for lid, line in six.iteritems(self.lines): self.det_topo_dists_line(lid, **settings)
[docs] def det_topo_dists_line(self, line_id, **settings): """Estimate distances to pixels on current lines. Retrieves distances to all :class:`LineOnImage` objects in ``self.lines`` using ``self.meas_geometry`` (i.e. camera position and viewing direction). Parameters ---------- line_id : str ID of line **settings : additional key word args used to update search settings (passed to :func:`get_topo_distances_line` in :class:`MeasGeometry`) Returns ------- array retrieved distances """ if line_id not in self.lines.keys(): raise KeyError("No line with ID %s available" % line_id)"Searching topo distances for pixels on line %s" % line_id) self.update_settings(**settings) l = self.lines[line_id] res = self.meas_geometry.get_topo_distances_line(l, **self.settings) dists = res["dists"] * 1000. # convert to m self._geopoints[line_id] = res["geo_points"] self._dists_lines[line_id] = dists self._masks_lines[line_id] = res["ok"] self._skip_pix[line_id] = self.settings["skip_pix"] return dists
[docs] def get_radiances(self, img, line_ids=None): """Get radiances for dilution fit along terrain lines. The data is only extracted along specified input lines. The terrain distance retrieval :func:`det_topo_dists_lines_line` must have been performed for that. Parameters ---------- img : Img vignetting corrected plume image from which the radiances are extracted line_ids : list if desired, the data can also be accessed for specified line ids, which have to be provided in a list. If empty (default), all lines assigned to this class are considered """ if line_ids is None: line_ids = [] if not isinstance(img, Img) or not img.edit_log["vigncorr"]: raise ValueError("Invalid input, need Img class and Img needs to " "be corrected for vignetting") if img.is_cropped or img.is_resized: raise ImgModifiedError("Image must not be cropped or rescaled") if len(line_ids) == 0: line_ids = self.line_ids dists, rads = [], [] for line_id in line_ids: if line_id in self._dists_lines: skip = int(self._skip_pix[line_id]) l = self.lines[line_id] mask = self._masks_lines[line_id] dists.extend(self._dists_lines[line_id][mask]) rads.extend(l.get_line_profile(img)[::skip][mask]) else: print_log.warning("Distances to line %s not available, please apply " "distance retrieval first using class method " "det_topo_dists_line") for x, y, dist in self._add_points: dists.append(dist) rads.append(img.img[y, x]) return asarray(dists), asarray(rads)
[docs] def apply_dilution_fit(self, img, rad_ambient, i0_guess=None, i0_min=0, i0_max=None, ext_guess=1e-4, ext_min=0, ext_max=1e-3, line_ids=None, plot=True, **kwargs): r"""Perform dilution correction fit to retrieve extinction coefficient. Uses :func:`dilution_corr_fit` of :mod:`optimisation` which is a bounded least square fit based on the following model function .. math:: I_{meas}(\lambda) = I_0(\lambda)e^{-\epsilon(\lambda)d} + I_A(\lambda)(1-e^{-\epsilon(\lambda)d}) Parameters ---------- img : Img vignetting corrected image for radiance extraction rad_ambient : float ambient intensity (:math:`I_A` in model) i0_guess : float optional: guess value for initial intensity of topographic features, i.e. the reflected radiation before entering scattering medium (:math:`I_0` in model, if None, then it is set 5% of the ambient intensity ``rad_ambient``) i0_min : float optional: minimum initial intensity of topographic features i0_max : float optional: maximum initial intensity of topographic features ext_guess : float guess value for atm. extinction coefficient (:math:`\epsilon` in model) ext_min : float minimum value for atm. extinction coefficient ext_max : float maximum value for atm. extinction coefficient line_ids : list if desired, the data can also be accessed for specified line ids, which have to be provided in a list. If empty (default), all lines are considered plot : bool if True, the result is plotted **kwargs : additional keyword args passed to plotting function (e.g. to pass an axes object) Returns ------- tuple 4-element tuple containing - retrieved extinction coefficient - retrieved initial intensity - fit result object - axes instance or None (dependent on :param:`plot`) """ if line_ids is None: line_ids = [] dists, rads = self.get_radiances(img, line_ids) fit_res = dilution_corr_fit(rads, dists, rad_ambient, i0_guess, i0_min, i0_max, ext_guess, ext_min, ext_max) i0, ext = fit_res.x ax = None if plot: ax = self.plot_fit_result(dists, rads, rad_ambient, i0, ext, **kwargs) return ext, i0, fit_res, ax
[docs] def get_ext_coeffs_imglist(self, lst, roi_ambient=None, apply_median=5, **kwargs): """Apply dilution fit to all images in an :class:`ImgList`. Parameters ---------- lst : ImgList image list for which the coefficients are supposed to be retrieved roi_ambient : list region of interest used to estimage ambient intensity, if None (default), usd :attr:`scale_rect` of :class:`PlumeBackgroundModel` of the input list apply_median : int if > 0, then a median filter of provided width is applied to the result time series (ext. coeffs and initial intensities) **kwargs : additional keyword args passed to dilution fit method :func:`apply_dilution_fit`. Returns ------- DataFrame pandas data frame containing time series of retrieved extinction coefficients and initial intensities as well as the ambient intensities used, access keys are: - ``coeffs``: retrieved extinction coefficients - ``i0``: retrieved initial intensities - ``ia``: retrieved ambient intensities """ if not isinstance(lst, ImgList): raise ValueError("Invalid input type for param lst, need ImgList") lst.vigncorr_mode = True if not check_roi(roi_ambient): try: roi_ambient = lst.bg_model.scale_rect except BaseException: pass if not check_roi(roi_ambient): raise ValueError("Input parameter roi_ambient is not a valied" "ROI and neither is scale_rect in background " "model of input image list...") cfn = lst.cfn lst.goto_img(0) nof = lst.nof times = lst.acq_times coeffs = [] i0s = [] ias = [] for k in range(nof): img = lst.current_img() try: ia = img.crop(roi_ambient, True).mean() ext, i0, _, _ = self.apply_dilution_fit(img=img, rad_ambient=ia, plot=False, **kwargs) coeffs.append(ext) i0s.append(i0) ias.append(ia) except BaseException: coeffs.append(nan) i0s.append(nan) ias.append(nan) lst.goto_next() lst.goto_img(cfn) if apply_median > 0: coeffs = median_filter(coeffs, apply_median) i0s = median_filter(i0s, apply_median) ias = median_filter(ias, apply_median) return DataFrame(dict(coeffs=coeffs, i0=i0s, ia=ias), index=times)
[docs] def correct_img(self, plume_img, ext, plume_bg_img, plume_dists, plume_pix_mask): """Perform dilution correction for a plume image. Note ----- See :func:`correct_img` for description Returns ------- Img dilution corrected image """ return correct_img(plume_img, ext, plume_bg_img, plume_dists, plume_pix_mask)
[docs] def plot_fit_result(self, dists, rads, rad_ambient, i0, ext, ax=None): """Plot result of dilution fit.""" if ax is None: fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) x = linspace(0, dists.max(), 100) ints = dilutioncorr_model(x, rad_ambient, i0, ext) ax.plot(dists / 1000.0, rads, " x", label="Data") ext_perkm = ext * 1000 lbl_fit = (r"Fit: $I_0$=%.1f DN, $\epsilon$ = %.4f km$^{-1}$" % (i0, ext_perkm)) ax.plot(x / 1000.0, ints, "--c", label=lbl_fit) ax.set_xlabel("Distance [km]", fontsize=LABEL_SIZE) ax.set_ylabel("Radiances [DN]", fontsize=LABEL_SIZE) ax.set_title(r"$I_A$ = %.1f" % rad_ambient, fontsize=LABEL_SIZE + 2) ax.grid() # ax = rotate_ytick_labels(ax, deg=45, va="center") ax.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=13) return ax
[docs] def get_extinction_coeffs_imglist(self, imglist, ambient_roi_abs, darkcorr=True, line_ids=None, **fit_settings): """Retrieve extinction coefficients for all imags in list. .. note:: Alpha version: not yet tested """ if line_ids is None: line_ids = [] imglist.aa_mode = False imglist.tau_mode = False imglist.auto_reload = False imglist.darkcorr_mode = True if imglist.gaussian_blurring and imglist.pyrlevel == 0:"Adding gaussian blurring of 2 for topographic radiance " "retrieval") imglist.gaussian_blurring = 2 if imglist.pyrlevel != list(self.lines.values())[0].pyrlevel: raise ValueError("Mismatch in pyramid level of lines and imglist") if len(line_ids) == 0: line_ids = self.line_ids imglist.vigncorr_mode = True imglist.goto_img(0) imglist.auto_reload = True num = imglist.nof i0s, exts, acq_times = ones(num) * nan, ones(num) * nan, [nan] * num for k in range(num): img = imglist.current_img() rad_ambient = img.crop(ambient_roi_abs, True).mean() ext, i0, _, _ = self.apply_dilution_fit(img, rad_ambient, line_ids=line_ids, plot=False, **fit_settings) acq_times[k] = img.meta["start_acq"] i0s[k] = i0 exts[k] = ext return Series(exts, acq_times), Series(i0s, acq_times)
[docs] def plot_distances_3d(self, draw_cam=1, draw_source=1, draw_plume=0, draw_fov=0, cmap_topo="Oranges", contour_color="#708090", contour_antialiased=True, contour_lw=0.2, axis_off=True, line_ids=None, **kwargs): """Draw 3D map of scene including geopoints of distance retrievals. Parameters ---------- draw_cam : bool insert camera position into map draw_source : bool insert source position into map draw_plume : bool insert plume vector into map draw_fov : bool insert camera FOV (az range) into map cmap_topo : str string specifying colormap for topography surface plot defaults to "Oranges" contour_color : str string specifying color of contour lines colors of topo contour lines (default: "#708090") contour_antialiased : bool apply antialiasing to surface plot of topography, defaults to False contour_lw : width of drawn contour lines, defaults to 0.5, use 0 if you do not want contour lines inserted axis_off : bool if True, then the rendering of axes is excluded line_ids : list if desired, the data can also be accessed for specified line ids, which have to be provided in a list. If empty (default), all topo lines are drawn Returns ------- Map plotted map instance (is of type Basemap) """ if line_ids is None: line_ids = [] map3d = self.meas_geometry.draw_map_3d( draw_cam, draw_source, draw_plume, draw_fov, cmap_topo, contour_color=contour_color, contour_antialiased=contour_antialiased, contour_lw=contour_lw) if len(line_ids) == 0: line_ids = self.line_ids for line_id in self.line_ids: if line_id in self._dists_lines: line = self.lines[line_id] mask = self._masks_lines[line_id] pts = self._geopoints[line_id][mask] map3d.add_geo_points_3d(pts, color=line.color, **kwargs) for pt in self._geopoints["add_points"]: map3d.draw_geo_point_3d(pt, color="r") if axis_off: return map3d
[docs]def correct_img(plume_img, ext, plume_bg_img, plume_dists, plume_pix_mask): """Perform dilution correction for a plume image. Corresponds to Eq. 4 in in `Campion et al., 2015 <http://>`_. Parameters ---------- plume_img : Img vignetting corrected plume image ext : float atmospheric extinction coefficient plume_bg_img : Img vignetting corrected plume background image (can be, for instance, retrieved using :mod:`plumebackground`) plume_dists : :obj:`array`, :obj:`Img`, :obj:`float` plume distance(s) in m. If input is numpy array or :class:`Img` then, it must have the same shape as :param:`plume_img` plume_pix_mask : ndarray mask specifying plume pixels (only those are corrected), can also be type :class:`Img` Returns ------- Img dilution corrected image """ for im in [plume_img, plume_bg_img]: if not isinstance(im, Img) or im.edit_log["vigncorr"] is False: raise ValueError("Plume and background image need to be Img " "objects and vignetting corrected") try: plume_dists = plume_dists.img except BaseException: pass try: plume_pix_mask = plume_pix_mask.img except BaseException: pass dists = plume_pix_mask * plume_dists plume_img.img = ((plume_img.img - plume_bg_img.img * (1 - exp(-ext * dists))) / exp(-ext * dists)) plume_img.edit_log["dilcorr"] = True return plume_img
[docs]def get_topo_dists_lines(lines, geom, img=None, skip_pix=5, topo_res_m=5.0, min_slope_angle=5.0, plot=False, line_color="lime"): if isinstance(lines, LineOnImage): lines = [lines] ax = None map3d = None pts, dists, mask = [], [], [] for line in lines: l = line.to_list() # line coords as list res = geom.get_topo_distances_line(l, skip_pix, topo_res_m, min_slope_angle) pts.extend(res["geo_points"]) dists.extend(res["dists"]) mask.extend(res["ok"]) pts, dists = asarray(pts), asarray(dists) * 1000. if plot: if isinstance(img, Img): ax = h, w = img.img.shape for line in lines: line.plot_line_on_grid(ax=ax, color=line_color, marker="") ax.set_xlim([0, w - 1]) ax.set_ylim([h - 1, 0]) map3d = geom.draw_map_3d(0, 0, 0, 0, cmap_topo="gray") # insert camera position into 3D map map3d.add_geo_points_3d(pts, color=line_color) geom.cam_pos.plot_3d(map=map3d, add_name=True, dz_text=40) return dists, asarray(mask), map3d, ax
[docs]def perform_dilution_correction(plume_img, ext, plume_bg_img, plume_dist_img, plume_pix_mask): dists = plume_pix_mask * plume_dist_img return ((plume_img - plume_bg_img * (1 - exp(-ext * dists))) / exp(-ext * dists))
[docs]def get_extinction_coeff(rads, dists, rad_ambient, plot=True, **kwargs): """Perform dilution correction fit to retrieve extinction coefficient. :param ndarray rads: radiances retrieved for topographic features :param ndarray dists: distances corresponding to ``rads`` :param rad_ambient: ambient sky intensity :param bool plot: if True, the result is plotted :param **kwargs: additional keyword arguments for fit settings (passed to :func:`dilution_corr_fit` of module :mod:`optimisation`) """ fit_res = dilution_corr_fit(rads, dists, rad_ambient, **kwargs) i0, ext = fit_res.x ax = None if plot: x = linspace(0, dists.max(), 100) ints = dilutioncorr_model(x, rad_ambient, i0, ext) fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(dists, rads, " x", label="Data") lbl_fit = r"Fit result: $I_0$=%.1f DN, $\epsilon$ = %.2e" % (i0, ext) ax.plot(x, ints, "--c", label=lbl_fit) ax.set_xlabel("Distance [m]") ax.set_ylabel("Radiances [DN]") ax.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=12) return ext, i0, fit_res, ax